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So I watched Top Gun Maverick...

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 20:04:25 ago (+3/-0)     (whatever)

Despite the obvious diversity hires and the bs cientology aura that the faggot emanates, I liked the movie. I enjoyed watching it.

Ofc I don't pay for any jewllywood movie, if Inam interested, I will find it online for free.

15 comments block

[ - ] cyclops1771 4 points 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 21:11:32 ago (+4/-0)

It was very formulaic, and was visually enticing.

My only criticism was that in the original movie, everyone learned something and grew as a character, especially the antagonist Iceman. In this one, the antagonist was basically the Maverick character from the first movie, and is portrayed as "the bad guy." But he didn't ever get a chance to redeem the character. It was basically a cartoon.

So, entertaining in terms of action, but the storytelling and character development, like all modern movies, is trash and relies on emotion, either "memberberries" or "grrrrl power!" or whatever string pull is big today.

[ - ] sguevar [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 21:13:24 ago (+0/-0)

Agreed to somewhat of what you say, however they did try to make that same parallelism with rooster and hangman.

Either way, it wasn't a movie to reflect in a profound way but rather to spend time away from all the bs around... in that. they succeeded to some degree.

[ - ] cyclops1771 2 points 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 21:41:56 ago (+2/-0)

Either way, it wasn't a movie to reflect in a profound way but rather to spend time away from all the bs around... in that. they succeeded to some degree.

Oh, I enjoyed the heck out of the movie, I just had seen the original, and one of the great things about the original was that Maverick, the brash, cocky full of life pilot ready to fight the world, changed and grew, and became an even better pilot AND teammate after losing his RIO abnd dealing with the uncertinites of life he had assumed was certain, and Iceman was always in control, and then started panicking when he was NOT in control in the dogfight at the end action scene, and only being saved by maverick at the end made him realize he wasn't perfect or invincible

[ - ] sguevar [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 21:59:20 ago (+0/-0)

It's been years since I've watch the first one. Gonna have to watch it again because I really didn't reflect on that as much lol

[ - ] cyclops1771 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 22:30:01 ago (+1/-0)

I have always just been interested in storytelling, i guess, so I pay attention to how these things occur, and try to pick out why some movies fall flat and others stand out, and usually it involves the time-honored tradition of "protagonist faces obstacles and overcomes them" and "antagonist is reality based and has own motivations" other than the ridiculous "Bond villain, destroy the world just because I am evil!!!!" over the top caricature.

The part I didn't like about the Rooster vs Hangman conflict is that Hangman didn't get a chance to learn anything or grow and it never really got resolved through both characters getting a bit of more understanding of each other and respecting each other's strengths and/or weaknesses.

[ - ] sguevar [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 22:51:04 ago (+0/-0)*

have always just been interested in storytelling, i guess, so I pay attention to how these things occur, and try to pick out why some movies fall flat and others stand out

I do that for the spaghetti westerns which to me are the best western movies of all time.

The part I didn't like about the Rooster vs Hangman conflict is that Hangman didn't get a chance to learn anything or grow and it never really got resolved through both characters getting a bit of more understanding of each other and respecting each other's strengths and/or weaknesses.

Well they were not the main plot. They simply focused in showing that with every generation there will always be a rivalry/competition that one should look for in the future, that will keep things interesting. However the main plot was to have the kid grow up from his childish resentment and maverick grow up from his cowardness and face the kid.

After all in the military is very common to find this type of friendships - from what I've seen in films that I have never seen other vets say otherwise - in which they trust each others families in case one doesn't comeback. It's very "romantic" (maybe not the best word to describe it) i'd say but worthy as well.

[ - ] cyclops1771 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 29, 2022 15:17:24 ago (+0/-0)

Well they were not the main plot.

True, but their rivalry was 1/3rd of the runtime, with nothing being resolved. All that build up, and no resolution made it a bit distracting as to why they even bothered building up those two just to leave the entire thing completely ignored.

It would like if I wrote a post to you and then

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 29, 2022 02:20:21 ago (+1/-0)

First half of the movie is all " 'member the Top Gun movie from 1986? I 'member."

2nd half of the movie is basically Star Wars in Super Hornets.

I used to be in the Navy, and apart from the opening sequence, I didn't feel like I was watching a movie about naval aviation at all.

Air Force recruiters are probably going to get a bunch of people coming into their offices saying "I want to fly the planes in Top Gun Maverick". And that Chair Force guy is going to be like "Ok, that's the Navy, but come in and have a seat!" Meanwhile the Marines recruiter will pop his head in the door and say "Hey, we fly Hornets too!" And the dumbass potential recruit will laugh, thinking he's joking.

And after all of that, they'll be like "Sorry we don't have any pilot slots for straight white males, come back when you're black, gay, female, or transgender. Or we've got this great job that's perfect for you, ever wanted to clean toilets on a submarine?"

[ - ] sguevar [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 29, 2022 06:52:14 ago (+0/-0)

First half of the movie is all " 'member the Top Gun movie from 1986? I 'member."

Yeah I give you that. I had a 80's movie beginning. Which I liked tbh with you.

Air Force recruiters are probably going to get a bunch of people coming into their offices saying "I want to fly the planes in Top Gun Maverick". And that Chair Force guy is going to be like "Ok, that's the Navy, but come in and have a seat!" Meanwhile the Marines recruiter will pop his head in the door and say "Hey, we fly Hornets too!" And the dumbass potential recruit will laugh, thinking he's joking. And after all of that, they'll be like "Sorry we don't have any pilot slots for straight white males, come back when you're black, gay, female, or transgender. Or we've got this great job that's perfect for you, ever wanted to clean toilets on a submarine?"

This cracked me up but also kinda scary... having a degenerate that suffers from dysphoria on a plane is hard to imagine.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 29, 2022 00:36:31 ago (+1/-0)

If you just start it like 45min in, after the extreme nostalgia scenes are over, it’s actually pretty good!

Tom Cruises time trial scene was probably one of the better 5-10 minutes of action sequence in any movie in years, and the final dog fight wasn’t far behind.

[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 22:26:51 ago (+1/-0)

Tom (IRL at least) seems to think chewing gum is what cool people do but I don't chew gum.

[ - ] 2Drunk 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 29, 2022 10:28:08 ago (+0/-0)

Something, something...


[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 22:25:07 ago (+0/-0)

Haven't seen it but heard it's better than the original. I think Tom is a damn fine actor - but that's all.

[ - ] sguevar [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 22:51:21 ago (+0/-0)

He is very engaged I will give you that.