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The lord of the posts: Return of the dangus

submitted by UncleDoug to MeanwhileOnPoal 2 yearsSep 3, 2022 15:47:18 ago (+8/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


Dangus still living rent free in AOJews head

3 comments block

[ - ] v0atmage 1 point 2 yearsSep 3, 2022 15:49:58 ago (+2/-1)

Damn, my rank is slipping on AOU's most hated list.

Kudos to dangus for the free advertising! Maybe we can get them to add a tlolocaust captcha.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 2 yearsSep 3, 2022 16:06:59 ago (+2/-1)

Must be terms of endearment

[ - ] lastlist 1 point 2 yearsSep 4, 2022 14:23:41 ago (+1/-0)

That's been there for months.