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Good luck Russian men.

submitted by 1234lkjh to Russia 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 02:34:52 ago (+7/-8)     (Russia)

Sorry this wasn't a "3 day special operation" that your government claimed. Looks like your media has bullshitted you for months, and now you must go fight and kill your white brethren. Do you want this?

Fuck that noise. Kill your handlers and those who are forcing you into this situation. Putin is a crypto jew who has never cared about anyone besides those who inherited money or power. Is dying for Ukrainian oil your dream? Forget the West, forget "Russia." Fight your oppressors for yourself and your family. Don't die for nothing.

11 comments block

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 06:45:05 ago (+1/-1)

Nice try Jew.

Putin is the only one standing up to world wide homo globalists and you want to pretend he is the bad guy.

Fuck off clown.

[ - ] Kozel 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 05:47:30 ago (+0/-0)

Fight your oppressors for yourself and your family

You start with yours and we'll follow suit with ours. Standing by.

[ - ] White_Pride_Cis 7 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 05:36:48 ago (+8/-1)

Anti-Russian, pro-Jukraine, demoralizing, and believing the media…. Sounds familiar. Show a profile view of your nose.

[ - ] WhiteGoat 1 point 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 07:31:51 ago (+1/-0)

Someone get the nose calipers

[ - ] albatrosv15 4 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 04:20:58 ago (+7/-3)

"3 day special operation" that your government claimed.
You little piece of shit. They never claimed it was 3 days. Fucking kill yourself and die.
Looks like your media has bullshitted you for months,
As everywhere else.
and now you must go fight and kill your white brethren.
At least they are not dying for jews.
Is dying for Ukrainian oil your dream?
You what mate? It's not oil. It's coal and metals. Oil is more west in ukraine than what russia wants. You are a fucking retard and you will be always a retard.
Fight your oppressors for yourself and your family.
You have done nothing and yet you think you have moral ground.
Seriously, kill yourself. You are absolutely worthless goy.

[ - ] WanderingToast 7 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 04:12:54 ago (+10/-3)

Ukrainian oil? Wtf are you talking about.

This war was to prevent US / NATO hypersonic missiles being stationed in Ukraine that would put Moscow and every military installation in the west of Russia within range.

They tried to get existing NATO members like Poland etc to host the fuckers but they refused.

This was created because Chinese agents convinced the American senators and officials they have control over that this would lead to war and this war would keep Germany and Europe weak for the next 50 years.
+ Lots of corruption money.

But now China has what it wants - full energy supply from Russia and a growing block of nations allied to it. (Thanks to that swift ban)

The Americans are a bit too stupid to realise, but these actions are the first paragraph of the permanent end of the USA.

The funniest part...you played yourself.

As Russia has obviously decided that they are going to claim what they have taken (referendums) and call it a day, the need to go with kid gloves to capture the nation is now moot.

The next phase in the war is going to be the russian version of shock and awe. The country is going to get flattened.

As peace is no longer an option it's also likely that zelenski is going to be targeted (so good news there at least)

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 06:01:42 ago (+0/-0)

The Americans responsible fully realize. They're globalists who's only intent is to destroy western nations for global communism. Russia, China and Western politicos are the same cartel. They're one group.

Russia will rise up and kill their masters as soon as all the other nations do.

[ - ] Conspirologist 3 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 04:09:21 ago (+3/-0)

All opposition was banned, arrested or killed. Russians can' fight kike Putin right now.

[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 03:20:37 ago (+0/-0)

"Desertion, refusing military service, surrender punishable by up to 10 years in prison...".

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 03:48:19 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 06:05:02 ago (+0/-0)

They went insolvent in 1990.

They were overrun with abandoned children after decades of "free" abortions any time for any woman. That's how feminists do their kids. The men were all drunk on vodka till the globalists flooded them with drugs too.