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Definition of pseudoscience

submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 01:23:10 ago (+5/-0)     (i.redd.it)


3 comments block

[ - ] Glowbright 1 point 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 10:29:55 ago (+1/-0)

In clown world #10 and #11 no longer apply. In fact #10 never applied. Publishing publicly is the ultimate form of peer review. Experts are often gatekeepers unqualified for the position. If establishment experts disagree with you they will attempt to discredit even if the science is good and if they already agree with you they your science was not 'cutting edge' or 'groundbreaking' in the first place.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 1 point 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 06:52:50 ago (+1/-0)

Real science gets mistaken for pseudoscience often.

1. Everything can be disproven, if you're smart enough to validate your testing results. Science starts as hypothesis, then trying to prove it, or give strong evidence.

2. New fields of study are anecdotal evidence. If you have a unique situation, like building a prototype, you don't have a lot of previous knowledge to go on.

3. Again, part of the scientific process. If you've ever developed a model of something, CFD, FEA, combustion, your simulation often won't conform to experiment, and you have to cherry pick which aspects of your model to refine. Often this is pure trial and error.

4. This I agree with, you want to speak in clear terms that can be understood by niggers. However if you speak to other scientists in your field, jargon is acceptable because the science bitch in question should already be up to speed.

5.There are phenomena that can be explained by different concepts. Lift for instance, has many different mechanisms working at any given time. Focusing on one misses the complexity of lift.

6. Consistency is important, if your concepts work at different scales, in different circumstances, can explain various phenomena, then you have a good method of approximation. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

7. I could slap all sorts of evidence on your forehead, but if your ego gets wounded when someone shows you something you didn't know, and you lash out to protect it, whose fault is that? It takes two to tango.

8. If I tell you, do x and y happens, I've seen it over and over again. Then you go nuh uh, then you do x and get y, who is the idiot?

9.Even scientists make mistakes, often absent minded ones.

10. Peer review = give jews money for the privilege.

11. Tesla.

[ - ] thoughtcryme -1 points 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 02:55:53 ago (+0/-1)

This is why I think at least most self-proclaimed "targeted individuals (aka TI)" might just be batshit crazy.

I listen to them, they do all these, with the added bonus of them being somehow very important to very powerful agencies, even though they work at McDonalds. The "Proof" is always nothingburger, the undeniable is only that because they say so. Feels like a fantasy, probably is. Crowded living I think also contributes to this, everywhere they go, someone is right there, usually in the way.