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Falling apart: Electric transformers

submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 11:19:59 ago (+7/-0)     (www.eenews.net)


"“Those delivery dates have grown closer to 18 months, to almost two years,” he said, adding that some manufacturers are canceling orders because they can’t fill them."
" They are essential for an expansion of the power grid to carry carbon-free wind and solar power."
"They’re also needed to increase the capacity of utility distribution circuits for electric vehicle charging as well as powering new subdivisions."
Enjoy your solar powered car! Until the lights go out.

15 comments block

[ - ] QuestionEverything 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 17:44:04 ago (+1/-0)

Mostly BS article.

FED rules require ELEC Utilities to keep 3-5 years of parts. ON HAND.

War rules. Will never be modified. So yeah, your elec company is sitting on 5 years of transformers and have to plan ahead 18months for new purchases.. Thats not exactly dire.

/until next time

[ - ] veridic 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 24, 2022 00:59:34 ago (+0/-0)


Sometimes they have a truck with a mobile transformer. Sometimes.

We aren't talking about the little ones. These are the substation transformers. They were made by Westinghouse back in the 1970's and have been repaired. Westinghouse is gone. GE is kind of gone. Siemens Energy is mostly overseas.

If there were a targeted attack on substations, or a big solar flare, we would be fucked for 18 months.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 24, 2022 02:08:44 ago (+0/-0)

3-5 years of parts... As denoted by their bean counters. People who aren't exactly known to let things sit for long.

I'll bet their 3-5 years worth of parts is taking into account all sorts of loopholes and jewishness to the point that they can't replace more than a couple if they get... Removed from service.

[ - ] Grospoliner 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 16:47:26 ago (+1/-0)

There are only a couple of manufacturers in the US who make transformer equipment from what I understand. The production issues has been around for a while. It is in such a sorry state that there is an entire federal program, TRAC, to help sell used transformers to lower demand rural areas because they literally can't throw out transformers that were replaced with regular maintenance. This was part of what prompted that false flag attack in 2013 on the PGE Metcalf substation to try and get more subsidy money for the program.

[ - ] uvulectomy 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 14:47:11 ago (+1/-0)

"Carbon-free wind and solar power"

Except for all the carbon from materials mining, manufacturing, transport, etc.

Those turbine blades? They have to be shipped one at a time....by a truck....powered by diesel. And they block traffic, meaning even more exhaust buildup as everyone wastes gas going nowhere.

Installation? Helicopters. Burning jet fuel. Or cranes running on diesel.

Solar panels? Strip-mining for minerals, byproducts leeching into the soil.

And those turbine blades that get shipped one at a time? Fiberglass. They'll never break down, and it would create even more emissions to recycle them into something useful.

Not that I'm one of those "muh carbon has to be eliminated" retards, but when you cause a fuckton of the very thing you claim to be trying to reduce, it's pretty laughable.

[ - ] La_Chalupacabra 2 points 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 15:19:03 ago (+2/-0)

That's not the carbon they want to eliminate; you, I, and those like us are.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 24, 2022 04:48:23 ago (+0/-0)

Nonetheless, there is a plan to turn those huge fiberglass blades into sweet snacks like gummy bears.


[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 13:06:39 ago (+1/-0)

There must be more than meets the eye.

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 12:24:42 ago (+1/-0)

Clearly the Georgia Guidestones were right and we must purge 75% of the population immediately

[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 13:07:03 ago (+1/-0)

Niggers, jews, and gypsies?

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 19:39:58 ago (+0/-0)

Every non white, the white leftists, the elderly, the retarded. WE'RE JUST GONNA KILL EM.

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 21:49:04 ago (+0/-0)

Seems kind of excessive.


[ - ] diggernicks -1 points 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 13:07:54 ago (+0/-1)

beaners and catholics

[ - ] uvulectomy 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 14:49:10 ago (+1/-0)

To get under 500,000,000 would require eliminating *97%* of the population.

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 19:38:36 ago (+0/-0)

There's 1.2B whites globally and half aren't worth a shit. It's entirely realistic to reach 500M if you aren't some Nip-loving anime-watching yellow fever race traitor.