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10 comments block

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -2 points 1.5 yearsNov 15, 2022 19:33:32 ago (+1/-3)*

If you think Joe Biden, a middle of the road Democrat who got the support of corporate America over socialist Bernie Sanders, and faux populist Trump, is a Marxist you drank too much boomer Kool-Aid.

He's accurately described as a liberal though. And liberals are worse than Communism. At least some forms of Communism and some Communists. Communism is like Heinz 57. It is facile to speak of it as if Western style Marxism is the same as the DPRK or the Hoxha regime in Albania. These regimes would put these fags in gulags.

[ - ] con77 [op] 4 points 1.5 yearsNov 15, 2022 19:47:24 ago (+4/-0)

this guy thinks biden is in charge

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 1.5 yearsNov 15, 2022 19:49:21 ago (+0/-1)

The Communists, who shall not actually be named or described with any specificity, are, amirite?

You should just stick to blaming Jews for everything. That is slightly less stupid at least.

[ - ] mxcviel 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 15, 2022 20:42:25 ago (+0/-0)

well, people try to describe this commie scam with different names since it first came out, but actually Jews live in this system who knows how long, you can check kibbutzim. Probably they invented it too.

Basics of this totalitarian system is that few on top name themselves elite, Party, or whatever, knowing that they are unable to sustain their system, they always lack any self-confidence. So they need for their scam cheap labor, which are political opponents, and some ideology for getting those. You can change 'worker's rights' for LGBT's rights freely. To dilute any opposition, migrants are always necessary, and those opposing will be marked as racists... that old commie 'brotherhood' is same as BLM.
And bc they are by the rule incompetent, they need snitches and spies on every corner, or now whole internets working as that, to get proper info to even exist.
It's all the same, and lots of useful idiots jump on this commie train. For me, national socialism or fascism, or now this globalism are the same version of soviet communism, they just differ in details, which doesn't matter in big picture.

[ - ] con77 [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 16, 2022 19:17:06 ago (+0/-0)

found the mossad employee

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 16, 2022 21:04:19 ago (+0/-0)

You're the guy that averaged about 60 posts per day on Voat in 2019. You really should avoid fucking with me here.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 15, 2022 19:46:57 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Puller_of_Noses 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 15, 2022 23:08:17 ago (+0/-0)

There already are people in the american gulags. The McMichaels and Bryant, James Fields, Jan 6 protesters, e.g.

[ - ] feminismisculturedeath 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 15, 2022 21:27:54 ago (+0/-0)

Liberalism is communism is feminism is sluttery is judaism is white knighting is cuckoldry

[ - ] Fascinus 2 points 1.5 yearsNov 15, 2022 23:04:04 ago (+2/-0)

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 16, 2022 12:13:54 ago (+0/-0)

Looks at image.

"Four women and one dude in an abandoned building. One of the women is on her knees in front of the guy."

And all I'm asking is "what is this, a traphouse?"