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ELITE PEDO GANG DECAPITATED!!! The pope has just fired the entire leadership of the knights of Malta! A mason like organization controlled by the Vatican.

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 00:30:10 ago (+6/-2)     (www.washingtontimes.com)


The thousand year old brother order of the masons (knights Templars) have just had their entire leadership fired and replaced by the pope.

They have also been given a new constitution by the pope too.

They are international criminals that meddle in politics and have been linked to many conspiracies that sound all to relevant to our current predicaments. Including spreading diseases.

They have 13,500 members in 110 countries. They are their own legal entity and have their own passports, licence plates, postage stamps and coinage. The perfect platform for running around the world doing evil shit and getting away with it.

It seems like all these organizations like the mason are having a tought time maintaining their power. The masons have lost many cops lately to resignations, the RCMP are being kicked out of Alberta, the pope recently admitted the Canadian First Nations have been genocided with the partnership of the RCMP, Catholic Church and the Anglican Church.

And now the queen (council of 300, leadership of the masons) is on her deathbed too!!!

The masons are in a state of collapse right now.

I have previously predicted that they would be betrayed by their elites and it's starting to look that way. They will be thrown to the wolves to distract from the elites crimes. I suspect the Gangstalking programs will be making headlines in the coming months.

All the elites would need to do is send everyone that was targeted their files and the masons will be fully exposed and destroyed. All the masons can do now to get ahead of this coming catastrophe is release the files first and arrest the elites while they still have some degree of credibility left.

The power structure of the elites is crumbling. The normies are rebelling all over the world. They are being redpilled at a rapid pace and want justice.

I expect the queens death will be announced very shortly and that will trigger a reset. Just not the one that Clawse Schawbe was planning for.

They are capitulating before our eyes. They know they will not survive much longer if they continue to attack the whole world. They are giving up their most powerful players rights now.

We broke the pedo elites guys. They know it's game over.

12 comments block

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 11:11:31 ago (+0/-0)

That just means someone else is doing this job now

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 02:49:30 ago (+1/-0)

The Pope would only replace a group that wasn't asslicking anti White, Anti Christian, anti individuals.

"...the pope recently admitted the Canadian First Nations have been genocided with the partnership of the RCMP, Catholic Church and the Anglican Church."

That's jew communism from China that says that. How the fuck would the RCMP have genocided the Natives??????? You can also give us one example of either the Catholic or Anglican church killing Natives.

Whatever the knights of Malta have been getting up to I don't know, but I expect they're critical of Vatican faggotry.

They run drug rehab clinics, and if they treat White men the oh so progressive globalists would have conniptions

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 2 points 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 03:00:59 ago (+2/-0)

The First Nations have been demoralized to the point they commit group suicdes.

This was done by putting all their kids in state care for several generations. A psychological rape of their whole race while these greedy psychopaths stole their land trust funds.

It was residential schools.

Then it was the sixties scoop.

Now it's birth alerts in every maternity ward for each baby born. Snatched at birth.

Canadians are just as evil as Epstein and Maxwell for justifying this.

Canada is a legal fiction. A colonialists corporation that stole everything including their kids. And when the world sees this Canada will end.

They should all have spoken up and ended this generations ago. But they helped the pedos instead like the evil bastards they are. And they will soon pay the price for selling these kids out for a quiet life at their expense.

All because they identified themselves as being nice first. The truth was a threat to their core beliefs about themselves. Cognitive dissonance blocked all empathy, reason and justice for selfish comfort.

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 11:12:37 ago (+0/-0)

Wah wah muh primitives got exploited

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 1 point 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 13:56:00 ago (+1/-0)

Don't cry to me when your sent back to England!

You had several generations to speak up.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 15:15:13 ago (+0/-0)

China had their entire culture wiped out by communism, and lost their individual personalities, heat and integrity. You have to steal patents because you're no good anymore, and haven't been for a long time. Bunch of obedient thoughtless nose pickers.

[ - ] yesiknow -2 points 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 15:12:35 ago (+0/-2)

You know you're full of shit, and have no clue what you're talking about. go eat a bat..

[ - ] Reawakened 1 point 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 03:52:01 ago (+1/-0)

There were only two comments, and this was the best one:

Eh, the Pope is simply disposing of anything that is conservative and will resist the New World Order under the Anti-Christ.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 1 point 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 14:13:26 ago (+1/-0)

Well, I don't know that you're correct, but I will say nothing "they" are doing makes ANY sense currently.

All the elites would need to do is send everyone that was targeted their files and the masons will be fully exposed and destroyed.

The amount of chaos this would create would be on insane levels. Back when I thought there was a chance there could be "good guys" behind all this, I always imagine an entire program in place with the military in charge systematically releasing info about the files and then giving people the, to avoid the chaos just handing them out would cause.

I've always imagined if I get mine, I just throw up and first...it would, in fact, be life changing.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 14:38:56 ago (+0/-0)

A key aspect of the globalists plan is they need every institution we rely on to be completely distrusted and hated.

Releasing the files would do that real fast.

It would also make an instant hero out of their puppet that did it. Giving them another bite at the apple.

This could potentially start a civil war. Another motivating factor for the elites to betray their mason pedo minions.

And that just me theorizing about the elites releasing it. We could have good people do this to end the treason. We could have the masons do this first because they know if it is released they will be hunted like animals. They could be like hey we where just the minions. We didn't know how bad this was.

Putin has hinted at this information. He could expose this and completely fuck NATO.

So as you can see we are at a four way crossroads and everyone has a motive to be first to send these files out.

I believe it's inevitable that they will be given to us.

I too will be overjoyed when I get mine. It will be a life changing moment.

We will have our attackers begging at our feet in terror.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 01:05:27 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsSep 5, 2022 02:52:59 ago (+0/-0)

I know he is evil.

But evil people sacrifice their minions when they need too.