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Finding the Center in the Abortion Murder Debate

submitted by NotAntifa75 to conspiracy 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 14:39:39 ago (+1/-1)     (conspiracy)

There are crazies on one side that say it's OK for parents to abortion murder 63 million babies, and that such abortion murders should continue.

There are equally crazy people on the same side that say "Lay down the forceps, we need to stop the killing." That is absurd. You can not allow 63 million abortions to go unanswered.

I am in the middle. I say children born during the horrific era of Roe v. Wade, but who were never able to vote more than once during that time (so they are not responsible for the murders) should select 63 million Americans who did participate in this Nation during the era of Roe v. Wade for death.

63 million to balance 63 million. It seems fair to me. I'm in the middle of the abortion debate.

I can understand those who say 31.5 million or 126 million should be killed. I call those people moderates. It's the crazies who say we should not kill tens of millions to get even, and the crazies who say we should kill everyone that bug me.

Think about it. What is the logical middle?

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