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Got the honor of spending 24 hours in Toronto airport

submitted by asdf23 to Canada 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 04:55:20 ago (+8/-0)     (Canada)

This place is a shithole. Everything is dirty. The staff are polite but morons, none of them know anything other than the mere basic of what is necessary for thirty specific job function. There are two floor cleaning machines that I saw. A robotic one that never moved. And another zamboni type. The driver took it exactly one ride down the middle of the floor. Every table has plastic and paper garbage, every surface had black soot or oil strains. The cleaning staff comes to work at 3am then sleeps till 7am. The restrooms are filthly after having been cleaned (cleaned= 2-3 squirts of bleach added to the water) I saw only a few white people all travelers, traveling through or migrating to Florida. Everyone else was almost a charcuterie of a stereotype. Apu from the Simpson's but with a stronger accent. The garden variety of flat black chicks with tattoos and attitude to match. Towel heads of white, yellow, and picnic table variety. Fat Indian women with belly fat protruding out over the red and yellow scarves. Indian husbands with the red dot, dark skin, or proudly straight hair. They are first announced by smell, well before before the physical sight of them. Women who's skin has never seen the light of day lest the sin against Allah. Everything's translated at least 3 times (two of which are French.)

3 comments block

[ - ] NumbDigger 2 points 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 06:56:37 ago (+2/-0)

Toronto is a filthy land of arabs. I wouldn’t go back.

[ - ] eongoat 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 07:31:42 ago (+0/-0)

At first I thought you were talking about this

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 23, 2022 10:34:28 ago (+0/-0)

You literally put your life in danger going to O'Hare or LAX.