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I'm beginning to believe in the brain as a universe tuner idea rather than the brain as a self-contained thinking and idea and storage container.

submitted by Crackinjokes to science 2 yearsSep 15, 2022 15:35:43 ago (+26/-0)     (science)

I'm beginning to believe in the brain as a universe tuner idea rather than the brain as a self-contained thinking and idea and storage container.

And if that's true and your brain is really sort of a tuner of outside information and that would make sense about how animals behave.

It would also make more sense how an animal with an impossibly small brain like a spider can clearly do things like make webs and capture prey and know to build nest to have babies etc when they don't have enough neurons to compute all that. But if the neurons they do have are simply tapping into sort of waves in the universe that tell them how to do those things constantly then it would make sense.

Under this theory a larger brain would just have different sections that would be able to tune into different kinds of things in the universe. It's sort of like you can either have one antenna that can tune one frequency or you can have 10 antennas that can tune 10 different frequencies that contain different information and that's what a larger brain would do.

You know it's another way to sort of explain ESP and second sense and even the occasional prediction of the future that we all sometimes experience. Or the phenomenon of thinking of somebody just before that person rings you on the phone or knowing something happened to a loved one when they're hundreds of miles away and sure enough it did.

Or maybe it's a mixture of the two you know and your brain is partly self-contained but also has tuning antennas that are you know made of neurons etc. I know there was that one philosopher scientist guy who said the brain actually was a positron tuning device or something like that it's a fairly well-known guy who had written a lot of big books that have been the best sellers.

Edit: well hell this search turned up a lot.

More evidence

More evidence at least on earth. The Schuman resonance of the earth meaning how many times a radio wave can make it around the Earth in one second is 7.83 hz.

Guess what the central frequency of the human brain is as well as almost all animals on Earth? Yep 7.83


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