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The covid genocide vax has backfired! The people that are the most enthusiastic about getting the jab are psychopaths, narcissists and pedophiles!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 2.2 yearsAug 10, 2022 19:34:38 ago (+9/-0)     (Covid1984)

Every country, demographic and group that rushes to get the death jab are the enablers of the pedo world order. They are killing their own supporters at a much higher rate than those that oppose the pedos.

Israel is the most jabbed nation!

Boomers are the most jabbed generation!

Narcissists virtue signal about getting jabbed to hell and wish death and sanctions on refusers!

Doctors, police officers, journalists and celebrities are the ones that are dying off and getting injured!

All while the empaths that are being gangstalked and isolated have been the most reluctant to get jabbed. Yes!, the group that they wanted dead the most are the least affected. Leaving the confused normies playing Russian roulette based on how much they trust the establishment!

So if the pedophiles, gangstalkers, gatekeepers and enablers are all jabbed at a 95%+ rate they will be losing control of the legal, medical, media and governmental systems when these people are dead or too sick to do the jobs.

Assuming the normies are 50% jabbed most will survive and come over to the truth and want justice to be served.

Assuming 90%+ of the empaths are unjabbed they will be able to exert more influence and expose the psychopaths for what they have been doing.

This leaves the pedo elites in a deteriorating power base where they will inevitably be brought to their knees.

This was a massive miscalculation by the elites and they have slaughtered their own minions more than the rest of us. Wiping out their own power base.

My own sister is a psychopath and she has been very keen to take every vax going. Even though her health has been compromised by them. Yet she is still keen to get jabbed because it enables her shaming and virtue signaling.

According to my estimates 90% of the population where normies. 3-5% where psychopaths and narcissists. While 5-8% where empaths.

The psychopaths have tried to slaughter the empaths for generations now because they can see what is happening and who is doing it all. But the psychopaths getting poisoned changes these numbers dramatically.

Soon the numbers will look much more like this!!!

75% normies!

24% empaths!

0.1 percent psychopaths!

Was this a mistake! A miscalculation?! Or is this covid bullshit a clean up operation where the elites eliminate everyone that can expose who gave the orders?

For the new world order to successfully take full control they needed the guns taken off the Americans and they failed miserably. They actually sold more guns and ammo than anyone in history to civilians.

The military can't recruit people to do their bidding. The police are quitting in huge numbers and now they are trying to recruit IRS employees and arm them for the same reasons. And that too will fail for the same reasons.

The new world order plans are a fucking disaster and they know it.

Only narcissists are getting jabbed now and some that are injured are speaking up against it too.

All they can do now is destroy the global economy to buy them time. But that will be the ultimate redpill for the normies that haven't woken up yet.

So where will they be getting their UN troops from to take over the USA when the whole world is facing the same realities. It won't happen. No one will take on this suicide mission.

The new world order is dead on its feet.

All their tyrannical dictates amount to nothing more than threats that they can't follow through with. All they have left is propaganda and fear. They are completely backed into a corner snarling and barking in a vain effort to stave off the killing blow.

They are so brazen now that they are trying to destroy as much food production as they can and that's the most obvious genocide attempt so far.

Starvation will be a catalyst for disease that kills the vaxxed at a much faster rate. Killing their own minions even more completely.

These people think they are smarter than us.

The only thing stopping the militaries of the world arresting them all is the few generals at the top holding the troops back. And how long can they manage to do that when we are headed towards a civil war?

Not long now guys.

8 comments block

[ - ] dulcima 3 points 2.2 yearsAug 10, 2022 19:37:08 ago (+3/-0)

You left out those people who are genuinely terrified of the covids. They're not virtue signallers or anything, but genuinely scared.

Met such a lady myself recently while travelling.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 2 points 2.2 yearsAug 10, 2022 19:39:43 ago (+2/-0)

She falls under the normie category that got fooled and will pay with her life for that mistake!


[ - ] FlatPlaneReality 1 point 2.2 yearsAug 10, 2022 20:30:47 ago (+1/-0)

Israel is the most jabbed nation!

Yeah right. Do you believe all statistics about kikes provided to you by kikes? Know where they gathered those statistics? Thats right, other kikes.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.2 yearsAug 11, 2022 00:41:36 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] WileyWallaby 0 points 2.2 yearsAug 11, 2022 09:01:47 ago (+0/-0)

Sorry but this strikes me as Q level wishful thinking man. The jabs are only quickly killing like 1 in 250 people who take them, the majority will be later when there's enough distance that they can gaslight the masses that it's something else.

Plus it's really looking like most people who get the jabs are getting inert ones, either placebo or mishandled and inert. Our greatest ally is well known to be almost entirely placebo. It's been admitted to. They definitely send the deadliest stuff and inert stuff strategically where they want it. They don't mind losing a nice chunk of their ardent supporters in the overlap, since they can use those deaths in a dozen ways too, for one example just calling them covid deaths to augment the numbers they use to legitimize it all, which is useful now that doctors are coming forward saying the guidance they were given to use remdesivir and intubation is what was actually causing the cytokine storm that accounts for almost all of the deaths that arent just blatant misattribution.

This phase is about normalizing government mandated injections and making the harmfulness just obvious enough to separate the wheat from the tares (really useful data for the new 87.000) without the immediate harm being so overwhelmingly obvious that they lose too many of the normies.

[ - ] osomperne -1 points 2.2 yearsAug 10, 2022 23:34:27 ago (+1/-2)


You don't know what that word means.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 2 points 2.2 yearsAug 11, 2022 05:26:49 ago (+2/-0)

dont downvote, ol' mate here is right. this isnt a genocide.

its an attempted mass extinction event

[ - ] osomperne 0 points 2.2 yearsAug 12, 2022 16:30:01 ago (+0/-0)

The American public is so fucking stupid. "reeeee I hate Hitler! He was trying to kill every non German in the world!!! Therefore multiple deaths anywhere is genocide!!!" But their thought process doesn't even think "no. Germans" , I just had to say that to make a complete sentence. Their unstated assumption is that he wanted to kill all humans everywhere.