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Used to drink nightly. Haven't had a drink in 10 days and feel great.

submitted by Rebooted to whatever 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 14:15:52 ago (+62/-0)     (whatever)

Stop abusing alcohol. Your body and mood will thank you for it.

I'll be honest though, the last week or so has been rough for me as I adjusted.

84 comments block

[ - ] Hall_of_Cost 15 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 15:27:29 ago (+15/-0)

Haven't drank in over 5 years. Feels good

[ - ] aldecal 15 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 15:09:17 ago (+15/-0)

48 days for me. All it took was a dui the day before I was supposed to start my dream job.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 4 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:19:45 ago (+5/-1)

Oh no! I quit a few years ago and the amount of stupid shit I do has dropped dramatically.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 23:15:19 ago (+0/-0)

I quit a few years ago and the amount of stupid shit I do has dropped dramatically.

Has it?

Moderation of all habits is required.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 00:00:09 ago (+1/-0)

I don’ t choose to moderate useless, unhealthy, addictive behavior that makes jews rich. I choose to eliminate it.

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 01:43:04 ago (+1/-0)

Small family owned and operated distilleries in the Scottish highlands are jewish now, are they?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 11:32:51 ago (+1/-0)

If you think that the scottish are the ones getting wealthy off Seagrams and Dewars, think again. Wall street kikes get rich off the major whiskey brands while the scottish.

But who suffers from alcoholism? Is it jews? https://1library.net/article/eye-color-potential-indicator-alcohol-dependence-risk-european.yn72e21z

And how was the the consumption of distilled booze spread in the 14th and 15th cent? Through the catholic church, your favorite guys. They made money off it.

Distilled alcohol is highly addictive and its addictive quality was what drove the kike controlled slave and cane industries within the colonial empires of europe. Why were kikes shipping blacks to america? To farm cane for rum. Who did they sell the rum to? Whites. Hell they got the whites to sail their ships for rum.

Alcohol is enslaving and jews and other predatory whites use booze to get rich off of their white working class slaves. Theres no value added with alcoholism. But its the perfect tool for enslavement. People just give you their wealth in exchange for keeping saccromyces warm and fed. Historically people drank very weak wine and beer, maybe 3-5% AC. Beer and wine are now much stronger because of the breeding of saccromycces strains. And distilled booze is a relatively new drug that our populations were not exposed to until 700 yrs ago.

Efficient people build nice countries. A country is an economic problem, a math problem. Whites have high efficiency and niggers dont. Jews and other opportunists exploit white productivity. Stop falling into their traps. You still think societies are build on fairy dust or something, and your jew juice is traditional and romantic. Its fucking math!

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 11:41:30 ago (+0/-0)

If you think that the scottish are the ones getting wealthy off Seagrams and Dewars

Are Seagrams and Dewars family-owned distilleries? You are a cheap drunk drinking that nasty bacardi owned swill Helena.

The jews didnt invent alcohol, and only potato niggers have alcohol dependence issues.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 12:21:20 ago (+0/-0)

Actually I hardly ever drank anything but mid-priced beer and wine.

only potato niggers have alcohol dependence issues.

No alcoholism in finland or denmark or russia? Huh.

Alcoholism is worse throughout northern europe than southern europe and its even lower in the middle east. Did you look at my link? Its low in niggers. And pretty much everyone else but teepee niggers.

Dubh-ghlas, if that’s you name, you are a potato nigger. Or you’re named after one. What do you think the Scots were?

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 12:29:57 ago (+0/-0)

Actually I hardly ever drank anything but mid-priced beer and wine.

BS, you made a post only today admitting you were a recovering alcoholic that has been on the band wagon for 10+ years.

Dubh-ghlas, if that’s you name, you are a potato nigger.

No its not my name, its a handle after an infamous shockjock that used to trash talk trannys, niggers and faggots. Only women use their real names in their usernames.

Also Douglas is Scottish not potato.

But here you are going off on a tangent again as per usual, you still haven't answered if you think Scottish family owned Scotch Whisky distillers are jewish, as was your assertion.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 15:18:44 ago (+0/-0)

We seem to have differing views on what constitutes alcoholism.

Oh I kept it “under control”. I stopped hard alcohol in my early twenties. I told myself if I stuck to beer an wine I wouldnt become an alky. Most of the time I limited myself to drinking once a week. At my worst, 2 or 3 times a week. I drank to get drunk, to deal with stress. Didnt let it interfere with obligations. I didnt think of myself as an alcoholic, maybe borderline “heavy drinker”. Never drank more than a six pack or a bottle of wine at a time. Didnt drink in the day.

Guess what? That’s an alcoholic. You don’t want to think that because it sounds too much like you, Im guessin.

Dubh-glas is a gaelic name, used by the Scotti, who invaded and conquered Scotland aka Pictland, immigrating in large numbers and spreading their language. It means the same thing in Ireland because they speak the same language.

But here you are going off on a tangent again as per usual, you still haven't answered if you think Scottish family owned Scotch Whisky distillers are jewish, as was your assertion.

I think its rare for an operation not to be benefiting some jew investor, but its a jewish strategy— its pure exploitation and you are avoiding my point about what makes a prosperous efficient country, and it ain’t whiskey and fairy dust. Useful men are thrown away because people like you refuse to see what it is that makes us better than jews or blacks, and that we can get away with acting jewish or black with “moderation.”

Its a destructive pleasure seeking behavior (it destroys white families!); it’s addictive and exploiting addiction for profit is jewish. It’s degenerate. If you sell booze to white alcoholics you hate whites, period.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 07:39:27 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Feelsgood 14 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 14:26:12 ago (+14/-0)*

Clear skin, bright eyes, better memory, more money.

My last drink was April 11th, 2022. I will not drink with you today.


[ - ] deleted 6 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 14:46:37 ago (+6/-0)


[ - ] Rebooted [op] 3 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 14:50:11 ago (+3/-0)

Awesome to hear.

It really is amazing how much cleaner I feel.

[ - ] NeonGreen 3 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:36:15 ago (+3/-0)

December 25th, 2021

[ - ] Rebooted [op] 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 14:49:23 ago (+2/-0)

Hell yea.

[ - ] deleted 13 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 14:45:29 ago (+13/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:12:28 ago (+4/-1)*

Your liver thanks you!

[ - ] texasblood 11 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 16:19:42 ago (+11/-0)

I dont drink anymore.
Dont drink any less either.

[ - ] Ozark 9 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 14:34:37 ago (+9/-0)

Don't tell me what to do.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 9 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 14:38:06 ago (+9/-0)

I'll drink to that.

[ - ] Metanoid 8 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 15:30:58 ago (+8/-0)

Can confirm, stopped heavy drinking about 10 years ago. It makes a huge difference in the way you feel.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 6 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:32:14 ago (+6/-0)

So glad so many goats are going straight! I quit a few years ago and I don’t miss it at all. Once the physical addiction is broken you stop craving it. It feels good not to drink. It sounds corny but I sometimes catch myself enjoying not being a drunk. My life has more pleasure and less pain. I never wake up feeling like shit. I wish I had quit 20 years ago.

[ - ] Not_C 5 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 20:15:23 ago (+5/-0)

Firewater is for the spics and Injuns.

White men spend their time improving themselves.

Keep it up, we need you at your best.

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 5 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 17:12:46 ago (+6/-1)

Alcohol. A most fashionable poison. A bottle of alcohol is sewage.

The yeast will thoroughly enjoy what you feed it, and they'll do their version of urination and defecation... they release gases and produce alcohol. Ever wondered why alcohol is such an excellent disinfectant? It's because alcohol is their poop. Imagine being drowned in sewage (alcohol) while having a violent and bloody fight with someone (immune system).

It's my understanding that jews are often purveyors of alcohol. Go figure. They love scat and selling vices to gentiles.

Lastly, the hops used for beer-making produces lots of estrogen in the body. There are other ways to make beer, but beer from hops will cause excessive amounts of estrogen.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 4 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:25:56 ago (+4/-0)


One day I realized that I was a slave to saccromyces cervisiae and some jewish booze tycoon. And I just said fuck it. Alcohol is slavery. And it makes you fat.

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:35:31 ago (+1/-0)

Never having liked alcohol, I really didn't care one way or another about other people's habits. But it always intrigued me how some people actually enjoy the taste of alcohol. I understand (not experientially) that it's a way to cope with pain, whether physical or emotional, etc. But I still never understood it.

I only firmly came to this realization about alcohol in the last two or three years, but even prior to that I would think about it on and off. It still baffles me how someone acquires a taste for alcohol, and I'm okay with not knowing.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 4 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:46:05 ago (+4/-0)

It tastes good when you are addicted to it. Same with cigarettes. They both tasted like crap before I was addicted to them . But there is a positive response that conditions you to ienjoy the taste/smell. Its been decades since I smoked and cigarettes smell like ass to me now. I don’t know how booze will taste to me since I only quit like 3 years ago. But I assume it wont taste the same. Quitting caffeine now and I think the effect will be similar. No one likes coffee the first time they try it.

[ - ] SecretHitler 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 02:44:13 ago (+2/-0)

I like the taste of it, and I drink very little. I don't ever drink to get drunk, but it's a good look to know your way around the social aspects of drinking, assuming you can moderate yourself well or like you and I you're just not that into being drunk.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 11:39:51 ago (+1/-0)

I believe that as little as one drink a year could be enough for your brain to form a positive association with the taste because of its activity on your dopamine system.

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 22, 2022 03:01:09 ago (+0/-0)

I'm sure that's part of it.

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 07:27:25 ago (+0/-0)

I've attempted to understand the social aspects of drinking, and the biggest hindrance is a massive lack of interest. I can tell the difference between a sweet and a dry champaign and I know that whipped cream flavored vodka tastes exactly like whipped cream (but less enjoyable because there's vodka), and I can recognize a few names but I couldn't tell you the first thing about their characteristics. The world of alcohol fascinates me, from an outside perspective.

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 22, 2022 02:58:06 ago (+0/-0)

The social aspects mostly boil down to shared rituals (like a toast, or taking a shot, or buying someone a drink, etc) and then another side of the social part is what your choice of drink says about you. Like how the guy wearing a nice watch and holding an old fashioned is different from the college girl who just put back her second adios motherfucker. You probably wouldn't see the first guy that you pictured in your head drinking that second drink.

And there's a whole element similar to trying interesting foods at nice restaurants where the food itself can be a conversation topic.

Being well versed in that stuff can imply that someone has a good social life too, because being social is typically how you get experience with alcohol.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 16:01:07 ago (+0/-0)

Alcohol promotes relaxation, but is a poor pain reliever. It's odd that most comments in here are criticizing alcohol, until you notice most are confessing to having been drunks.

[ - ] Ragnar 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:22:40 ago (+3/-1)

Fuck off, muzzie

[ - ] Bing 4 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 21:26:39 ago (+4/-0)

Hmmm, still working on this one myself.

[ - ] Feelsgood 3 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 22:45:03 ago (+3/-0)

Keep working at it. We are here with you.

[ - ] Burnthejuice 4 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 21:00:00 ago (+4/-0)

50 days here. Drank nightly for 4 or so years. Fuck that shit, such a waste of life.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 4 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:19:44 ago (+4/-0)

Use to not drink, been drinking straight for the past 10 days, FEEL GREAT.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 00:07:33 ago (+1/-0)

After a few decades of drinking I couldnt feel pleasure from it anymore. I drank because I craved alcohol. I felt relief from drinking. But I didnt enjoy it. Booze sucks.

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 02:45:14 ago (+0/-0)

Just you wait...

[ - ] Phoenix_Right 3 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 21:55:06 ago (+3/-0)

I have had several drinks tonight. I want to stop. I don't know how.

Every time it feels like I'm free, there's an impulse to drink yet again. And again. And over and over again.

I admire you and pray that you continue to be strong.

I hope that soon, I can find your strength.

[ - ] Sector7 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 22:59:56 ago (+1/-0)

1. Don't buy it, and your impulse will be fruitless.

2. Go ahead and buy it, but also buy a taser to blast your nuts every time you take a sip.

Both of these techniques have a good chance of working.

[ - ] Rebooted [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 23:46:07 ago (+1/-0)

Switching to a substitute may help. I've heard from others, and experienced it myself, that you crave sugar when quitting. Try fruit snacks or something else. Also, just have less drinks to start out. Pump the breaks and let yourself slow down before stopping.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 12:02:27 ago (+1/-0)

It took a long time for me to quit. I wanted to quit. I even tried a couple times. When I finally did it seemed easy. I can’t tell you why. I guess I’d just changed my thinking about it as I have changed my whole moral outlook in the last few years since embracing my white identity.

The overwhelming feeling I got from quitting booze was like freedom from a form of slavery. After a few weeks I just did not need it anymore. It was a relief. I dont feel like Im “missing the fun”. I used it to deal with my social awkwardness but now Ive got zero fucks to give about that sort of thing. I have purpose.

The belief that you can’t live without booze is an illusion created by booze.

Post here if you need encouragement because as you can see, alot of us have quit and we want you to succeed. You can PM me too. Don’t waste another year.

Being booze-free is enjoyable! o/

[ - ] IMMUNEOFCOOF 3 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 19:50:48 ago (+3/-0)

Im a daily 8, 5.5 beer drinker, how did you do it? I'm 45 and not drinking, is not half as much fun as boring a life i do on a PC with the internet .I Try to get outside but i hate people in general. It gets better with age. You just don't want to hang around with ppl anymore the older you get.

[ - ] Rebooted [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 23:25:01 ago (+1/-0)

I had known for about a year I had a problem but didn't really admit it to myself. I was 4-8 beers or liquor drinks a night, or a dozen
or more if I got blackout drunk. I tried pumping the breaks a few times but kept going back. I always knew it would be a process and was honest it would take a while to get off it.

To more clearly answer your question: I started skipping drinking one day a week, then two.
I did this for a few weeks. Sometimes I wouldn't be strong enough to not drink a day a week but I then kept myself to one drink. I then just decided to go for a work week without drinking (Mon-Fri). I tried not to think about drinking at all and had flavored tonic water if I wanted something fun. I reminded myself how good I felt those sober days and that I was actually having fun doing my hobbies without drinking too. I also made sure I went to bed earlier so I wouldn't be up with nothing to do. So, I had taken 6 days off and then I stupidly went to an Octoberfest celebration on a Friday where I got blackout drunk and did something really stupid. That, combined with the previous week where I actually started to feel rested and good, was what pushed me hard away from drinking again.

I know it will be a long process and no matter what happens I WANT to keep getting better. I know I feel better after only 10 days and I am excited to see how I feel in a few months.

[ - ] Sector7 -1 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 16:13:08 ago (+0/-1)

Why not just drink a moderate amount? Seems like almost everyone replying here was overindulging to a ridiculous degree. I drink alcohol, and had a couple beers just last week, I think. Sometimes order a bottle of whisky or gin, but my opinion is that excess consumption of anything is harmful. Remember that retarded radio contestant who died from drinking too much water?

And then, how many congratulating themselves on no alcohol anymore are still consuming sugar, watching television, addicted to caffeine, paying taxes, and/or are complicit with modern society?

[ - ] Rebooted [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 19:16:26 ago (+1/-0)

I think you hit on the issue-those of us talking about drinking have self-destructive or addictive issues we're trying to overcome. We accept this and are working to improve ourselves.

[ - ] PostWallHelena -1 points 1.5 yearsOct 22, 2022 11:01:23 ago (+0/-1)

Don’t listen to sector7 there. Its terrible advice.

Like just be moderate man.

As if we never tried that! This is not about will power, it’s about genetics. If it was about self control then all niggers would be alcoholics. Instead we see the reverse, low alcoholism in blacks.

Outside of indians, alcoholism is heaviest in light skinned light eye colored whites. And whites with light eye color were almost 2x as likely to be alcoholic as whites with dark eye color. https://1library.net/article/eye-color-potential-indicator-alcohol-dependence-risk-european.yn72e21z
In fact they found that alcoholism could be curbed in alcoholic rodents treated with melanotan, a drug that promotes melanin production. https://www.tantrahealthandbeauty.com/can-melanotan-ii-keep-you-from-drinking-alcohol/

That’s because the melanocortin system controls a whole bunch of hormones related to sex and hunger and aggression and melanin is chemically related to several neurotransmitters and has a neurological function.

This is really not a will power issue. Everyone can potentially become addicted to alcohol but some people are genetically far more vulnerable. Accept that you are such a person. Do not take the advice of someone who has no idea what its like to drink with your genome.

And this..
And then, how many congratulating themselves on no alcohol anymore are still consuming sugar, watching television, addicted to caffeine, paying taxes, and/or are complicit with modern society?

...what’s his point? That you shouldnt quit booze because you still drink coffee? Illogical.

I am in the process of quitting coffee by the way, but regardless of the outcome I will still congratulate the fuck out of myself for quitting booze, and Im now better off than the moderate drinkers who cope instead of facing that their lives are negatively impacted by alcohol.

Drinkers want you to drink because it makes them feel good. But youve already decided it makes you feel like shit and fucks up your life. Life is perfectly enjoyable without it and its not like loosing a leg or going blind. Life was meant to be experienced sober.

[ - ] Rebooted [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 28, 2022 11:57:54 ago (+0/-0)

I hadn't heard of the racial predispositions towards alcoholism. Thanks, I'll look more into this.

I appreciate your comments. Life is better sober. I doubt I'll give up coffee completely, though. I often go days without it but I like it in my morning work routine. Food for thought, though.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 28, 2022 17:05:40 ago (+0/-0)

I just re-prioritized my life alot when I got race pilled. I decided I didnt want to be such a “consoomer” and the caffeine is part of that. But I really am a caffeine junkie. Im down to 2 or 3 decaf coffees a day but I would like to completely eliminate it. I am sleeping alot better. But you should prioritize your own “demons” to tackle. I just think that some of the advice, like Sector7’s, was dumb. “Just drink moderately” is gay because Im sure you already tried that, and it lead you to alcoholism. Know yourself. Good luck and good work.

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 3 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 19:37:30 ago (+3/-0)

Grats dawg. I gave up alcohol years ago but I'll sometimes still have a shot or wine on holidays.

[ - ] 9000timesempty 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 05:55:54 ago (+2/-0)

Sweet. 15 days no alcohol so far for me.

[ - ] MrDarkWater 3 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 15:51:36 ago (+4/-1)

Well keep it up.

I just finish the night with NAC, then I'm good to go in the morning. Doesn't fix the carbs and the money thing though

[ - ] Native 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 17:56:03 ago (+2/-0)

NAC is the secret to prevent a hangover. Like OP I’ve been cutting my drinking down to once a week and just a large bottle of wine.

Huge progress, used to be able to down two bottles of vodka on a three day weekend.

[ - ] Ragnar 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:26:15 ago (+2/-0)

You should be careful with nac. Though an antioxidant (as a component of glutathione), it can actually be a pro-oxidant at a certain level. You have to take 2-3 times vitamin C to protect you from the potential oxidation. There’s also another problem with it that I cannot remember right now.

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:28:56 ago (+1/-0)

Interesting piece about NAC. I have certain family members who do their fair share of drinking, and they use activated charcoal to avoid hangovers. The thing with activated charcoal is that it can dehydrate you... as can alcohol, so hydration is important afterward.

[ - ] 2017Fallout 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 15:53:34 ago (+0/-0)

How much and how do they take it?

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 21:16:21 ago (+1/-0)

They take capsules, but I don't know how many servings in what kind of time frame.


I can find out if you'd really like to know. Here's a piece about activated charcoal and several of its uses:


[ - ] 2017Fallout 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 22, 2022 03:22:26 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks - ill do some reading

[ - ] 2017Fallout 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 22, 2022 03:32:01 ago (+0/-0)

Informative article. Thanks

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 22:33:41 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] LowIQisGenetic 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 21:22:26 ago (+2/-0)

I don’t understand being addicted alcohol but I’m addicted to nicotine gum and I never smoked!

[ - ] GLOMAN4ALLIES 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 20:28:56 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Cantaloupe 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 16:37:02 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 00:02:29 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 18:19:48 ago (+1/-0)

What were you drinking?

[ - ] Rebooted [op] 3 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 23:28:39 ago (+3/-0)

Beer, wine, whiskey, odd gin or rum concoctions if I didn't have what I wanted on hand. Really it was just any alcohol. I liked beer the best but it was all about getting alcohol in me.

[ - ] Ragnar 2 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 23:51:13 ago (+2/-0)

Beer is a problem because of the hops being estrogenic and a lot of sugar. Hard alcohol is not good too since it can damage liver and increase the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Wine, on the other hand, is actually fine if you stick to a glass or two. But if you keep drinking once started, it’s probably best to avoid it altogether.
I commend you for taking care of yourself. Keep at it, don’t let the eggnog lure you in with the rum.

[ - ] Conspirologist 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 15:23:45 ago (+1/-0)

I don't give a fuck if we are going to die soon.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 19, 2022 15:47:16 ago (+0/-0)

Intake of liquids is necessary, yet everyone is saying they haven't had a drink for ludicrous amounts of time. If you're saying you "haven't drank" for more than three days, you're on an IV drip under medical treatment, or your claim is false.

Drink: take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow.

If you haven't consumed alcohol, that's an entirely different claim. Here's my claim on the matter.

I haven't drunk alcohol in over a week, but I'm drinking as I type this.

[ - ] SecretHitler 1 point 1.5 yearsOct 22, 2022 02:44:16 ago (+1/-0)

Not necessarily. We all know there's a few lizard people here too and if they don't have to chew maybe they don't have to drink either?

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.5 yearsOct 22, 2022 04:21:09 ago (+0/-0)

Hadn't considered the lizard people. You may have a point there. We should keep an eye on dizardlicks.

[ - ] NoFucksAnymore -1 points 1.5 yearsOct 18, 2022 21:03:16 ago (+1/-2)

sweet blog post yo!

I mowed my lawn today, i felt super kewl too! check out my insti! I posted pics even!!!!!

xoxoxox love