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People think they are basically OK.

submitted by Scruffy_Nerfherder to Christianity 1.6 yearsOct 7, 2022 17:57:00 ago (+3/-3)     (Christianity)

I don't post much here, I hope you don't mind if I share a few thoughts. Atheists like to drive by and take pot shots at what they think Christianity is with out bothering to ever truly understand what it actually says. For full disclosure I am an ex-protestant turned Catholic, I think that will reflect in my definition.

Most people think they are basically good people that get one or two things wrong in life. It should all wash out in the end, and most people go to heaven unless they are racist. That is the only unpardonable sin.

Most Christians think they are basically good people who get one or two things wrong, but they have Jesus as a backup unless they get a little too carried away.

So, the reason Atheists cannot understand Christianity is because they don't understand sin.

This is how bad sin is.

Sin is so bad that God had to die and we have to eat him to be saved. THAT is what Catholicism teaches. Every word of that is very literal. That is Christianity in a nutshell.

If you do not follow this, you are bound to hell. (There is some nuance for this. Many Protestant sects only commune once a year and only see it as a symbol so they don't stress it's importance. You aren't held accountable for what you can't know.)

Again, Sin is so bad - God had to die, and you have to eat him.

Understand this and then you understand Christianity. If you don't understand this, then you really need to. You are not basically a good person, you (as are we all) are evil, Jesus says as much and rather plainly. Not comically evil, evil evil.

If you are going to take potshots and Christianity, at least take pot shots at what it really is. This Strawman stuff is pathetic. Better yet understanding the above definition, even if you don't become Christian will go a long way to making you a better person. At least you could show a little respect for someone that chooses to live a celibate life or works hard to stay away from the evils you think are benign.

As I said, that is the Catholic take on Christianity, but I have found it to be the most complete and true.

71 comments block

Reincarnation is for Hindus. We don't do that. You live once - die in the womb? Too bad it's over.