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21 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 13 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 03:20:34 ago (+13/-0)

If you look back at the persusion the media uses to gt them what they want, they've never taken no for an answer.

They'd float a bad thing with a few articles, people would get mad, they'd float it again two years later, a year later and 6 months later. They just made the public get used to it by familiarity.

Their slime isn't sticking so much anymore.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 10 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 04:04:58 ago (+10/-0)

A sort of predictive programming strategy. They use this approach with just about everything they want that they know people will reject if they push it too hard right away.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 3 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 13:35:14 ago (+3/-0)

A sort of predictive programming strategy.

Call it grooming, call it programming, call it brainwashing, call it learning. It's how you program a human mind.

Same shit works for working out, learning languages, or whatever. Repeated exposure over time, slowly increasing timing and/or difficulty/exposure until it becomes a habit/learned thing.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 1 point 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 15:35:13 ago (+1/-0)

I bet you have dogs.

[ - ] ClaytonBigsby313 8 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 06:24:24 ago (+8/-0)

Just like gas prices.

[ - ] totes_magotes 6 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 08:12:20 ago (+6/-0)

they've never taken no for an answer.

Cancelling/closing your account is a pretty fuckin' guaranteed way of telling them "no."

[ - ] Cinj 7 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 10:30:34 ago (+7/-0)

Everything their side does is a test run for a grander scheme they'll unleash later. First it's PayPal fining you for wrongthink, next it will be your bank. All the while setting more precedents ala Alex Jones to sue you for hurting someone's feelings and codifying into law more ways to outright seize your assets or toss you in jail because your opinions scare them and that makes you a terrorist.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 12:07:25 ago (+0/-0)

Well it sets precedent to use against them.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray 11 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 02:52:56 ago (+12/-1)

Companies know the system is crashing and are just straight up robbing people now!

They know they will be bankrupt soon so they don't care.

They know you will be bankrupt too and won't be able to get any justice no matter what.

[ - ] Cinj 4 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 10:33:34 ago (+4/-0)

That's okay. I'll get my justice at the end of a barrel after they've run out of money to pay police and military to protect them.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 9 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 03:18:44 ago (+9/-0)

I never read the old one, but I thought it at least said “misinformation” as an offence?

Looks like they just reworded a bit, because “harm to reputation or brand” is vague enough to easily cover misinfo.

They were probably telling the truth before about it being a mistake, because they probably just published the wrong draft.

[ - ] deleted 5 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 05:39:04 ago (+5/-0)


[ - ] kammmmak 7 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 06:38:53 ago (+7/-0)

Accept their cookies.. Nope, Fuck You pay pal

[ - ] Centaurus 4 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 09:41:30 ago (+4/-0)

You gotta pay, pal.

[ - ] totes_magotes 3 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 08:12:49 ago (+3/-0)

Notice it's only on their app where they can suck all of your data about your phone.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 4 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 05:21:23 ago (+5/-1)


[ - ] con77 3 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 10:16:23 ago (+3/-0)

I for one welcome our corporate overlords. May I have my bowl of bugs now Ma'am?

[ - ] con77 2 points 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 10:15:06 ago (+2/-0)

if they saw my posts this week Id owe them $25K

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1.6 yearsOct 27, 2022 07:07:20 ago (+1/-0)

You don't understand how law works, do you?

[ - ] headfire 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 28, 2022 00:07:11 ago (+0/-0)

Holy fucking christ the grammar is awful. I can tell that no White Man wrote that shit. It reads like the author was a jew.

[ - ] Redhairin 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 28, 2022 03:03:03 ago (+0/-0)

Knowing this, anyone using PayPal that is not taking countermeasures is liken to a dumb bitch, that goes jogging through Central Park in a French Maid uniform at 3am.