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The parents of mass shooting victims are trying to get a video game banned and are bitching like little niggerfaggots at "Active Shooter" from Revived Games.

submitted by MatthewJuly1313 to gaming 1.7 yearsSep 9, 2022 02:45:13 ago (+0/-4)     (gaming)

I think the game has already been pulled from Steam. In it you play as a mass shooter in a school or a S.W.A.T cop trying to stop the shooter. And parents of mass shooting victims are saying the game is "insensitive" and will turn players into little monsters and hurt the parents of mass shooting victims feelings. I think we've found our third antichrist of gaming. Parents are starting to blame video games for mass shootings so they can sue game makers for hurt feelings and have games banned. Parents of mass shooting victims are the biggest assholes in the universe and exploit shootings to demonize the mentally ill as why mass shootings happen along with guns and violent video games. Parents are assholes. Japan plays the same games as the USA yet shootings are rare because they treat guns like nuclear weapons. Switzerland has an obsessive gun culture yet respects the power of guns enough to not do stupid things with guns. It's not guns or games and it's defintely not the mentally ill because they're to scared to leave home people scare them so they stay away from them. Even CNN pointed all this out in a recent Fareed Zakaria GPS special. Steam pulled Hatred and then brought it back after fan backlash so we can do the same thing for Active Shooter. If you want to end these mass shootings defund the FBI and police they arm shooters and groom them anonymously online and push them to commit mass shootings.

3 comments block

[ - ] sguevar 1 point 1.7 yearsSep 9, 2022 06:57:42 ago (+1/-0)

it's defintely not the mentally ill because they're to scared to leave home people scare them so they stay away from them.

Stupidest statement I read on your post... Most if not all, "mass shooters" presented in the mainstream media had mental illnesses, were narcissistic, depressive and sadistic, and under prescription.

If you want to end these mass shootings defund the FBI and police they arm shooters and groom them anonymously online and push them to commit mass shootings.

Whilst the FBI is corrupt and there are some police members that are as well, equating guilty by association and asking for defunding them is also a dumb fucking statement. I get you like games and you are triggered by parents looking to have some games banned.

Personally I don't give a fuck. But "defund the police" sounds like a lefty plant here.

Keep on going nigger.

[ - ] TheViciousMrPim 1 point 1.7 yearsSep 9, 2022 05:58:09 ago (+1/-0)

If you release a game of that nature you should be prepared for this. The idea itself just screams LOOK AT ME,it's an attention grab. Well they got their attention.

[ - ] 2017Fallout -2 points 1.7 yearsSep 9, 2022 03:04:23 ago (+0/-2)

Theyshould tey banning MKL