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Anyone who stands against hate is collaborating with those who protect those that harm others. Hate exists to keep us from abiding the presence of people who are a threat to other people.

submitted by Paradoxical003 to whatever 1.7 yearsAug 28, 2022 23:06:58 ago (+5/-1)     (whatever)

This is the danger in rejecting a universal part of human nature, those who lacked the capacity to hate died out because they were unable to force out those who were dangerous to others. Without hate, you are a victim of of those who are deserving of hate.

What hate is, is a keeping of records, it's recognizing a pattern of actions and the individuals who engage in them.

It develops like fears do, we notice that whenever we encounter a specific thing, we experience a negative consequence, and so we learn to develop a fight or flight response to the stimuli we now associate with the negative events.

Fear is a flight response, which helps us to avoid the thinga that have proven themselves to be dangerous, and hate is a fight response, that helps us to repel or otherwise rid ourselves of the things that we associate with a threat.

The second response is usually more associated with those things which will likely seek out encounters with us of left alone, and thus our drive to destroy it is a proactive approach thay is effective at keeping ourselves and those around us safe.

When we hate a single individual, it's because they've done things that have shown them to be risky to be around.

When we hate a group, we do so because they are statistically likely to be dangerous for us, and while it may cause some non-threatening people to be hated, it's an undeniable benefit to our survival to excise the whole group from our presence and a risk to keep them around.

Cruel as it may be, survival is a matter of playing the odds, white blood cells and chemotherapy target more healthy cells in our bodies than the unhealthy ones, but in so doing, they are more effective at removing the unhealthy cells that endanger us, it's a nuke then from orbit trait found both in put natural biology and in the technologies we use to medically treat ourselves when we are ill.

We wouldn't develop a trait thay causes us to act so drastically unless those who lacked it ended up winning the darwin awards of extinction.

This is because being unnecessarily aggressive is the second most surefire way to see your contributions to the gene pool die out, the jews originated as a group that was on constant full aggro, and they should have died when their enemies got together to remove the common threat, if it wasn't for the traditions of hospitality practiced by the first empires we'd have seen their ancestors perish at the hands of their enemies instead of transforming into the treasonous global menace that they are today.

So we didn't develop the capacity of hatred as some excessive trait prone to misfiring, and the fact that this trait is found in all human populations speaks volumes to its essential nature.

In fact, it seems that our instinct to hate is as strong as our instinct to humble ourselves before some cause or idea or organization or leader or entity.

We live in a society where the popular stance someone would claim to take is to be about "love over hatred".

But the fact is that this mainstream culture simply compensates by declaring specific groups of people defined by particular racial, sexual, religious, national, and political characteristics as an exception, and then increasing the degree of hatred they put upon these acceptable targets to increasingly extreme levels, until they become absurd, like their very existence is a crime against the rest of the world.

I've heard Klansmen talk about blacks, and Neonazis talk about jews, but never have I heard such insane, vicious, and irrational hatred as that expressed by a white liberal towards his own race, when talking among themselves, it's like they put on a contest to see who can outdo the rest in terms of their extreme expressions of pure unbridled hatred.

Same with feminists speaking among themselves about men, almost as if cultural marxism is mainly concerned with stewing in vicious hatred towards the founding stock of their countries, until an opportunity arises to act on this hatred.

This reminds me of how those who stop worshipping God often turn to worshipping whatever is most enshrined in their prevailing metaculture, along with sacrificing their independence to what they perceive to be the immediate consensus within their proximity (often some pretentious group of self-congratulatory pseudointellectuals, the San Francisco fart-sniffing smuglords).

We should open a discussion on hate, and whether it deserves the hatred it receives in our culture.

Why do we have it? What purpose does it serve? Or what purpose did it serve for our ancestors to make it into a universal human characteristic?

10 comments block

[ - ] NationalSocialism 3 points 1.7 yearsAug 28, 2022 23:41:17 ago (+3/-0)

It’s rational and justifiable to hate what is happening to our homelands and people.


[ - ] diggernicks 1 point 1.7 yearsAug 29, 2022 10:16:57 ago (+1/-0)

Too long;did not read

[ - ] drhitler 1 point 1.7 yearsAug 29, 2022 00:17:39 ago (+1/-0)

no light without dark and no love without hate

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] 1 point 1.7 yearsAug 28, 2022 23:23:56 ago (+2/-1)

I was in a telegram dedicated to resisting the government, and the group owners were attacking those who they claimed represented "hate" (those those were telling thw truths that the conservatives pretend aren't real).

In typical fashion, they claimed that the left was the side that represents hatred over love, and that they stood with love over hatred.

These neoconservative boomers posted this under a picture of a group holding signs that identified them as being "Gay Republicans".

Apparently if you love Jesus, being a faggot isn't enough to put you outside the GOP.

Of course, the GOP seems to be completely compromised by RINOS who only care about sucking off Zionists and accepting anyone who claims to be a Christian representing Christianity, particularly "Christian Values", a term they've rendered all by meaningless.

It's controlled opposition, 100 percent, full of tactically embedded imbeciles who claim that the power that be are somehow unable to ignore the way things are supposed to be done in their system, and instead just do whatever they feel like, because the entire establishment is colluding together and will protect those who wrong their people from any of checks and balances that exist in our countries.

They claim that their oaths mean something, that the system operates in reality the way that it does on paper, except in the nigh constant cases when it doesn't.

That they will do the right thing by their positions because they are Christians who swore to to so before Gawd, or because they give the impression that they might be sympathetic to the resistance (of course the cops and politicians who are trained to tell tactical lies would never lie to them just because it's tactically beneficial for them to do so).

They claim that laws mean something when there's no one willing to abide by them, as if they are binding all on their own when consequences for breaking them are absen, and it is in fact more beneficial and less detrimental for those who ignore them than it is for those who honestly observe the obligations and restrictions that someone holding their position has under them.

I think that's enough to give you the picture of what kind of people inspired me to make this post.

14 88 GTKRWN HDNW DOTR society is a fuck.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.7 yearsAug 29, 2022 11:15:11 ago (+0/-0)

Christ cucks are dragging down the right

If youre anti abortion youre pro nigger

[ - ] Cantaloupe 0 points 1.7 yearsAug 29, 2022 01:07:56 ago (+0/-0)

Why not cool calculation?

[ - ] TheViciousMrPim 0 points 1.7 yearsAug 29, 2022 04:31:14 ago (+0/-0)

Hate doesn't preclude cool calculation. The idea that it always makes you out of control and rash is Star Wars "let the hate flow through you" bullshit.

Let your hate for legitimate enemies smoulder, build it into a bed of 1000° embers

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] 0 points 1.7 yearsAug 29, 2022 13:31:29 ago (+0/-0)

There's different ways in which hate can be expressed.

Not just through violence, but also through other means.

Like getting up and telling the truth, be it whistleblowing or speaking something true but suppressed or ignored because it's unpopular.

Or forwarding a philosophy that's In stark contrast to the most acceptable ones.

Setting boundaries, such as that you shall not engage in some interaction with a person or group that offends you, on a temporary or permanent basis.

Leaving or leading an exodus, as in the example of the abused partner in a relationship.

And a variety of other ways.

The poin here is that hate is not as stupid a thing as people think it is, it's actually a lot more conducive to survival than the alternatives, which get you killed.

The universality of the capacity for hatred is a testament to that reality, making decisions based on statistical likelihood and pattern recognition is smart, even when it leads to some amount of false positives, coming to every instance on its own with no prior is a recipe for ones own destruction and repeatedly being taken advantage of.

A good compromise is to come in with priors, but modify your initial assumptions based on likelihood and patterns of experience to suit the instance using the information gleaned about it from one's experiences of that instance.

For example, if every green candy makes you sick, you might avoid eating green candies if you don't want to get sick, if you live in a culture thay views the avoidance of green candies as a moral evil, and views the claim thay green candies make you feel ill as an immoral statement, then you might feel trapped and form one of two positions.

Pretending that all candies are complete unknowns, with no statistical chances of causing illness being attached to them, or the attitude that you should take the resolute stance that all green candies make you ill, or the attitude most supported by society that all green candies are 100 percent safe, or just as likely to cause you illness as any other color of candy.

But let's say there are some green candies don't make you sick, and while they may look like the green candies that do, there's some tell signs that give away the safe green candies.

The former situation closes off the idea of inspecting the green candies in particular before eating them, as it shows that you doubt green candies safety.

You are forced into either eating all green candies and being far more likely to fall ill, or refusing them, and suffer the negative consequences from your society as someone who doesn't eat green candies.

From the evo psych perspective, in the absence of social pressures, avoiding green candies altogether is the course favored by natural selection, your inspections might let pass a green candy that makes you sick for one which doesn't.

But with the addition of societal influences, now we have a selfish gene situation where we have two survival instincts at odds with each other, you need to avoid being sick, but also to avoid being attacked by a society whose morals you had violated.

Inspecting each candy also comes at a cost beyond the risk of a false negative getting through and making you ill of you do it regardless of color, we have limited time, energy, and resources available, furthermore, we'd lose social standing by doubting every candy we come across, just as if we rejected a candy color that our society favors.

We can also see the more far reaching consequences of such thinking, it spreads around, in that any society runs on trust, without it, people will fail to follow the laws that exist, or treat authorities as authoritative, people will not help one another, and will grow distant from one another, as relationships are formed on trust as well, in fact, every facet of society gets worse.

That's the true result of approaching everyone as if they were a complete unknown without any prior assumptions, that's not a world where everyone universally trusts everyone else to be good, it's a "who goes there?" Type situation of universally applied paranoia.

That's also evolutionary, you have a better chance of survival with approaching new and unknown things with caution and worst assumptions than with taking the opposite approach, which gets you a darwin award with one encounter of a dangerous instance.

It's not stupid stupid have prejudices, it's stupid not to develop them, however, it's best to be able to modify your prejudices over time as new data comes in.

This third path is completely shut out of discourse by both halves of the political divide on this issue.

Ironically the problem is that everyone makes assumptions and their prejudices lead them to the blanket rejections of prejudice.

Just as the anti racists spew the most hateful language against the particular groups that are deemed acceptable to hate in our culture, and call themselves fighters against hate.

Because as I said the instinct to hate is innate, and when certain channels are denied, others open up with far more pressure, like the anorexic that will become a binge eater if they could be given one food that doesn't count as food.

Like how a lot of our violent impulses are redirected to increasing extremes in entertainment and leisure activities, like sport, or how pornogrqphic tastes become so much more depraved in those who are denied sex.

If a robot that is exactly like a human doesn't count as a human, what kinds of things would we then do to them that we are denied to do with other human beings?

People will fanatically defend discrimination based on race, in the name of combating racial discrimination, because that's their pressure release valve, they need some exception that doesn't count.

If hating someone doesn't count as hate, then all those natural passions instilled instance bh evolution yet denied to us by society will come out in full force upon them.

The hate towards this specific target becomes more and more vicious and irrational, as we were when white people get blamed for things that other races had done, and even for their mere existence.

That's the nature of a scapegoat, you kill the goat for the crimes of the townsfolk, so that they will not have to deal with the messy matter of who had done what, and what should be done about it.

In many ways, the need to preserve social harmony by refusing to address such problems is also innate and an intense instinct that we cannot shut off, merely redirect.

If we could have a humanity free of the capacity for hate, it would spell the end of good people, and the never ending reign of whoever is most psychopathic.

If there's one person who is free of hatred, it's an utter psychopath, we've seen it, someone unable to hate is someone unable to see other people as truly being other people.

Tied to hate is our morality, our sense of fear, the amygdala, the very purpose of the conscience and moral instinct is to avoid that which harms our success in spreading gene copies, the instinct to hate serves this same purpose, and it exists because it does so effectively.

Lots of people notice thw same patterns that are social unacceptable to notice, so they instead put all the blame for rge consequences of the realities they pretend to ignore upon a specific group that is used as the exception to this rule.

[ - ] killallpedophiles -1 points 1.7 yearsAug 28, 2022 23:12:10 ago (+1/-2)

man i fucking hate kikes, niggers, and pedophiles.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1.7 yearsAug 28, 2022 23:25:00 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 0 points 1.7 yearsAug 29, 2022 00:28:58 ago (+0/-0)

Oh hey you can't say that about the pedophiles! That's just a naturally occurring sexuality, being "minor attracted". Kikes and niggers sure but not pedophiles. I read an article by Shlomo VonJewystein that being addicted to prepubescent children is perfectly normal. 🙄