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Losing Friends

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 15:32:09 ago (+30/-0)     (whatever)

I know a lot of people in the Obama years and following likely lost a lot of friends and then Covid and all the bullshit only made it worse but I'm still trying to figure this shit out. Years ago I was pretty hardcore leftist. That term is completely different than what it means now. I wanted to fight the system and fuck authority, etc. It was not about indigenous bipocks or buttfuckers. I knew the game was screwed and the rich are using people to give them more power and wealth. I wanted to fight that.

I became close to a number of people that felt the same. They read a lot, seemed intelligent and believed a lot of what I believed but over time they went the way of loving sexual predators, hating the working class, etc. They were fooled by tricks of those in power to go over to their side. For this and a number of other reasons, some completely non political, I left all those people. I blocked, deleted, changed my number and moved far away. I'm not off the grid but I'm anti social media and for them that means I might as well be dead.

Once in a while I check up on them and they've gone even deeper into wokeness so they are actively working for the people that years ago they spoke out against. What gets me is how oblivious they are to the whole thing. These were people I thought were very educated- I even went and got my Masters because I felt like I couldn't compare to them. Now all they talk about is buttfuckers, colonization, etc. One thing that really sticks out for me is how all these people are living very, very comfortably. I know the bullshit about 'selling out' and I don't mind people doing what they need for themselves but it's so obvious that none of them are the hard working, oppressed, coloreds they always talk about. Do they think people take them seriously when they talk about poor niggers and then spend all day in a hot tub?

This has been the way of things for generations. I know this was talked about by a lot of historians and authors- the bourgeoisie always pretend to be concerned for the poor and hungry while stuffing their own faces. These were people I thought were more intelligent and at least a little self aware. Has anyone else experienced this?

Coincidentally, a number of friends from before them reached out and now I have a whole new set of friends but checking in on my former lefty friends is fucking unreal

48 comments block

[ - ] Cantaloupe 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 28, 2022 01:17:08 ago (+0/-0)*

Yes, so strange. The left used to be against most everything they're now for. And if you don't agree with fascism - government & business authoritarianism then somehow you're a Nazi - but that's okay if you're Ukrainian.

And a lot of them can learn.

Ted K might be worth a read

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 23:33:20 ago (+0/-0)

They were fooled by tricks of those in power to go over to their side.

Step 1, learn how to name the jew when you post instead of using codewords, that will help you stop being a leftist faggot lol

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 22:18:47 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] NuckFiggers [op] 1 point 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 23:32:53 ago (+1/-0)

Exactly. That's just what I mean.

[ - ] MichaelStewart 1 point 1.8 yearsJul 28, 2022 01:13:06 ago (+1/-0)

Hit the nail on the head

[ - ] texasblood 2 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 21:45:23 ago (+2/-0)

Raised six decades now.
Friends were feared and acquaintances were many.
Never had a friend in 60yrs.
Im far from lonely still.

[ - ] Trumpman9000 -1 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 21:38:24 ago (+0/-1)

Once a leftist faggot, always a leftist faggot.

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 21:28:57 ago (+0/-0)

Sounds to me like you were always far right. The words haven't changed meaning so much as you've come to understand that the left was never really fighting for what they claimed to be fighting for. They just used popular rhetoric because if they openly admitted to what they were always doing behind the scenes no one would ever allow them anywhere near the levers of power.

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 2 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 21:25:10 ago (+2/-0)

Experienced this exactly. Sorta.

Scene: California.

Back in the mid to late 1980s, while processing out of the military, met a guy who spiked his flattop and hung out at a punk bar in the Central Valley, then would get into fist fights with skinheads. Hung out with that scene for a bit, then went south for a bit.


Following the Huntington Beach Titty Riots, quit that scene and came back north.

Got involved with a young woman who was the daughter of a preacher, then her sister, then her and her sister. They were kinda nambi pambi conservatives (aka liberals, since they worried about the poor & the poor Jews being kicked out of the Soviet Union, not to mention the poor blacks, and isn’t socialism not really what Jesus taught? Etcetera). And they were eyeing jobs in state government. California.

Ceased my dalliance with them.

Then got involved with a young woman who worked in a library, then her sister, then her and her sister, then her other sister. They were liberals. Their mother was a pro-abortion protester who stood in the mall and screamed at the pro-life father of the other women. And they were more cynical than the others, (yet talked about the poor & the poor Jews being kicked out of the Soviet Union, not to mention the poor blacks, and isn’t socialism not really actually an efficient idea? Etcetera). And they were eyeing jobs in state government.

Got fed up with this freaky scene, shaved my head, and went back to the Central Valley to hang out with skinheads, for to beat up punks.

Never could determine any political difference between the punks and skinheads. And the others were pseudo-intellectuals who had been corralled by the education system into buying in to the same sociopolitical bullshit.

Being somewhat of a pathological narcissist, have always just sorta cut folks loose when they crimp my style. Actually have sparse idea how any of them is faring.

Oh wait! This is nothing similar!



[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 28, 2022 18:52:40 ago (+0/-0)

Narrcisist are demons on earth get help

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 20:31:02 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] dalai_llama 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 20:10:00 ago (+0/-0)

This has been a fairly bizarre ideological turnover.

Self proclaimed social engineers that are using their private wealth to fund bizarre political activist organizations are flying blind. I doubt they actuallu know what they're doing. They probably have a goal in mind but they are finding that they are not achieving it as easilyad they had initially hoped.

[ - ] NuckFiggers [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 28, 2022 00:35:34 ago (+0/-0)

Bizarre is the word for it. I never had much faith in people but even still I can't believe it.

We were taught that, because of experience and all the years of learning we were so much smarter and more advanced than the generations before us. How wrong we are. All those people following the Bolsheviks, the Red Guard, even the Khmer Rouge and now all the idealists that did nothing but talk about wrecking the system are totally down with picking up a rifle and forcing people into the fields.

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 28, 2022 05:56:56 ago (+0/-0)

Not sure what you're talking about. They openly rigged the election of the greatest country on earth and not one person has been executed. Seems like their engineering is working fine.

[ - ] Hermes 1 point 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 19:53:20 ago (+1/-0)

I feel you. I have lost a good amount of friends that were more or less good acquaintances over the past couple of years. I found myself having to silence my opinion and mirror the group rather than speaking out about things that are so blatant linke on this and other websites.

It began similarly, a general disagreement with the government and big everything. To the polarization of Trump which to me, was just another con. To the polarization of the vaccine.

For now, I have lost/shed a lot of friends and am basically alone in regards to this thinking besides a couple of online outlets. My first question, have you taken the vaccine to be my determining factor for a deeper relationship? After that, do you trust the government? What do you think about the global financial system and central banking? Finally, what are your religious beliefs?

If those can be answered as no, yes, rigged and non-abrahamic, you have basically qualified to be my friend.

Unfortunately, people want to be a part of the tribe, even if the tribe mutilates ur kids' generals, loves trannies, and is down with the money being slowly taken from them.

It is a fucked up world.

[ - ] Swej_Ehtsag 7 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 19:40:47 ago (+7/-0)*

Nope, I've always been based. I remember being in high school, BEFORE I HAD EVER BEEN ON THE INTERNET, and speaking up in history class asking the teacher and the class during mandatory goyim brainwashing lessons, that from my perspective it seems like the National Socialists were the good guys. I pointed out how they simply wanted a Germany for Germans and didn't understand how that could be conceived as a bad thing. A lot of the little turds in class looked shocked when I said this but many more looked intrigued and the teacher agreed that there are multiple perspectives.

Since I did get on the Internet, I've been getting banned from bulletin boards and message boards since forever. I remember getting banned from ebaumsworld, /., Digg, reddit (obviously) and I'm currently banned for life from 4chan. People really, really hate the truth. Was recently banned by those faggots at Poal, not sure how much longer I will last here.

I remember a time in middle school where I was telling jokes like, "what do you call a faggot in a wheelchair... Rolaids! (a popular heart burn relief product, not sure if still around). I remember some kike looking cunt starting some fit about faggots or cripples or something. She made a big scene, I laughed, and started telling even filthier and more racist jokes even louder. I learned to hate the bleeding heart cocksuckers since as far back as I can remember. My moms favorite cuss word was, "COTTON PICKIN!". Fuck niggers, fuck trannies, fuck jannies. -OGNiggerFaggot

[ - ] Hermes 6 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 19:54:42 ago (+6/-0)

damn, drop some bannable knowledge on my ignorant ass!?!?!

P.S. I have been banned from reddit multiple times and that site it a shell of it's former self

[ - ] Trumpman9000 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 21:44:14 ago (+1/-1)

Based. OP has probably sucked a nigger dick or two in his day.

[ - ] Swej_Ehtsag 5 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 22:55:44 ago (+5/-0)

I remember in PE class someone had a wallet stolen, teacher said that until someone confessed, we would spend every single class running laps around the school. Skip ahead 5 days of running in intense heat, we all know who took the fucking wallet, we wait for him behind a shed in the back corner of the school where nobody can see. We, as a group, kicked the ever loving shit out of him behind that shed and told him to confess even if he didn't take the wallet and if he said shit we would all, as a group, deny it ever happened and kick the shit out of him every day henceforth. Fucking Pollock confessed. I don't know what the fuck they are putting in the water now a days, faggot hormones or something, but shit sure has changed a lot.

[ - ] NuckFiggers [op] 3 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 23:38:27 ago (+3/-0)

When I was a kid they tried all that woke shit with my generation but we just ignored it as bullshit. I guess they kept trying until one generation, the millenials eventually did exactly as they were told. They just went along with it, never questioning all that pc bullshit because they were spoiled little shits.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 28, 2022 18:49:12 ago (+0/-0)

History teacher and coach for 7 years not one time in 7 years did I have a kid take your stance... looking back that is pretty unbelievable I would have loved to have a kid make your arguments and supported him or her.

Sadly the jew has basically won the MEEPAC MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATION PORN ADVERTISING COMPLEX has become almost perfected at brainwashing and pushing white genocide. A very peaceful genocide and one the usefull idiot self hating whites are actively participating in. It is truly mind boggling when you know the truth

[ - ] uvulectomy 5 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 19:33:54 ago (+5/-0)

These were people I thought were very educated...

Therein lies the problem. Education does not equate to intelligence or wisdom. It simply means they've learned to regurgitate answers that please their masters.

[ - ] Swej_Ehtsag 4 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 19:50:04 ago (+4/-0)

Education stopped being education when we switched from hands on learning to memorization and regurgitation to appease woman who, lacking all other useful abilities, have this one ability to briefly memorize something that can be later copied back onto a test form. The reason men fail at this is because we need practical, tangible learning that has meaning and purpose, memorization and regurgitation has no gains besides little letter being typed onto a report card.

[ - ] MasklessTheGreat 9 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 18:20:28 ago (+9/-0)

I’ve pretty much got zero friends at this point. Turns out nobody was a true friend to begin with. All acquaintances and such. I’m about the most loyal person anyone could know but am currently maintaining zero close friends because I’ve been burned too many times to count. Fuck people. I’m going to be focusing on myself and the rest can go fuck themselves. If I find someone who would qualify to be a close friend I would open up that door. I don’t see that happening though.

[ - ] NuckFiggers [op] 1 point 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 18:50:20 ago (+1/-0)

I had a lefty acquaintance that was the stereotype, completely selfish and doesn't do any of the shit he bitches at other people about but I gave him a chance and he completely fucked me over. Now I don't even acknowledge him and he has no idea why. He's tried to ask me why I don't respond to him anymore. Fucking clueless.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 2 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 20:19:16 ago (+2/-0)

He's tried to ask me why I don't respond to him anymore.

I hope when he asks you why you don't respond, you then, literally, just don't respond.

[ - ] MasklessTheGreat 1 point 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 18:54:42 ago (+1/-0)

Yep. I’ve got one dude that only reaches out when he needs something. He hit me up the other day. It didn’t take long for him to get to the point. I only played along to see if I was right about him only wanting something. “Send all your friends over for insurance. I need to get them policies written.” I didn’t respond. He’s from Argentina. Aren’t they the Jews of South America? If not then he certainly is.

[ - ] Hobama 1 point 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 21:59:36 ago (+1/-0)

Ive got a handful of close loyal friends, but have realized that the majority of people I associate with wouldnt give bother so much as fart in my general derection if they didnt want something from me. Its sad but this is what peak degeneracy breeds.

[ - ] albatrosv15 3 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 17:51:35 ago (+3/-0)

The more comfortable life, the less reality is kicking them into their face. Thus, random stupidity starts breeding in their skulls.

[ - ] NuckFiggers [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 18:52:39 ago (+0/-0)

I think half have such easy lives there is a subconscious guilt they feel they must answer for but lack the self awareness to understand.

The other half do it as a power grab- they know they can get power, status or money by looking more moral and societally accepted than others. This way they don't have to work for it.

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 17:22:36 ago (+1/-0)

Once in a while I check up on them and they've gone even deeper into wokeness so they are actively working for the people that years ago they spoke out against. What gets me is how oblivious they are to the whole thing.

Most people just want to follow fashion and current trends. If it is currently popular to genocide my race and be a pervert, I can no longer rationally associate with people I once called friends and you are better off making new associations.

[ - ] Hermes 2 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 19:55:21 ago (+2/-0)

"currently popular to genocide my race and be a pervert"
-literally what it is

[ - ] olinneserpona 2 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 17:09:09 ago (+2/-0)

Most people care more about fitting in than they do about the truth. It's The Emperors New Clothes everywhere I look..

[ - ] 3Whuurs 8 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 17:09:01 ago (+8/-0)

It’s been frustrating having to figure this shit out on my own over the decades.
But 2 of the most helpful early insights I heard while young that have saved me years of stress, is:

1. Marxism is essentially the inversion of all reality with the absolute ban on a shred of personal responsibility. The most wild hypocrisy possible is almost always the position being advocated.
eg. Kill more people in 80 years then every religious war in 3000 years combined times 5, and specifically accuse religion of causing all the wars. (No I’m not religious)
On & on examples better then this.

&2. Reading Mien Kampf in the 10th grade, and having the guts to openly argue it with a cpl teachers.
Cause not really even understanding it fully, hearing the fallacies and knee jerk desperation from these teachers as they were clearly being destroyed and refusing to change their minds, was as close to an “awakening” as I can say I’ve ever had.
I didn’t fully understand the JQ for a few years yet but this experience taught me not to trust authority over my own understanding. And I can’t imagine how many fucking freek shows I could have fell for over the years without that instinct from a young age.
Or how many faggot social groups I would have fell in with and had to cycle through as soon as they started advocating fag shit.

[ - ] Laputois 14 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 16:21:26 ago (+14/-0)

Reminds me of hippies who joined the system and became worse than their parents generation in greed and avarice.

[ - ] NuckFiggers [op] 2 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 16:45:34 ago (+2/-0)

One of them moved to a very niggery city where they whine about gentrification a lot. I'm sure she goes to meetings to fight against all the people moving into the city.

[ - ] lord_nougat 3 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 16:13:51 ago (+3/-0)

Sounds like we have a number of shared experiences.

[ - ] Grospoliner 11 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 15:47:22 ago (+11/-0)

About 75 percent of the populace are NPCs. They were just regurgitating what was in vogue at the time. Same as they are now.

[ - ] lord_nougat 8 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 16:15:51 ago (+8/-0)

How could you not support *CURRENT THING*, you nazi bigot shitlord?!!?!

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 21:09:37 ago (+1/-0)

Oyyyyyy Veyyyy zees right! Don't be an anti semetic vaxr!

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 5 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 20:17:45 ago (+5/-0)

About 75 percent of the populace are NPCs. They were just regurgitating what was in vogue at the time.

This is why "they" use social media bot accounts to project what "in vogue" is. This is at least 95% of what we're up against, and even people here are guilty of not understanding this.

[ - ] Cunt 1 point 1.8 yearsJul 28, 2022 06:25:35 ago (+1/-0)

How hard is it to create a social media bot? Feels like a job for 4chan: create a bunch of bots on different platforms to make it seem like majority opinion is going far right.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 10 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 15:46:24 ago (+10/-0)

We've been split into factions. Some have a lot of the same members, but there's definitely two different sides. People who picked the orange man bad side back in 2016 have essentially cauterized into what the modern left is. That was the catalyst I think, after that they just spout the talking points fed to them by media. There's a shit load of highly educated people that have no idea how to think, just as there's a larger amount that have no education but can think for themselves (sort of). People are fucking tribal and they pick teams. White people aren't really allowed to pick team White people, so they go to the next available choice and lean into it.

[ - ] KeepPoal4fags 3 points 1.8 yearsJul 28, 2022 00:04:50 ago (+3/-0)

Thats well said.

[ - ] Fascinus 7 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 15:42:39 ago (+7/-0)

Do they think people take them seriously when they talk about poor niggers and then spend all day in a hot tub?


[ - ] NuckFiggers [op] 6 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 15:53:48 ago (+6/-0)

They are. I'm aware of the term but it's like they're actively trying to be the stereotype even when they're well aware of the stereotype. I know people change and I'm not hurt by any of this; friends come and go, I'm more astonished that they are so complacent and just ignorant of everything.

There was a time an ex got me to open up in front of her friends about how the rich rig the system and a ton of other shit and they were all astonished and agreed. They were all afraid to state it so openly. Now they are those people trying to keep people from talking that way.

[ - ] lord_nougat 7 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 16:14:53 ago (+7/-0)

NPCs, man. There's no logic or reason to their retarded programmed stances and actions.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.8 yearsJul 27, 2022 21:08:49 ago (+0/-0)