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7 comments block

[ - ] observation1 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 24, 2022 02:02:59 ago (+0/-0)

Mainstream media narrative is he's faking it to avoid a hate crime. He doesn't look that smart.

[ - ] carnold03 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 24, 2022 05:05:59 ago (+0/-0)

MMA dad was probably molesting him for years, either that or he was being pimped out by his mom or groomed by the teachers.

[ - ] KingLeopold2 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 24, 2022 11:13:52 ago (+0/-0)

Parents probably rented him out

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.5 yearsNov 23, 2022 19:26:33 ago (+1/-0)

Both his parents had criminal records. It seems as though he may have some bad dna.

Is he really non binary or is he just playing a game?

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 23, 2022 23:17:09 ago (+0/-0)

non binary is just an invented cover for kikes and their explosively high per capita rate of mental illness, primarily caused by inbred genetics from centuries of inbreeding.

This is what happens with them, it's why they always lose, they engage in self destructive behavior, the "pornstar dad" probably had parents for generations who were trying to create a genetic upgrade through eugenic style marriage couplings, it's why jews are obsessed with the "proper marriages" in israel. His mom or dad is probably the kike and married someone White, and he finally got a larger portion of european DNA then arab/african, so his family actually got to look White for a generation

But once they had achieved a multi - generational long goal it was immediately used to indulge that individuals hedonistic desires, race mix, drugs and degeneracy

The child's phsyical and genetic state is a statement of it's father's lived life and choices, in a single generation it took the work of countless of it's own kind and squandered it by basically undoing all that work, now it's genetic family lineage will be forced to start the cycle all over.

It's why they always lose.

[ - ] uvulectomy 2 points 1.5 yearsNov 23, 2022 15:59:42 ago (+2/-0)

Looks like dad's also an oil-driller.

[ - ] SmokeyMeadow 4 points 1.5 yearsNov 23, 2022 15:20:05 ago (+4/-0)

MMA dad apparently didn't teach him too much about fighting. I hear those faggots in the club kicked the shit out of him. Or, is it a FtM? That would explain why the boomer army vet was able to tackle it to the ground and subdue despite it weighing 300 lbs. No bone density, just a big sack of lard.