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23 comments block

[ - ] lord_nougat 2 points 1.5 yearsNov 30, 2022 14:45:05 ago (+2/-0)

This is why all the BEST wolves have pet cats.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.5 yearsNov 30, 2022 15:38:09 ago (+1/-0)

But are they homo?

[ - ] ReincarnatedGoat 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 30, 2022 15:14:24 ago (+0/-0)

I wonder if ivermectin kills the toxoplasmosis parasites.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 30, 2022 16:05:02 ago (+0/-0)

Its possible.

It kills worms and mites by attacking the nervous system (simple animals have no blood brain barrier, ivermectin is filtered out by the BBB in humans).

But to kill a protozoan with no cns it would probably work differently. Turns out it does on some other protozoans like giardia and cryptosporidia. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8918027/

It also seems to kill off some plasmodia like malaria. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27895022/

We know it works on many viruses and it kills alot of bacteria as well. It shows some promise for MRSA and mycobacterial infections like leprosy, tuberculosis.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 30, 2022 18:13:09 ago (+0/-0)

@postwallhelena our “elites”

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 30, 2022 19:33:38 ago (+0/-0)

You feel that the european nobility is affected by some sort of toxoplasmosis related psychopathy? I dont.

Its because of warlording. Where warlording occurs “psychopathic” males (just males with aggressive traits and a quantity over quality reproductive strategy) spread their aggressive genes like a virus. They out-reproduce (monogamous) farmers and craftsmen for a time by theiving (often called taxes) , increasing the ratio of psychopaths to normal males. Which harms productivity. Which disincentivizes psychopathic warlords. Europe has always sustained a small number of these psychopaths who produce nothing. Warm climates are obviously more favorable to this behavior. Melanin production might well be a factor. Testosterone levels almost certainly are.
Toxo does seem to affect sexual behavior somehow. It probably lowers inhibitions.

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 1, 2022 12:13:30 ago (+0/-0)*

Toxo has been shown to slow response times within the human brain as well. Makes you slow and slutty!

I'm definitely the farmer/crafter type of male. I also only care to deal with one woman under my roof at a time, too much work to keep more than that satisfied!

I have been parasite pilling people just by saying:

"every other mammal under our care gets regular parasite treatments, except humans."

"Many symptoms which accompany parasites are cold symptoms while our body fights the infection."

And my personal favorite -

"I've only been given anti-parisitical treatments once in my life, didn't know I had any in me, let alone that much!"

I want it to sound gross because it is. I got my gross worms out and hopefully they feel more gross for keeping theirs.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 1, 2022 12:55:10 ago (+0/-0)

Makes you slow and slutty
This made me laugh far too much.

Aren’t you the guy who is homesteading on a farm? Maybe you have parasites because of close and prolonged contact with the cattle? You shilling for ivermectin?

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 1, 2022 22:37:58 ago (+0/-0)

I got cleaned out ten years ago. I've been on the homestead for only about three years now.

I've never taken ivermectin, wouldn't be against it if I needed to try it though. I've also had jerseys for less than a year, so they haven't had too much time to infect me yet.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 1, 2022 23:41:50 ago (+0/-0)

Alright, I’m all ears. How’d you get rid of them? Don’t tell me some enemas, because that’s highly homosexual and I will not do it.

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 2, 2022 06:47:23 ago (+0/-0)

I looked up my symptoms and kept harping about parasites to the doctors I went to visit. One finally relented and gave me the pills. I shit them all out my ass like an unholy fury I've never felt before.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 2, 2022 10:05:12 ago (+0/-0)

You know what meds they were? What were your symptoms, and how do you feel since?

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 2, 2022 19:18:15 ago (+0/-0)

It was over ten years ago, I'm sorry I can't tell you the name. Back then I didn't give a single fuck about my health and didn't question doctors because I thought "eh, can't be THAT bad!"

I felt like I had a flu for two weeks, got tested to be sure it wasn't mold spores or some other crazy shit. Then I started going from doctor to doctor saying I want anti parasite drugs since that's something we haven't tried at all.

I took the pills and slurry (some liquified version of the pills) and stayed at their facility until the shits hit.

It felt like normal diarrhea until I looked in the bowl. Doc said don't look in the bowl, so of course I did.

A giant mass of grey tentacles a few inches long, all over the inside of the bowl.

Ho early it was akin to any other expulsion event any other person had gone through.

I shit out many more over the next few days. Felt fine after a week and felt great since.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 2, 2022 23:36:02 ago (+0/-0)

Ah okay no worries dude, but I would have done without you describing your diarrhoea

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 1, 2022 20:45:44 ago (+0/-0)

I have this theory that if we give regular antiparasitics and antivirals prophylactically we might actually prevent some illnesses like homosexuality, schizophrenia, certain cancers, neurodegenrative diseases. @ragnar

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 1, 2022 12:52:51 ago (+0/-0)*

I put elites in air quotes because what we have these days are pseudo elites and Semitics.

E: I do agree with what you said. And toxo has been demonstrated to be evolutionarily disadvantageous for the host but their end goal is to get in a cat. Mice with toxo get too brave and are not scared of cats do they get killed and eaten by cats, effectively delivering the virus into the cats. Considering our ancient ancestral life, it was obviously prudent to be super scared of big cats in the jungle or the desert. But if toxo got in you, the lion or tiger is gonna eat your face lolol.
I have heard of a parasite connection to sodomy or paraphilia, but they are really suppressing any data on it obviously.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 1, 2022 20:53:30 ago (+0/-0)

I have mentioned massaspora on here a few times. Its a fungus that makes males cicadas gay/trans so they can screw with other male cicadas and spread massaspora. If it can happen with bugs it can happen with people— gays arent just gay, they are promiscuous disease spreaders. Something like toxo could be at work.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 1, 2022 23:44:38 ago (+0/-0)

And you know they eat the poo. Fact. So there are so many channels they are getting bugs into them. But if a virus is the cause for homosexuality, what is the source of such a virus? How do we protect our children?
Also, what virus could be causing all the femoids to be sluts and whores these days?