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Does this comment prove White Genocide?

submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 1.8 yearsSep 13, 2022 12:28:07 ago (+8/-0)     (WhiteGenocide)

There are lots of genocide deniers who will say the White race will not be completely eradicated.

"I understand there is too much race mixing going on, however I feel that it will never be excessive enough to threaten our race."

It does threaten our race, and here's the mechanism: Whites readily reproduce with someone who is 1/8 or 1/4 nonwhite, when that non-white ancestor had features light enough to "disappear" after a couple generations. The non-white DNA is still there, but it is encapsulated in a white-looking body. In this way, non-white DNA flows into the White population with nobody noticing. Later, you can have hundreds or thousands of White-looking descendants who share that mixed lineage. Eventually, the entire population is compromised and a small % mixed. We become extinct before we even appear to be extinct.

Unless there is a core population of holdouts who insist on solely White ancestry in the people they date, you're doomed.

Barring some kind of mainstream White Identity cultural revolution, we can't depend on the mainstream White population to save our race. It falls to us alone.

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