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Cui bono? Who benefits? Why is there such a rush for revolution or secession? Who will take power once there is a power vacuum?

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.9 yearsJul 19, 2022 15:19:45 ago (+6/-0)     (whatever)

This is why I don't trust anyone who talks about revolution or secession all the time. Almost no one has the aptitude for leadership on a large scale, and those who keep pushing for revolt have an agenda and already know who will fill the power vacuum. And they aren't White.

So what do the people who call for revolution or secession actually want? How do they benefit? Whatever it is, it doesn't involve you, except in a service capacity.

Why are the talking about so much in the media? Why do they want it done so quickly? So that no one has time to think it through clearly enough to realize that in a power vacuum, the only people who will step into power are exactly the sort of people who should never have it.

Do you have the aptitude for large scale leadership? I certainly don't, and you probably don't either. Can you tell the difference between a leader with the best interests of the people at heart and a sociopath demagogue? You probably can, but most people can't.

6 comments block

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -2 points 1.9 yearsJul 19, 2022 15:35:28 ago (+0/-2)*

Why are the kookiest Jew haters also defenders of the status quo? Traditionally white nationalist types have usually supported secession, revolution, even racial warfare. Now we are awash in suspicious accounts that more or less wanna keep things the way they are - except call everybody Jews. Especially if they don't wanna keep things the way they are.

This stuff could break a few ways though. You could have liberal states leave the US. You could have red states leave. You could even have both. It could be relatively orderly. That may even be the likeliest scenario. It's only with something like a nuclear strike probably where you see these Mad Max scenarios of 10,000 warlords emerge as real possibilities. That's where the power vacuum is created and central power is decapitated. You might not like this if you like Washington. Or work for Washington. Otherwise a power vacuum creates opportunity for at least some territory to be ruled by people more to the liking of white nationalists whereas right now there is none.

Alternatively, if you are an old geezer you might not like disruption. You could end up dead or no longer get your checks from fedgov. Or if you are rich you might not like it. Wealthy people usually like stability. It means they don't lose it all in a war.

[ - ] HughBriss [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 19, 2022 20:01:04 ago (+0/-0)

Forum slide. You introduced two different topics, "jew haters" and "defenders of the status quo", neither of which was in my post. I never mentioned jews.

I only wanted to know who was already set up to assume power in the unlikely case of secession or civil war. It's people like you who worry me because you already this pretty well thought out, and I don't think you have White people's interests at heart.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 19, 2022 15:38:45 ago (+1/-0)

There will have to be a civil war if we are to survive, a continuing of this peace will be the end of our people.

However, the jews are also aware that because of this desperate state of things, that war is inevitable.

The jews are going to take advantage of this, they have within the resistance people who will assume leadership roles and take power once the current establishment is abolished or reformed, so they will still run the sytem.

The answer is to go into the war, but keep eyes out for anyone who serves as a leader in the revolution, anyone who looks like the jews are controlling them must be taken out, the jews will also try to control those who will replace those leaders, so we will have to be aware of them as well.

The first thing we should do is get rid of all the jews, and anyone who is in communication with them, we should be paranoid about potential traitors in our midst, who are in any sort of association with anyone who is jewish, or anyone who was found to be associating with jews.

Just an immediate death sentence would be sufficient to remove jewish influence from our nations.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 19, 2022 15:57:19 ago (+1/-0)*


[ - ] TheViciousMrPim 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 19, 2022 17:38:00 ago (+1/-0)

I volunteer to be King.

[ - ] HughBriss [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 19, 2022 20:03:10 ago (+0/-0)

Are you a jew? Are you a sociopath? Are you a sexual deviant? If all are no, you're well on your way to being a proper king, although you stand a 99% chance of assassination.

[ - ] taoV 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 19, 2022 18:53:39 ago (+1/-0)

If the US balkanizes it will be much, much easier for a rising empire to assert dominance over the fragments via divide and conquer, military force, etc, so I assume at least some of that rhetoric is pushed by state enemies.

Also though, based on a discussion here earlier this week very few people understand what will win or lose a civil war. Pushing for one before "the right" can coalesce into a united force would be an accelerationist strategy for a sufficiently terrified domestic authority. So I think part of it is an attempt to walk all potential resistors into a trap (as usual).