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I live in a horror story

submitted by NotAntifa75 to whatever 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 14:22:34 ago (+32/-1)     (whatever)

Between 1/3 and 1/2 of the people around me murdered their children (unborn babies.)

Can you imagine a story where you wake up and it looks like your world, but in this parallel universe,it is normal to murder children, and maybe 1/3 of your coworkers murdered their children?

I am not happy with this reality.

I live among monsters.

13 comments block

[ - ] Youdgetfuckedfaggot -1 points 1.9 yearsAug 7, 2022 10:59:39 ago (+0/-1)

Now imagine those damaged people that don't want kids... had kids. How does that improve your nightmare

[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 7, 2022 05:57:24 ago (+0/-0)

If more men/women got sterilised (and I'm sterile) there'd be less need for abortions.

[ - ] 1234lkjh 1 point 1.9 yearsAug 7, 2022 00:08:04 ago (+2/-1)

Lol, pussy. Having your daily whinge? If they chose that path, they obviously shouldn't be parents. Change your panties and stop being such a fag. Be glad (((they))) are not making more babies. I'm guessing from this post that no chick wants to reproduce with you, and it tracks.

[ - ] Youdgetfuckedfaggot -1 points 1.9 yearsAug 7, 2022 11:00:21 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] SirNiggsalot 1 point 1.9 yearsAug 7, 2022 12:04:32 ago (+1/-0)

I made the statement , " Killing babies is wrong " , to a coworker. Another coworker heard this , got butthurt and went to HR.

HR calls me on the carpet and said that " controversial subjects are best not discussed at work.

I replied , " What's controversial about the statement ? " " Is killing babies right ? "

Was told to sign a form acknowledging I was made aware that other coworkers were disturbed by my statement . I of course politely refused.

Still waiting for more possible repercussions.

Don't care .

[ - ] HeyJames 3 points 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 15:57:31 ago (+3/-0)

,it is normal to murder children, and maybe 1/3 of your coworkers murdered their children?

You need to get out of whatever soy cuck industry and whatever soy cuck city you live in.

[ - ] Clubberlang 3 points 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 21:45:01 ago (+3/-0)

Woman in the US are the only people allowed to murder without consequences.

[ - ] texasblood 4 points 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 15:09:44 ago (+5/-1)

Given a chance tell them it was murder.
Cold-blooded murder.
The truth will stand for itself.

[ - ] AryanPrime 3 points 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 17:00:10 ago (+3/-0)

lmfao diggernicks says nigger lovers need to be gassed, but ummmm...diggernicks is a kike and kikes love niggers

So diggernicks is saying he and his people need to be gassed

Finally, a kike who is honest about how his people should be treated

[ - ] diggernicks 2 points 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 17:12:49 ago (+2/-0)


You are MAD

[ - ] diggernicks 2 points 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 16:17:50 ago (+2/-0)

Nigger lovers require gassing

[ - ] diggernicks 4 points 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 16:17:25 ago (+4/-0)

If they're niggers I'm a-ok with this

Nigger lovers are enemies of america

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 11 points 1.9 yearsAug 6, 2022 15:45:18 ago (+11/-0)

We don't have to imagine. Many here have broken the chains of school/gov/media programming, only to awaken to a whole new reality.

A dystopian reality.