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3 comments block

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 27, 2022 10:56:32 ago (+1/-0)

Weird how cartoons are less restricted than video games there.

[ - ] Grospoliner 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 27, 2022 12:07:29 ago (+1/-0)

Shithead Abe was part of the big push to heavily censor anime and manga over there. The current admin is slowly keeping with that policy.

[ - ] MatthewJuly1313 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 27, 2022 13:19:27 ago (+0/-0)

Abolish video game ratings boards. Abolish ESRB, PEGI, CERO, abolish them all and voat needs to ban people that say no one should play games and that games need to be banned and censored. Us gamer's are sick of putting up with the entire left and entire right that want to fuck us in the asshole like the pedo fags they are. We already said fuck feminists and fuck SJW's for expelling us sane people and politically incorrect people from the party now we're fighting the right wing christ cuck haters who we wanted to take us in and except us after GamerGate in 8 years ago. We thought you right wing christian haters would let us be us after the left went full retard but after Trump won in 2016 and all the mass shootings happened (which are all caused by police and feds arming the shooters and grooming them online on discord) and Trump bashed gamer's and abortion was banned (which it should be) you christ cucks showed your true colors and started turning into Christian Justice Warriors and started attacking everything again like you did during the satanic panic and pushing your fake views on us.

You are now the same assholes as the left and us gamer's have had it with your lies and bull shit. We just want to be left alone to play and make video games with out out side influence from christ feminazidykes, christ cucks, and retards. 8 years is enough. 8 years of Ivy League liberal fascism and now we have to put up with christian fascism for 10 years when replickthugs and Trump win in 2022 and 2024. We just want to have fun but you hate fun just like the other side. The democrats spent the last 8 years eating wet cunt from lesbians and now republicans will spend the next 10 years farting. This is why i vote independent. You won 2016 and 2020 because the fascist left shit all over us and our toys now you're shitting all over us and our toys so if you want to shit all over gamer's prepare to lose alot of elections and voters to the independents. Fuck Jesus Christ and fuck feminists and fuck racial justice and fuck social justice. I just wanted to play video games with out censorship and with lots of whites, violence, sex, and swearing. Take your faggot nigger Ye and your spic Desantis and your spic feminazi dyke police and feds and your children raping priests and your Jews and your censorship and shove it up your prolapsed assholes. And fuck the Trump's, Biden's, Obama's, Bush's, Clinton's, and Carter's they're all dirty fucking niggers who've fucked us over and deserve to be raped by Satan in hell burn in hell you dirty Jew and Saudi owned pedophile fucking niggers. I just want to play my games in peace.