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UK Column News - 30th September 2022, with Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley.

submitted by doginventer to news 1.7 yearsSep 30, 2022 16:21:56 ago (+0/-0)     (www.ukcolumn.org)


UK Column News - 30th September 2022, with Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley.

00.30 - Donetsk and Luhansk People's Referendum


Liz Truss Tweet: - https://bit.ly/3E478Gn

Leo Docherty Statement: - https://bit.ly/3dTYXSa

Latest Sanctions: - https://bit.ly/3rgLaIF

James Cleverly Statement: - https://bit.ly/3SPKdTn

IMI List: - https://bit.ly/3UQMBLl

MEP Letter To EU Commission: - https://bit.ly/3fxH9g2

Vanessa Beeley Article: - https://bit.ly/3LULru6

Grayzone Article: - https://bit.ly/3dTDc4X

Myrotvorets Website: https://archive.ph/Insgp

25:28 - Nord Stream Pipeline Bombing


Josep Borrel Statement: - https://reut.rs/3UPzJ89

Trump Statement: - https://bit.ly/3RrrJY3

NYP Article: - https://bit.ly/3ri5QQz

Lloyd Austin Statement: - https://bit.ly/3dSgdrd

Radik Sikorski Tweet: - https://bit.ly/3LXqE9b

WP Article: - https://bit.ly/3SLSkjH

TS Article: - https://bit.ly/3SPMA8J

Spiegel Article: - https://bit.ly/3SyhiDG

RT Article: - https://bit.ly/3BZvD4F

RT Article 01: - https://bit.ly/3dQkKdL

RT Article 02: - https://bit.ly/3CmGE1m

RFE Article: - https://bit.ly/3LTWVOy

Euronews Article: - https://bit.ly/3fxRiJV

AP Article: - https://bit.ly/3Ck2wur

21CW Artice: - https://bit.ly/3fzeY0w

44:32 - UK Government Maintains The Pressure


Fergus Eckersley Statement: - https://bit.ly/3SpCs6Q

Free Assange Human Chain: - https://bit.ly/3LWYACT

48:49 - European Parliament Hearing on Alleged Disinformation


EU Hearing: - https://bit.ly/3rliBcR

Vanessa Beeley Article: - https://bit.ly/3dWGHI2

57:25 - PayPal Backs Down


Spectator Article: - https://bit.ly/3UVtWOG

01:00:19 - Jacinda Ardern's Creepy UN Speech


JA UN GA Speech: - https://bit.ly/3EayHxE

01:04:36 - Westerm Mainstream Media Disinformation -


Mail Article: - https://bit.ly/3rlV7EC

01:06:37 - The Perfect Media Storm

01:13:19 - All Cause Mortality


ONS Statistics: - https://bit.ly/3fqkp1v

Eric Feigle-Ding Tweet: - https://bit.ly/3fxwIcA

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