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Why are modern Germans such pathetic sjws?

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 21:12:34 ago (+30/-0)     (whatever)

Probably because the independent germans all got targeted for destruction during the two world wars and the years after them.

Why are modern Greeks so brown? Probably because the white Greeks were targeted for destruction during the ottoman occupation and all the arab wars after it.

Why are Russians so retarded? Probably because the smart Russians got targeted for destruction during the reign of the ussr and all the years since then.

Our peoples had been damaged on a genetic level, wounded in a way so profoundly ruinous that it's a question as to whether we will ever recover back to a state in which we were glorious.

That no one can look at how out we used to be before we were each wounded in such ways and then look at the current state of us and not see the damage that had been done to us is baffling to me.

We should be angry about how our people were brought so low.

Also look at the modern "Egyptians" and people in places like Iran and Iraq, those were our homelands, for people like us to live in exclusively, now we no longer dominate those locations.

We had great empires across the fertile crescent, in North Africa, the Middle East/West Asia, and Central Asia, Great civilizations that were destroyed from within.

It was jews who had done us in then, too. The brought in other races races around us, and then the result were the arabs, whose name means "mixed".

This is a theory of history that I truly hold to.

33 comments block

[ - ] HeavyBeefCurtains 9 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 22:24:03 ago (+9/-0)

because all the good ones died in the two jew banker wars

[ - ] BulletStopper 5 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 23:22:01 ago (+5/-0)

Having most of your Alpha males killed off by ZOG will do that.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 02:36:52 ago (+0/-0)

Good but stupid, and it's questionable whether stupid is actually good. It tends to result in your elimination.

[ - ] KeepPoal4fags 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 05:47:55 ago (+0/-0)

A shitload of the good Germans escaped to the "new world" when america was a new nation. The USA was 80% German at one point.

[ - ] texasblood 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 18:44:49 ago (+0/-0)

They heavily populate Texas now.

[ - ] sguevar 2 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 23:12:05 ago (+2/-0)

TL,DR answer: Governed by a dyke following the law of the kike.

[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 02:27:23 ago (+1/-0)

Riding on a crappy bike which I don't particularly like!

[ - ] Deathstalker 2 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 22:31:00 ago (+2/-0)

The smart Europeans "white flighted" out of there.

[ - ] giantprick 1 point 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 01:33:30 ago (+1/-0)

Still though, we're the most advanced and competent race by a long shot

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 1 point 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 22:59:55 ago (+2/-1)

The answer here is obvious and straightforward: guilt over the Holocaust and National Socialism. This was imposed by the Allies but I think became self-inflicted in more recent decades as the German elite have used Nazi guilt, real and illusory, to establish their own legitimacy and base their power and policies on.

The Germans are probably the worst cucks in Europe as a consequence. The upside is they are no longer aggressive militarists.

[ - ] headfire 1 point 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 22:13:44 ago (+1/-0)

Probably because the independent germans all got targeted for destruction during the two world wars and the years after them.

Not all of us ;-)

[ - ] DukeofRaul 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 22:25:57 ago (+0/-0)

Have you read The Devils Guard?

[ - ] foxtrot45 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 16:48:58 ago (+0/-0)

A good example of this is Cambodia. Pol Pot killed all the smart ones, this is recently documented as it happened in the 70's? If you look at their GDP its very very low. Its the poorest country in SE Asia.

[ - ] KingLeopold2 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 13:16:54 ago (+0/-0)

Because all of their fathers and grandfathers were slav peasant conscripts

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 13:05:09 ago (+0/-0)

Cuz they made Jews into soap after killing them with masturbation machines

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 05:06:29 ago (+0/-0)

to be able to recover, we need a sound gene pool. What's left of it?

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 14:42:05 ago (+0/-0)

Repopulatuon and organized selective breeding via arranged marriages and and prenatal policies.

To nurture the resurgence of desirable genes by ensuring the correct pairing between partners and encouraging them to be fruitful.

We could take samples of DNA and analyze them for matchmaking purposes.

We will buckle down and use science to foster the spread of desirable traits and the diminishment of traits we deem to be less than desirable.

All the while doing what we can to ensure that everyone can have a mate, and that there are many babies born from this.

It will all be 100 percent voluntary. So any objections will be put down on that basis.

[ - ] Rowdybme 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 03:14:40 ago (+0/-0)

Why are you such a cuck. We may never know

[ - ] 1234lkjh 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 02:38:31 ago (+1/-1)

Either the jews are superiorly intelligent and can fool the White Master races so very easily, or concentrating power into a dictator's hands leads to the murder of the intelligent.

A well regulated democracy with a mostly free market (can't trust corporations to be honest without some level of threat) is the best governmental system ever invented (and still not perfect). However, if you let dark money in and remove all safeguards and regulations, corporations will stack the deck for their own profits and leave the middle class and poor to go it on their own.

Kill the billionaire classes, balance the minimum wage to the cost of living, and take out the jews -- and all other groups, whites included -- who exploit labor while providing no social value.

[ - ] foxtrot45 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 16:53:47 ago (+0/-0)

I think the jews are smart. I see flaws in the white man. The big thing is white man can dream, build and invent. Need to identify and overcome the flaws, is it greed, selfishness, women worshiping? Its got to be something. jews are destroyers.

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 02:26:14 ago (+0/-0)

Jews murdered all of the good ones.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 23:11:03 ago (+0/-0)

So I came up with this theory in why jews are beta cucks... Germany just got the hyper sped up version and a shit ton of German women were raped by Russian faggots

You would like my theory on why jews are the way they are.

So my theory goes like this. I will try to keep it as simple as possible.

Jews had women in control very early. Why? Who knows but with women in power they did what women do and talk shit and push liberal feminest agenda. This liberal femenist agenda combined with their evil religion telling them they are superior choosen people led to them being kicked out of multiple countries. Well when the jews fought back the alpha strong males with courage and balls stood up and fought and were killed. This left the cowards and beta men at home with the women to produce more beta cowards. The jews never won a fucking war ever so repeat this process 109+ times and you get weaker and weaker men reproducing with stronger and stronger women. So weak ugly beta men who dont want to fight or work but can talk their way out of dying in a war reproduce over and over. Then you get to the 1500s and these parasites get hyper boosted by the banking industry and creation of corporations? What makes a good banker and business man? An insecure coward who can talk a bunch and will do anything for money and power to make up for their weskness terrible looks and obvious beta status? And welcome to our modern jew.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 14:46:39 ago (+0/-0)

Interesting theory, my preferred explanation for a long time was that jewish traits came out of their ancestors having been barabarian refugees that were taken in by the earliest civilizations who had refused to assimilate into the host nation, not only segregating themselves but also seeking to overthrow the nation from within in order to conquer it for themselves, but every time all they achieve when successful is the nation's destruction, or when their own expulsion whenever they failed.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 21:32:47 ago (+1/-1)

Rush once said "Americans figure everything that isn't specifically spelled out as illegal MUST be legal. Europeans think just the opposite"

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 21:19:55 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Portmanure 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 21:19:42 ago (+0/-0)

The good ones died on the eastern front.

[ - ] Master_Foo -1 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 21:33:57 ago (+2/-3)*

2,000 years ago, the Jews killed another Jew so they could brainwash Europeans into believing that killing Jews was bad, Mmmmmmmmmkay‽

We call this Mind-Virus "Christ-Cuckianity".

The Germans were pretty hardy people. They resisted Christ-Cuckianity for 1,000 years. But, eventually they caught the mind virus too.

But, 500 years later, the Germans started to become immune to Christ-Cuckianity and said "Something isn't right about all this Jewish shit". So they rebelled against it. But, after 500 years, they no longer had access to their Ethnic-Heroic-Epic. So, Christ-Cuckianity just mellowed out into a more mellow form called "Protestantism".
unfortunately, one of the surviving features was "Don't kill Jews because they are 'God's chosen people' ".

Fast forward another 500ish years and you get another group of Germans who get a nagging suspicion that worshipping a Jew just doesn't sit right. So, they get angry at the Jews.

But, bu this time, pretty much all of Europe is infected by the "Don't kill Jews" virus and they target the people who want to harm "God's 'Chosen' people".

Germans are the natural predator of the Jew. The only reason we aren't curb stomping every last baby Jew is because some Christ-Cuck has been brainwashed into believing the Jews must be protected.

The Germans MUST be brainwashed into being SJWs, because the second they remember they are German, they will fulfill their destiny. And that destiny does not include the Jews.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 2 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 22:56:31 ago (+2/-0)

You just blame everything of Jesus, don't you?

I don't beleive, but I don't think Christianity is bad, it think it has a lot of good qualities, and just needs some reforms to become as good as it should be.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 26, 2022 23:12:56 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] boomerkiller 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 28, 2022 02:00:29 ago (+0/-0)

God you are a faggot

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 28, 2022 04:07:03 ago (+0/-0)

Notice how instead of addressing the issue, you react emotionally? That's how we know I'm correct.

[ - ] boomerkiller 0 points 1.6 yearsSep 28, 2022 05:22:26 ago (+0/-0)

No you just sound like a neckbeard, wignat faggot. Stay in your mom's basement and do nothing.

[ - ] DoctorK -2 points 1.6 yearsSep 27, 2022 05:53:48 ago (+0/-2)

It's the same in America. The more generations removed from Europe the less teeth and more "white trash and proud" bumper stickers on your catalytic converter-free vehicle.