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How to understand fake western news, with one simple example

submitted by Empire_of_the_Mind to whatever 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 00:22:37 ago (+4/-0)     (www.wsj.com)


The Western news ran stories for weeks and months that Russia was buying artillery and whatever from North Korea. This was not true, nor was it even particularly interesting if it were. Regardless, this was repeatedly pushed in multiple waves in the jewish media. Then, we quietly see the following admitted. The US is buying supplies from SOUTH KOREA and doesn't want anyone asking too many questions about what it means (it means they're fucked). They then pre-empt the story by putting the idea of a country buying artillery from "Korea" in this war into the public mind so they don't notice when the real story, that of USA having to buy weapons from South Korea, is released.

All of US reporting works like this. They literally always lie. This story is almost certainly a lie. Did they buy shells from SK? Probably. Did they buy other stuff? Did they use this to cover up a direct cash payment for some other nefarious thing? Certainly.

1 comments block

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 01:24:01 ago (+0/-0)

there is no objective and impartial news in the west, it's as simple as that.