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8 comments block

[ - ] UncleDoug 4 points 1.9 yearsJul 24, 2022 14:18:46 ago (+4/-0)

Turning your immune system into a prescription service, sponsored by pfizer.

She doesn't have to worry about potential infertility issues from the vax, because no one will fuck her now anyway.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 2 points 1.9 yearsJul 24, 2022 15:47:11 ago (+2/-0)

That’s really actually sad. I’m not feeling sorry for her, it’s just sad that anyone was duped like this and it turned out fucked. I knew from minute one this vax shit was a scam. I have some fambly members who are probably gonna die from it.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 24, 2022 14:35:17 ago (+1/-0)*

I've recently proposed how to push their shit in with a pristine parallel academia, which exists purely to fuck them over, expose them for what they are, and ultimately replace them while revolutionizing scientific professional ethics.

Cut out the government, cut out the universities, cut out the corporations, cut out the activists and NGO's, cut out all the external influences that create biases, agendas, and ruin the ability to be trusted to do good science, we can get some support for our science projects some other way, perhaps one that keeps us from knowing who's providing the funds, and for the funds to be collected without pandering to the expectations of the donors regarding the results that we could make public.

We could start small, a little shed, with two people working on a small and simple project, then ramp it up gradually after our first publication hits, and we can use it to start drawing attention, controversy is something we can ride on if we got someone good at stirring up public relations, there's a lot of people willing to leap upon anything that pisses off the establishment order, all we got to do is make sure that everyone is aware of what we are doing.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 24, 2022 15:16:51 ago (+2/-1)



[ - ] beece 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 24, 2022 20:34:46 ago (+1/-0)

Not hilarious at fucking all. You think someone who hears the bullshit lies all day long and gets fucked over is funny?!! Why is that funny?

It's not.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 25, 2022 06:31:35 ago (+0/-0)

Nigger, everyone has the internet. Ignorance is no excuse. I promise you at least 1 person told dat bish that the jab is fucking retarded.

[ - ] beece 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 24, 2022 20:34:04 ago (+0/-0)

Dayum brothers, that shit is so fucking sad. She bought into the bullshit it's true, but now she needs to re-calibrate and grow.

Welcome to our side sister.