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When boomer business owners/hiring managers say "millennials lie on their resume". are they implying they hire based on merit?

submitted by anon to askanon 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 11:36:08 ago (+10/-1)     (askanon)

Boomers, how do you answer?

I have worked at ONE place in all of my work history that, years prior, hired based on merit, and it was obvious from the well oiled machine and handling of problems. By the time I was there for about a year it was clear they were no longer hiring based on meritz but rather the faggot friends of theirs. Then these faggot friends were hiring their friends and the quality of the product produced regressed significantly and they stuck their nose in the air and continued forcing people out so their friends could be hired.

Obviously this isn't a meritocracy, and every time someone pulling these sleezy tactics is confronted they gaslight themselves and try gaslighting everyone else into believing that we not only live in a meritocracy, but we have lived in a meritocracy for every instant in time in the past, and you must be crazy for suggesting otherwise. As you can see, the connection to reality disconnects and takes a b-line for random nonsense. And the problem here is that they gas themselves up on believing in this nonsense, and no matter how one responds they just keep make-believing and continue their nepotism.

21 comments block

[ - ] anon 3900987 7 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 13:07:52 ago (+7/-0)

Boomers are fucking retards that whine about paying employees yet drive $80,000 company vehicles (getting a new one every 2 years) and spend stupid money on their own "personal development" trips and stuff to swing their dick around for clients.

The reason why they want to be so picky is that they want someone who is qualified to do their job so that they can pass their work down and continue to be lazy. Can't wait until these people die off tbh.

[ - ] anon 1125585 -1 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 19:04:04 ago (+0/-1)

Boomers are fucking retards that whine about paying employees yet drive $80,000 company vehicles

Lol. Found the jealous Millennial that doesn't know how to start their own business.

want someone who is qualified to do their job so that they can pass their work down and continue to be lazy.

How stupid are you? I'm a millennial and that is my plan to the T. Good luck being a dumb faggot that doesn't know how to make money.

[ - ] anon 3900987 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 19:23:21 ago (+0/-0)

Lol. Found the jealous Millennial that doesn't know how to start their own business.

Neither do you apparently lmao

How stupid are you? I'm a millennial and that is my plan to the T. Good luck being a dumb faggot that doesn't know how to make money.

"That's my plan lul!"

I bet you read fucking Robert kiyosaki and watch Dave ramsay lmfao. Good luck LARP fag

[ - ] anon 1125585 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 20:53:11 ago (+0/-0)

Neither do you apparently lmao

Lol. I already own 2 businesses I started from scratch. I don't even do shit at them anymore. I hire dumb millenials like yourself to do everything for me. The two businesses are Karaoke and car detailing. Might not be much but it's steady income that doesn't take up my time and it put me in a position to purchase the masonry company I've also worked at for the last 4 years. Only 35 and I love it. That company comes with everything. So right off the bat I ain't doing shit. Probably get into realestate after that.

I bet you read fucking Robert kiyosaki and watch Dave ramsay lmfao. Good luck LARP fag

I'm too busy being successful to know who the fuck those clowns are. Apparently you have probably cried about them instead of focusing on your own life and what you can personally achieve.

[ - ] anon 3900987 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 21:21:27 ago (+0/-0)

two businesses are Karaoke and car detailing.

Those don't make money lmao. I make well over 150k doubt you even come close to that. If you actually do buy that masonry business maybe, but you'll be in debt to do it. I was once a business owner. Too many fuck heads these days to consider it again. Usually people who brag about their success are the ones drowning in debt with a ton of leverage.

[ - ] anon 1125585 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 21:35:21 ago (+0/-0)

I make well over 150k doubt you even come close to that.

Apparently you know nothing of the masonry business. I probably make more than you as an hourly certified Mason.

Usually people who brag about their success are the ones drowning in debt with a ton of leverage.

Also you

I make well over 150k doubt you even come close to that.

That's such a vague subjective opinion. It literally means nothing to this conversation because I have no debt. As of right now, I get a 2 to 3 thousand dollar bonus (still get that hourly mason wage also) after every job. About every week. The boss is showing me all the books and is showing me what I need to do to pay the business off within 3 years. I didn't ask for this. I was approached by the owner because he could see I had my shit together and was capable of running the business successfully.

[ - ] anon 3900987 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 21:40:51 ago (+0/-0)

As of right now, I get a 2 to 3 thousand dollar bonus (still get that hourly mason wage also) after every job. About every week. The boss is showing me all the books and is showing me what I need to do to pay the business off within 3 years. I didn't ask for this. I was approached by the owner because he could see I had my shit together and was capable of running the business successfully.

He may be trying to dump it on you because he knows the housing market will crash within the next year. There's going to be a recession this fall. Honestly I feel sorry for anyone getting into the construction sector right now. The unprecedented recent boom is going to be a distant memory soon.

[ - ] anon 1125585 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 21:45:29 ago (+0/-0)

Lol. Yep yep. Recession. That's why all the success my whole life. Because a Recession that might happen soon. It has nothing to do with my boss wanting to retire at 60 or the fact that I can go out and bid a 20 grand job and get it done in a week.

[ - ] anon 3421703 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 20:59:31 ago (+0/-0)

being obsessed with $ is 4 niggers

[ - ] anon 1125585 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 21:14:00 ago (+0/-0)

Lol. Any nigger obsessed with money can rob a poor bastard. I'm obsessed with success. The fact you don't know the difference says a lot. You'll always be a broke nigger.

[ - ] anon 5622320 [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 8, 2022 08:32:59 ago (+0/-0)

Ok boomer

[ - ] anon 1125585 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 8, 2022 08:33:50 ago (+0/-0)

Ok broke nigger.

[ - ] anon 5622320 [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 8, 2022 09:13:01 ago (+0/-0)

Ok boomer

[ - ] anon 3305740 5 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 11:49:26 ago (+5/-0)

It should be evidence enough by the fact that many men have tested out taking identical resumes and slapping female or black names on them only to get significantly more offers for job interviews.

[ - ] anon 5622320 [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 8, 2022 07:57:23 ago (+0/-0)

This reminds me of a thread last week where some boomer was ~oh so insightful~ about someone they'd never met, telling them they knew how meritless they were https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=62e97e1dcc84d

It's somewhere in the comments

[ - ] anon 3753939 3 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 14:21:32 ago (+3/-0)

It's a bigger problem than most realize.

China can't make anything good because they're all communist equality hires. That's the jew in communism; "all lesser beings are garbage, so they're all the same garbage".

There'll be planes crashing more frequently, the steering on cars going out, and fire alarms that just don't work.

The equality hire girly girls that engineered an overpass, bragged because they were actually hired to engineer an overpass and then shut up when the overpass fell down and killed a bunch of people. That's the future. A bunch of turds in management and the media working together to blame everything except the idiocy of equality.

You need merit co ops, where people pay a yearly fee to have the talented doctor who joined up for a little extra money, member only restaurants that don't give you food poisoning, and plumbers that know how to keep the venting from killing you.

[ - ] anon 1734161 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 20:53:19 ago (+0/-0)

What you're describing with co ops used to be common. Often accomplish through trade unions or political units.

[ - ] anon 2908817 1 point 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 15:34:03 ago (+1/-0)

An asshole with merit can actually be a problem, not helpful.

There are all kinds of workers. Maybe some are loyal, etc.

[ - ] anon 6855525 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 12:24:34 ago (+0/-0)

That would be antisemitic!!

[ - ] anon 4027062 -1 points 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 16:13:50 ago (+0/-1)

millennial gets a job says the company is a well oiled machine, claims within a year the company went to shit because of hiring practices.

We just watched a millennial grow into a boomer in one post.

"these damn new hires are lazy"

same shit boomers say but they attribute it to the generation, where as you attribute it to nepotism... maybe the boomers just misattributed the problem or maaaAAAAaaybe....

[ - ] anon 5622320 [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsAug 8, 2022 07:50:45 ago (+0/-0)

Ok Boomer