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19 comments block

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 5 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 11:05:03 ago (+5/-0)

The GOP is a bunch of worthless milquetoast faggots who love open borders cuz more cheap labor to keep wages down.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 4 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 14:51:13 ago (+4/-0)

The GOP is full of the enemy, they are filled with the exact same people as the demand, and are working in concert with them to bring about the end of freedom and white people in America.

[ - ] diggernicks -1 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 15:40:57 ago (+1/-2)

Catholics LOVE illegal immigrant invaders

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 19:47:26 ago (+0/-0)

Yes they do. Most of the illegals are from catholic spic countries. More spics = more catholics.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 10:58:39 ago (+2/-0)

Probably because the Republicans back kikes

All part of the kike plan to kill America, some of the cuck founders warned against kikes, but ultimately failed to deliver

[ - ] Splooge 2 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 14:55:36 ago (+2/-0)

Whoa is this an article from the HECKING LIBERTY DAILY?? THE ACTUAL LIBERTY DAILY, or better known as the CONSERVATIVE HECKING ALTERNATIVE to the heccin DRUDGE REPORT???! WOW is this where I can finally get the SECRET HIDDEN TRUTH on how RACIST those DEMOCRATS are and why the FUTURE of the GOP depends on FIGHTERS like TRUMP!!???

[ - ] Rawrination 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 22:48:00 ago (+1/-0)

+1 Internet for you!

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 2 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 20:08:14 ago (+2/-0)

Republicans are bad democrats are bad liberals are bad niggers Mexicans you name it...


ITS THE JEWS after they are named then start worrying about rebloodlicans and democrips

[ - ] osomperne 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 12:39:50 ago (+1/-0)

No one cares about the presidential election. Stop posting this propaganda

[ - ] Paradoxical003 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 13:03:25 ago (+1/-1)*

I say America should die, and be reborn, the entire system redesigned from the ground up, the foundational documents rewritten, to make it freer than it was before, but moreover, to correct the design mistakes made at the nation's drafting that led us to the point where we are currently at.

We can use the knowledge we have now to refound America such that all the issues we had faced could be prevented from occurring again AND to take the things that made America the greatest country in the world and enhance them to the limit of reason and practical necessity.

I see the collapse as a potential opportunity for a new beginning, but before that, there must be a purging.

On that note, having a purge day where all laws and government are suspended might actually be a good policy to have, if the jews made a horror movie about why some idea is bad, then you know it's a good one to implement.

Look at the bioshock series, Rapture and Columbia are both places with political systems and policies that make for a nightmare in fiction, but a wonderful nation in reality. Even in fiction this is admitted, and they need to invent problems that wouldn't exist and poor choices that no one with power would make to turn these places bad.

Similarly in the purge, they need to completely rewrite human behavior to make it a nightmare, but in reality, it's a good time for the wealthiest and most powerful to be held to account to the masses for one day out of every year, there's a lot more who want to kill the rich and privileged than there exists those who are going to use this day to off some homeless black dude.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 13:14:49 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] diggernicks -1 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 15:42:02 ago (+0/-1)

No one cares what nigger lovers think

[ - ] Irelandlost 1 point 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 16:17:55 ago (+1/-0)

Nobody cares what fat fucks think yet you waddle to a monitor to share your thoughts on here on a daily basis.

[ - ] diggernicks -1 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 16:43:33 ago (+0/-1)

You still seem butthurt

Contain it milady

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 21:14:46 ago (+0/-0)

Could you repeat that your comment was muffled you had catholic priest dick in your mouth again.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 17, 2022 20:08:25 ago (+0/-0)

Cmon kids

Do better

[ - ] fnbs 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 16:54:48 ago (+0/-0)

Agreed, and can we stop calling America "her"... women have fucked up enough to no longer give them a nod when referencing countries, objects etc.... but then again America is so fucked up that only a woman can do so much damage

[ - ] dontbeaphaggot 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 18:57:34 ago (+1/-1)

The cucked conservative has almost nothing to lose because he's already given up almost everything (short of his butthole). Whereas today we live in ultra-left pedo-land, the paedophiles have everything to lose. Effort goes in to match the risk of losses? The paedo has everything to lose, but the conservative at this point is probably just itching to take it up th ass.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 21:13:07 ago (+0/-0)

That's why they coined the term RINO

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 17, 2022 10:35:05 ago (+0/-0)

Why aren't you guys trusting the plan? Trump is in complete control in this game of 4d chess haha!

You're all forgetting what q said