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A poor strategy: A look at the mechanisms that caused the SARS-COV-2 vaccines to backfire

submitted by obvious to DeathVax19 1.8 yearsSep 4, 2022 16:58:53 ago (+1/-0)     (www.rintrah.nl)


A bit of a read, yet a clear explanation of failure of Doctor Gates' Patented Miracle Oil experimental mass gene therapy WuCoof mRNA GMO transfection $cience sanctified gene juice!!

1 comments block

[ - ] Eligrey 1 point 1.8 yearsSep 4, 2022 20:59:30 ago (+1/-0)

Well written article and I believe absolutely correct.

It fails to mention tho is the underlying mechanism that caused the SARS-Coc-2 vaccine is (((profit))) and (((greed))).

Here's lookin' at you jews!