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29 comments block

[ - ] deleted 7 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 09:41:19 ago (+7/-0)


[ - ] Luminometer 4 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 11:17:25 ago (+4/-0)

My mother was in the icu last week, now waiting on surgery, blood clots in the heart. My grandfather died days after his first jab.

[ - ] WhiteRonin -1 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 14:52:51 ago (+0/-1)

So, it's properly doing it's job of thinning the Boomers out early.

Good for that, although condolences for your loss.. even if they were lost anyway if they willingly went along with this bullshit.

[ - ] fnbs 6 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 11:59:56 ago (+6/-0)

A buddy of mine took the jab and is now having bouts of seizures, he thinks it was because he had covid and gets pissed if you tell him the real reason

[ - ] UndercoverGoyim 1 point 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 12:07:00 ago (+1/-0)

Deluded goyim will stay deluded

[ - ] Empire_of_the_Mind 4 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 08:53:23 ago (+4/-0)

as soon as it was shown that the spike proteins escape the injection site, this was inevitable. that news came out a year ago and was hushed up immediately.

[ - ] whitemail 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 15:07:54 ago (+0/-0)

The problem isn't spike proteins. It's graphene oxide inside a hydrogel. That shit is like razor blades in your blood stream. When your blood cells get destroyed, they start clotting up.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 22:40:31 ago (+0/-0)

Oh it's the spike proteins.

The mrna converts cells into spike protein factories.

The immune system rightly detects these cells as abnormal and destroy the cells.

Which is tough shit when they are non replaceable heart cells.

[ - ] Barfcock19 3 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 10:29:07 ago (+3/-0)

Take the vax pay the tax.

Let me know when car prices fall.

[ - ] NiggerNiggerZooPals 2 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 09:12:07 ago (+2/-0)

It would be nice if there was a breakdown of which vaccine was received. I have a feeling that the mRNA is a lot worse than viral vector like J&J.

[ - ] Crackinjokes -2 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 09:30:44 ago (+0/-2)

The true answer to life itself is to accept the unknown nature of your own mortality and the fact that you will die and at unknown time whether you've been vaccinated by the Jews or not and certainly not dependent on whatever jewish vaccine you've had. And then decide what to truly dedicate the remainder of your life to. It's the same answer that everybody must come to is in their life but this just makes it real for a lot more people. So stop looking for salvation in a possible difference between Jewish killer vaccines and just accept that your mortality and the length of your life is unknown and you should get serious about what you want to dedicate the rest of your life to.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 09:46:38 ago (+0/-0)

I'm dedicating my life to hookers and blow

Thanks for convincing me to go all in friend!

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 09:54:00 ago (+0/-0)

you just broke my heart

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 09:54:32 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 09:56:30 ago (+0/-0)

which part? the hookers part?

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 10:42:35 ago (+0/-0)

Are you unfamiliar with how human conversations work?

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 10:45:47 ago (+0/-0)

im an optimist.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 10:46:44 ago (+0/-0)

Believe reality

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 10:49:51 ago (+0/-0)

not as fun. kinda boring.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 13:39:51 ago (+0/-0)

Cheating on me again!

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 26, 2022 21:05:10 ago (+0/-0)

aka "i am very delusional"

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 24, 2022 10:53:54 ago (+0/-0)

It's a very noble cause. Enjoy.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 1 point 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 09:22:59 ago (+1/-0)

Study shows that pretty much everyone is getting heart damage from the vaccination.

That's the headline and the truth.

The important thing is to think of what the effect of this is going to be on the population. I imagine it's going to be very much like the effect on someone who's had their first heart attack. You suddenly are scared to exert yourself you fear life you fear doing things. The fear of your own mortality becomes real for the first time in your life and it changes the amount of risk you're willing to take in physical things certainly and I believe probably in general.

It's the not knowing how bad it is or when it might strike that affects people the most. In fact I think it's probably worse than a heart attack that's normal because with a normal heart attack they can go in and clear the clot and do all those things but with the spike protein heart damage kind of thing they don't know how to fix the possible arrhythmias that may come up or the damage to the heart muscle or the unknown nature of how bad it will be and when it will strike next.

So people really need to think about how to motivate a group like that that is going to be fearful and very angry at the same time they're going to be angry at those who lied to them and first they're going to think it's the medical system and if we do a good job of educating now we can point out that the leaders of all these organizations including probably Trump himself or Jews and Jews have crippled and killed them.

Now if there's any success in any of that there's one thing I know and that is a person who thinks they're going to die anyway or suddenly realizes their own mortality in a very visceral and truthful way for the first time in their life suddenly begins to think about what to dedicate the remainder of their life to. And people who think they're going to die anyway become fearsome warriors when properly educated.

So I think the task is to educate them about who is crippled and killed and shorten their lives and those of their loved ones. And the first thing to do is point out that in every conversation never replace the word Jews with the name of a corporation say the Jewish leader of moderna not moderna don't say Pfizer say the Jewish leader of Pfizer don't say the CDC say the Jews that control the CDC. Don't say the FDA say the Jews that dominate the fda. In every single conversation point out the hidden truth behind all of it. The hidden truth behind all of it is that it was Jews who did all this to these people.

I actually think if you do that a lot of the rest will take care of itself.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 13:42:09 ago (+0/-0)

Sensible take. Also maybe theyll have a sale on gym memberships!

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 22, 2022 08:16:33 ago (+0/-0)
