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Idea for scooby doo spinoff

submitted by thoughtcryme to whatever 1.9 yearsOct 11, 2022 13:15:00 ago (+22/-1)     (i.imgflip.com)


7 comments block

[ - ] thoughtcryme [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsOct 14, 2022 14:55:37 ago (+0/-0)*

Hey @osomperne mod of 'TalkPropagatesTheEnemysMessage'

Fuck you faggot, talk shit about me and then delete my replies and ban to prevent me from tearing you a new asshole.

^ You are a fucking jew and a pussy coward.^

This message was automatically generated to inform you that your comment with id '63469c25e736e' posted in topic 6345cddf8f83c was removed from TalkPropagatesTheEnemysMessage by user osomperne

You wont stop me talking, faggot.

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 2 points 1.9 yearsOct 11, 2022 21:03:16 ago (+2/-0)

I would be hard pressed to find a better caption. Bravo!

[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 2 points 1.9 yearsOct 12, 2022 01:37:58 ago (+2/-0)

I'll take two tickets please. It will be my first time in a theatre in about 10 years, can I get a commemorative T-shirt?

[ - ] zongongo 3 points 1.9 yearsOct 11, 2022 14:02:50 ago (+3/-0)

Sold !!

[ - ] x0x7 4 points 1.9 yearsOct 11, 2022 21:49:00 ago (+4/-0)

Town Sheriff: "Thank you gang for showing us who the masked villain was drawing swastikas everywhere. We would have never suspected it was our local jew without your masterful detective work."

Gang: We told you within two minutes of meeting you, then you made us trounce around in the dark for no reason whatsoever.

Sheriff: "Well now why don't you help us figure out who robbed every shop on main street."

Gang: Niggers

Sheriff: "Well why don't you investigate and find out."

Gang: Fine.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 5 points 1.9 yearsOct 11, 2022 18:58:40 ago (+5/-0)

Zoinks, it's the zionists!

[ - ] AtomicForeskin 6 points 1.9 yearsOct 11, 2022 18:31:45 ago (+6/-0)

Shaggy cuts back on his weed consumption and hits the gym. After calling Velma a degenerate kike and the old gang a bunch of fags he sets out to preach the jq.