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16 comments block

[ - ] x0x7 10 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 09:25:19 ago (+11/-1)*

He was also corrupt as hell, a Louisiana mobster, skipped jail and got reelected despite his known corruption likely at the hand of jews.

I'm sorry, you don't be a sleaze ball, a known sleaze ball, and become successful at politics anyway without the hand of Jews. He's a politician isn't he. What does that tell you? Yes, he was opposition to FDR, but what have we already learned about opposition? It doesn't mean shit.

This is like praising Mitt Romney because he was opposition to Obama. If Mitt Romney was killed during or shortly after the campaign turns out you would be worshiping him.

"Oh, but there were other indicators that Romney sucks even before his post election career." Yeah, and there are indicators in this case, namely that he was a mobster. Are you going to let that be relevant? If not you would be praising Mitt Romney right now.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 21:31:44 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 21:44:06 ago (+0/-0)

then why did they assassinate him? clearly they didn't trust him. there's 0% chance they'd kill Mitt, the guy is a total puppet loser.

[ - ] HeyJames 4 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 09:14:41 ago (+4/-0)

He wanted to go after bankers and institute wealth caps. Today he would be called a socialist by (((praegerU))) conservatives

[ - ] Laputois 2 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 20:53:11 ago (+2/-0)

Keep in mind that before Huey Long Louisiana had very few paved roads and few modern bridges. I met a lot of older folks in Louisiana in the 70's and 1980's who remembered and were extremely fond of Huey Long.

[ - ] zongongo 2 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 12:56:57 ago (+2/-0)

And the fact remains, he was killed by a jew.

[ - ] 1234lkjh 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 31, 2022 07:58:05 ago (+0/-0)

And the US won WW2.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 31, 2022 13:28:18 ago (+0/-0)

I'm tired of "winning"

[ - ] DoughGoy 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 22:10:53 ago (+0/-0)

Supposedly, in Baton Rouge, blacks wanted to build a black university next to LSU. Huey Long had a bunch of lakes dug around the area to prevent the black school from being built so closely. They ended up building it several miles outside of town.

Also, he built the Mississippi river bridge in baton rouge very low, so ships would have to stop and unload there instead of bringing all those unloading jobs and ports further north.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 16:09:49 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, better look the guy up. He's not the hero you are being told he is.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 14:29:56 ago (+0/-0)

Weiss looks just like that rogue prosecutor Weissman today.

[ - ] Rowdybme 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 13:48:04 ago (+0/-0)

All I know is the huey p long bridge in New Orleans is scary.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 09:39:55 ago (+1/-1)*

The Kingfish has been rediscovered in recent years by the alt-right. In his day liberals thought him an American fascist. This famous novel was inspired by him:


To libertardians though he's a commie.


[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 14:29:09 ago (+0/-0)

So Sinclair Lewis must have been a Jew.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 16:07:45 ago (+0/-0)

More like a particularly prominent herald of modernity and modernism.