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SearchVoat is Suicidal, That is Why He Started Talking About the Site Going Offline

submitted by deleted to MeanwhileOnSVF 1.8 yearsJul 24, 2022 14:22:50 ago (+21/-3)     (MeanwhileOnSVF)


54 comments block

Look, I'm sorry I can't let this go yet, but "giving me admin access to the server" and "mod powers" and I'm thinking, why would I want that? What's the upside for me? You wanted help, I suppose, and you could have asked me to help in specific ways, but your attitude was "I'm so generous, here, have admin access, have all this power"... as if that was of any use or interest to me. Just struck me as arrogant, I guess. Why would I want control over your site?