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11 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 16:58:07 ago (+2/-1)

The jews who get their power from abusively accusing and putting people on the defensive put star trek on the air the same year the rockefellers started the club of rome that put a career politician with a corporate CEO to spread paranoia about overpopulation.

They fed numbers into a dating match computer and claimed the big computer told them we'd all die from overpolulation. Coincidentally the same cult belief of theosophy which is coincidentally the exact same thing as jewish kabbalah that worships lucifer and is why they think they can accuse people as if they're Satan the prosecutor in the Bible and get what they want from us.

Pierre Trudeau was one of the first members of the club of rome and it may have been behind that sick georgia guidestones insanity.

The lucis trust at the UN is the luciferians in charge of economic decisions and communication; ie their peer pressure and accusation internet bots.

Star trek was supposed to make you feel warm and fuzzy toward the united nations. Nobody liked the show and nobody watched it, so the jews claimed they were deluged with mail and phone calls demanding it stay on the air.

Star trek, like all jew shows, books and plays is heavy on the idea that people, meaning us not them, are inherently bad and cause misery by existing.

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 19:44:10 ago (+1/-0)

Sounds good, get going. If you need any proofreading or scientific advice, i am there for you.

[ - ] OftenWrong 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 20:22:02 ago (+1/-0)

I tried to run this through https://chat.openai.com/chat but couldn't. I worked it down to this alternative equivalent fancy way of saying the same thing "idea: write a European civic-minded individual star trek, of space explorer European civic-minded individuals that come from a species-specific nest, and its because of European civic-mindedness and the nest that they have all this futuristic technology and space travel"

[ - ] OftenWrong 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 20:29:45 ago (+1/-0)

result . Replace european with white and civic minded with nationalist and species specific with ethnostate
"In the distant future, a group of European civic-minded individuals from a species-specific nest set out on a journey to explore the galaxy. These individuals, who are known for their strong sense of community and commitment to the greater good, are at the forefront of technological advancement and have developed advanced space-faring capabilities.

As they travel from planet to planet, they encounter a variety of alien species and civilizations, each with its own unique culture and challenges. The European explorers are careful to approach each new encounter with an open mind and a willingness to learn from and cooperate with the other species they encounter.

Through their interactions with these other civilizations, the European explorers come to realize the importance of working together for the common good, and they use their advanced technology to help build a brighter future for all.

As they continue their journey, they encounter increasingly difficult challenges, but they never lose sight of their commitment to their principles and their community, and they ultimately emerge as true heroes of the galaxy."

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 18:06:35 ago (+2/-0)

Added twist: the whites are fleeing a decaying and collapsing dystopia, only to return a century or two later with far more advanced technology.

[ - ] Master_Foo 4 points 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 16:50:26 ago (+4/-0)

This movie exists. It's called "Iron Sky".

[ - ] AmalekTheZOG 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 17:46:28 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 18:05:57 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah but doesn't some stupid woman hook up with a nigger in that one?

[ - ] Master_Foo 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 18:30:43 ago (+1/-0)

OP said he wanted Nazis in Space. I gave him Nazis in space.
If he wanted a movie without Niggers, he should have specified.

[ - ] Monica 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 7, 2022 23:15:37 ago (+0/-0)
