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Calls grow for new Church Committee on FBI abuses! The previous one exposed MKultra and death squads!!!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.8 yearsSep 17, 2022 15:03:40 ago (+9/-1)     (justthenews.com)


If we have another Church Committee like we did in 1975 the gangstalkers and gatekeepers would all be exposed and facing capital crimes!

Now we have a full spectrum of silent weapons, chemical and biological warfare as well as blacklisting political dissidents with absolutely no judicial oversight or appeals.

If this gets out and the victims get their files we will see mass arrests of law enforcement, judges, officials and politicians.

MKultra was the research programs that lead to the totalitarian pedo tactics we have today. It was never shut down. It was expanded to include anyone that would dare speak the truth about the takeover and treason we are now living through.

So yet again we have inch a little closer to exposing the gangstalking programs. Something I believe is inevitable in the wake of covid which was run using the same methods on everyone.

Masons!, you are all gonna hang. Better start whistleblowing now to save your asses you treacherous scum.

10 comments block

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 1.6 yearsOct 26, 2022 20:50:04 ago (+0/-0)

They really just need to abolish the FBI completely and maybe do some new agency with very limited state corruption oversight.

[ - ] Eligrey 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 19, 2022 13:50:38 ago (+0/-0)

I don't think much if anything will happen. This is the USA which has turned from a prosperous nation to a shit hole wholly controller by jews.

It's going to take allot of blood letting to fix this fucking mess. Some random committee is not going to be able to get 'er done.

Just sayin'

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 19, 2022 14:26:51 ago (+0/-0)

The pentagon has now ordered a full investigation into their clandestine operations!

That could very well expose the gangstalking programs in all NATO countries. This is the biggest operation they are involved in. The USMC are involved in training and coordinating this for all NATO countries.

The cost and scale of these operations are impossible to hide.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 2 points 1.8 yearsSep 17, 2022 16:36:14 ago (+2/-0)

What percentage of the population is in someway involved with what you call "gangstalking programs"? I think such a thing would go way beyond just the FBI, and would involve at least 1/3 of the population, including people most would probably never suspect. Internet installers, your dentist...local media...if I'm remotely correct at all, this is going to be a huge problem to solve.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 17, 2022 23:27:26 ago (+0/-0)

The East Germans found out that 1/6th of their population was involved in gangstalking after the wall came down.

The Canadian counterinsurgency Manual says that to target one person takes 20 operatives!!!

This is a very people and money intensive system of control. But it doesn't matter at a time when your government can just print money into oblivion.

They can fuck you over with gangstalking then fuck you over with inflation. The only people being exempt from the abuses are on the payroll.

This is what it looks like when control trumps every other consideration.

[ - ] diggernicks -1 points 1.8 yearsSep 17, 2022 15:05:02 ago (+1/-2)

Are you a qigger?

I'll preheat the ovens just as a precautionary measure

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 1 point 1.8 yearsSep 17, 2022 15:25:42 ago (+2/-1)

Why would you have a problem with this article?

Are you a mason?!

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 2 points 1.8 yearsSep 17, 2022 16:28:46 ago (+2/-0)

They are a disruption bot that no one should ever respond too. They will only ever respond in ways designed to make you angry so that you spend your energy on that instead of being productive. People like them are some of the first that need to hang if we ever get around to fixing problems like you described above.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 17, 2022 23:30:40 ago (+0/-0)

They know what they are supporting!

They know it's treason!

They know it's evil!

But they compromised themselves doing the mason initiations that got them power and money. So now they are absolutely committed to making us all bow down at any and all cost to the pedos.

These people are beyond redemption. Hanging is too good for them.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.8 yearsSep 17, 2022 15:26:32 ago (+1/-1)

why are you posting in thegreatawakening

Are you a qigger?