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Idea for a website - "Hone your jewdar!"

submitted by iamthelightning to whatever 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 18:25:31 ago (+6/-1)     (whatever)

If you remember that youtuber named Evalion, she did a video called how to spot a jew and it was pretty effective and got her a ton of flak and then banned.

And if you remember that old website 'Hot or not' back in the day it was a simple one-page site with a picture in the middle and users voted on that single pic.

Hone your jewdar could be basically the same but with goal to train the users eye into spotting the difference. A simple pic with a binary choice and a score at the end.

A tool for those just waking up to this.


11 comments block

[ - ] SecretHitler 6 points 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 18:30:05 ago (+6/-0)

First we need a database of ACCURATE jew and White pictures. I'm more interested in this because we can use it to train an AI model.

[ - ] Fascinus 5 points 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 18:47:43 ago (+5/-0)

How awesome would it be to turn a smartphone into a real life pair of the glasses from "They Live"?

[ - ] SecretHitler 3 points 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 19:02:27 ago (+3/-0)

That's a really good idea and I think it's actually doable. Bluing jews would be straightforward. Replacing pictires of interracial couples with a few words also straightforward. Text recognition that replaces political catchphrases would need frequent updates to stay current but I think is doable. Niggers wearing glasses would probably be easy.

Biggest problem is it could be pretty big to install or else would require a server somewhere which would immediately be attacked I'm sure.

What are some other good replacement ideas?

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 3 points 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 18:55:36 ago (+3/-0)

I've already got x-ray vision when it comes to identifying kikes. I don't even have to see them anymore, I can tell by speech alone. They're so obvious, that's why they try to (literally) move heaven and earth to fit in

[ - ] xmasskull 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 19:17:48 ago (+1/-0)

Is this website for the "fence sitters"?

If so,they won't "wake-up"until something wakes them up.ie:violence/robbery or such.

[ - ] iamthelightning [op] 2 points 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 19:23:26 ago (+2/-0)

I agree with that statement and see this as a 'companion' to materials for the people already looking into things such as Europa The Last Battle.

I'm thinking along the lines of a way to emphasize that they are in fact a distinct group form White Europeans and to train the ability to notice. Even White babies know blacks are different from them because of the obvious skin tone, jews possibly not as much.

Kinda like that meme with the side-by-side of two women, a White and a jew and the text goes something like "and God chose this one?"

[ - ] xmasskull 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 19:39:42 ago (+1/-0)

By no means do I want anyone to experience a (dark)scenario,just to change minds.

[ - ] iamthelightning [op] 1 point 1.9 yearsJul 10, 2022 00:29:37 ago (+1/-0)

Agreed and I did not mean to imply that I did. Just that, as you said, some people will not without. Therefore, the emphasis was on those already on the journey.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 23:01:09 ago (+0/-0)

Needs more tinfoil buttplug

[ - ] iamthelightning [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsJul 10, 2022 00:31:57 ago (+0/-0)

what do you mean?

[ - ] texasblood -3 points 1.9 yearsJul 9, 2022 20:17:46 ago (+0/-3)

Waste of life sweating punk shit for mental feels.
What are you like 12 or some shit with a boner for your moms sister?