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Do I "schitzo" post about feds downvoting me?

submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 05:24:51 ago (+4/-11)     (OccidentalEnclave)

Re: this attack thread



You know, this stuff is too easy. And putting aside much of the other suspicious stuff that goes on I will briefly give a rundown on stuff I have posted:

- An anthrax manual.

- Various treatises on revolutionary and terror tactics.

- Constant civil war, Siege, and related discussion of violence and terrorism. I was the guy that promoted Atomwaffen on Voat for example. Atomwaffen is a designated terrorist organization in multiple countries.

- Just recently I posted on how to create your own dump-nails-on-highways army in a leaderless resistance environment. I also noted how this method of terror tactics effectively evades government surveillance.

It was right after I posted the last one indeed that this character opened the attack thread. In anon.

So yeah, nothing to see here. If you're stupid, not paying attention, or are paid to pretend to be stupid anyway.

24 comments block

[ - ] Ozark 8 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 06:08:32 ago (+8/-0)

I won't say that there are not bad actors here. I think your problem interacting here stems from your delusion of self-importance.

[ - ] TheViciousMrPim 6 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 06:07:42 ago (+6/-0)

Maybe if you didn't spend half your time here shitting up your own reputation by posting porn(that you know isn't wanted) you'd find less animosity. Behavior some might describe as rather jewish. You behave poorly and then wonder why people talk shit. Cry out in pain Hymie.

Please don't bother replying. I have no intention of having a conversation w you. Disingenuous people aren't worth engaging w.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -6 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 06:27:18 ago (+0/-6)

I'm going to reply. Here. But you don't want to have a conversation with me. Because I will destroy you. With ease.

But fair enough. Move on to doing whatever suits you.

[ - ] FreeinTX 6 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 06:53:01 ago (+6/-0)

But you don't want to have a conversation with me. Because I will destroy you. With ease.

What a fuckin' faggot.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 3 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:24:22 ago (+3/-0)

If I catch some faggot dumping nails on the road, I will beat him to death with a tire iron

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -4 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:28:07 ago (+0/-4)

I dare say it is easier for him to do it than it is to believe you'll be able to do that.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:30:20 ago (+2/-0)

I am a 6'2" carpenter with extreme anger issues

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -4 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:35:11 ago (+0/-4)*

Yeah. But it's more a matter of putting cameras everywhere in elevated locations above the freeway or summat. A security nightmare any way you look at it though. You gonna drive your pickup truck on a bridge walkway or something? I mean, good luck.

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:19:26 ago (+2/-0)

Hey porno joe, which users do you have blocked? Considering you're such a revolutionary and masterful debater.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -2 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:24:57 ago (+1/-3)

None at the moment I don't believe.

Do any of you jerks have anything to say in this thread by the way? With the possible exception of @Ozark your takes even lack much in the way of good faith.

[ - ] FreeinTX 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 06:52:10 ago (+2/-0)

Hey, you left out all the porn you post here, too. A very central part of the coomer Joe meme that you are.

And, I don't anon post if I notice it's an anon op.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -5 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 06:58:40 ago (+0/-5)

Doesn't pass the smell test. Porn is a superficially plausible law enforcement cover story though. And possibly believed by some legit accounts too.

But is this a conversation you really want to have? First, I can tell you it won't go well for you. And a big reason why is because I know the situation a lot better than you do. Well, unless you are a cop of course. But in that case you can't discuss this honestly by the nature of undercover work. So it'll go badly for you then too. To the extent you engage that is.

[ - ] FreeinTX 3 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:18:39 ago (+3/-0)

Attomwaffen is a real threat, right, officer?

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -4 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:22:39 ago (+0/-4)

I dunno. Are we going to have a conversation about Atomwaffen then?

The short answer is yes it is. To the system. But a pretty involved topic you understand!

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -4 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 10:32:52 ago (+0/-4)

Just be on notice: this will likely be a go to thread when some assclown, fed or not, opens a suspiciously highly upvoted thread calling me crazy on this stuff or something related. You're going to lose. I have warned you before. I will call out your bullshit. Tired of this nonsense. And nonsense is the best word to describe this whole treatment of me. It is deliberate nonsense to shit up the zone.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -4 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:48:40 ago (+0/-4)*

I have an idea: instead of endless threads about joOz and Jewish porno why not an in depth discussion about whether my nail army idea is fedproof?

No? Really?

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -4 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 05:30:42 ago (+1/-5)

[ - ] FreeinTX 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 06:53:41 ago (+2/-0)

No thanks, officer.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -5 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 07:09:50 ago (+0/-5)

Basically anyone that counters me is also plentifully upvoted. Not suspicious at all. I mean, by now why do we even have this voting system? If management wants to be seen as running a honeypot this has been one of the leading ways to achieve that. Everyone knows the Reddit style voting system can be manipulated. No transparency either.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 11:42:36 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -2 points 1.6 yearsNov 3, 2022 18:09:39 ago (+0/-2)

Who is "we"? You got a mouse in your pocket? We can't see who votes. The source. The people doing it. If they are people at all. Could be bots.

Voting system has no transparency. Anyone can manipulate it. No legitimacy.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 4, 2022 10:33:02 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 5, 2022 07:07:46 ago (+0/-0)*

You're a moron.

But even if what you say were true - at best you're talking about a mob of tards with a heckler's veto. You're only effective inasmuch as you are annoyingly idiotic as I'm superior to you. And it is plain that some hostility to me is borne of assblasted male angst and an inferiority complex. Some boys really hate getting bested.

Feds though can always be expected to key in on these kinds of preexisting divisions in order to attempt to marginalize terror targets. COINTELPRO never went away. It just got retooled for the information age. And anyone that thinks the voting system can be trusted in this political environment is dumber than dog shit.

On that note - I hope you and your dog eating family die in a home invasion tonight. Chumps marry chinks Canada man.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 5, 2022 10:08:06 ago (+0/-0)
