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[ - ] Hyperboreanstudios 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 17:58:21 ago (+0/-0)

Both jews both abrahamic both daddy yahweh admirers both part of 911 both against Amalek and this forever....

HYPE#10 - They Live, We Sleep https://odysee.com/@HyperboreanStudios:b/HYPE-10---They-Live%2C-We-Sleep-%28Final-HD%29:4

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 15:08:18 ago (+1/-0)

Honestly we are missing the point here. You are trying to argue that having one ancestor more than 300 years ago that might have been a jew is the reason why the Saudis are corrupt as fuck and bargaining with jews. I feel this is a stretch. Maybe Joe Biden has a jewish ancestor from 300 years ago. If all his other ancestors are English or whatever, being 0.1% jewish does not explain their corruption or their betrayal of their own nation’s interests.

Arabs are a corrupt group. They may keep their wives and daughters from slutting around but the men engage in all manner of deceit, exploitation and hypocrisy.

They look like jews because they are drawn from the same ancestry within the last 5000 years or so. They share a similar language and culture. I simply do not believe the Saudis are crypto jews any more than the Clintons or the Bidens. They are just corrupt elites and they want in the club.

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 15:20:44 ago (+1/-0)

You're making the assumption that the one jewish ancestor never preceded to have children with other jewish women, even though Arabia at this time was loaded with jews and the assumption that they for some reason decided to marry only non-jews from thereafter. Yes, Arabs are scum but the Saudi family have since the very beginning sided with the jews, it was thanks to jew-controlled Britain that they are even in control of Saudi Arabia in the first place, however only now they are coming out in the open about their cozy relationship with Israel.

Arabs in Arabia have been intermixing with jews going way back. The Himyarite Kingdom was taken over by jews, on top of jews intermixing with Arabs, they also forced them to convert to Judaism or be executed if they refused. So yes, Arabs, specially the ones in Saudi Arabia, has, jewish admixture in them I would say. So why would the Saudi family being cryptos be a stretch, specially with that family tree in mind?

Even if they weren't jews, their behavior and mentality is as jewish as it gets.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 16:02:41 ago (+0/-0)

You're making the assumption that the one jewish ancestor never preceded to have children with other jewish women,

Ok lets say they are 5% jewish. It still doesnt explain their behavior. Being arab does. Everyone in that bit of the world it corrupt. Especially the elites drwn from warlords who were always rapists and thieves and cut-throats.

The real question here is, what makes jews so bad? Its undoubtedly genetics so when did they acquire these problem genes that make them so predatory and how. Knowing how awful middle easterners are in general one can presume that alot of these genes were common to all semites before the jews hived off, or are due to mixing with jews since jews hived off, but that part of what makes jews so terrible is not in common with saudis (or we’d be complaining about them ruining our country more) and that if may be because of some genetics they picked up from europeans.

We need to identify the genes responsible for jewish behaviors and saudis will have some of these in common. But thats a far cry from the Saudi royal family studying the talmud.

I find your reference to the Himyarite kingdom interesting. I had never heard of it. But I have been researching the hanifs and the banu hashem and their may be some overlap here. The hanifs were arab monotheists who claimed descent from abraham. Mohammed’s family were members of this cult. The families that claim this line have an interesting Y chromosome group that is very close to the cohenim haplogroup. Don’t get too excited because these dudes probably split off from each other 4000 years ago. But it makes me wonder how many tribes decend from the founding population of hebrews. Anyways, some of these hanifs seem to be from this area in yemen.

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 18, 2022 12:47:28 ago (+0/-0)

Their religious teaching is a reflection of who they are, the Old Testament is just a list of evil that is commonly committed by the tribe that is excused and made to look holy instead of what it actually is, pure evil. So to me it has to be down to their genetics being corrupted, probably stemming a lot from inbreeding and intermixing with so many different groups of people.

Yemen was especially jewish during the Himyarite Kingdom, which is where most of the power of the jewish kingdom was stationed. It was reported by the eve of Islam, Yemen was either entirely jewish or almost entirely jewish, both converts or jews by ethnicity. Many of these jews converted to Islam because Islam was nothing more than a branch of Judaism, so there wasn't changing needed, all they needed was to say praise Allah instead of praise Yahweh, but it's still the same god.

But of course, they don't have to be jewish to be scumbags, Arabs have shown their share of evil. A not much talked about subject is the early support many early 20th century leaders had for Zionism. These same Arab leaders provided Israel with 800,000 more jews in their manpower arsenal, certainly a strange thing to do if you considered Israel as your enemy and here you are providing them with more manpower to their army.

We can see how that came back to bite the Arabs in the butt.

[ - ] Hyperboreanstudios 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 18:03:23 ago (+1/-0)

Nahhh they are the same bc they ate blood ad religion related. They worship Yahweh, and Amalek the Germanic and Hyperborean non Abylonian tribes do not.

Chose your camp fagget. When ready give me a call : 1 999 999 BASED.

[ - ] deleteme1234 4 points 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 13:53:36 ago (+4/-0)

Some of the followers of Moses became followers of Jesus. Some of the followers of Jesus became followers of Mohamad.

Nothing new.

The Saudis are cryptojews. Everybody knows it. The other Arab rulers (and most of the world rulers, really) are jewish pawns.

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 15:03:12 ago (+1/-0)

Yes, however, not many are aware that shortly before the arrival of Islam, there was a prominent jewish kingdom in Arabia. The jews didn't only intermix with the Arabs there, but also forced the Arabs to either convert to Judaism or be executed, a tactic that would also be deployed later on by Muslims. Many of the early Muslims in Arabia, were previously jewish.

[ - ] Hyperboreanstudios 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 18:01:43 ago (+0/-0)

Look up turks or donmeh jews. Look up president or owners of Honduras and Nicaragua. Why are Turkish freemasons invited in the club of rome?


[ - ] Hyperboreanstudios 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 18:00:33 ago (+0/-0)

Some of us never followed any of all of that... we are of Hyperborean origin and Germanic lines. The Jesus Gnostic cult was kiked by talmudics and it invaded europe and Rome embraced it.

The rest is history.
The baseline is that you are fighting against Talmudic Babylonians.

[ - ] Boardallday3 2 points 1.9 yearsJul 17, 2022 12:59:16 ago (+2/-0)

100% a jewish thing to do (get in with the royal family) even before oil was discovered.