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Hindu politician blamed for muslim riots, charged with “promoting enmity” for stating facts about the PEDO Prophet

submitted by PostWallHelena to Islam 2.0 yearsJul 3, 2022 18:35:56 ago (+16/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


BJP politician Nupur Sharma blamed for “making” muslims decapitate innocents.

You may recall a row several weeks ago in which muslims and hindus were fighting over a mosque that was built on top of a shrine to Shiva. In a televised debate, the Muslim politician called the Shiva phallic idol (shivalinga!) a water fountain.

Nupur Sharma, a high profile hindu politician, reminded him that muhammed had sex with a 9 years old.

Of course all the mudslimes rioted over what was is stated clearly in their scriptures being repeated openly. An innocent hindu was decapitated.

Nupur Sharma was criminally charged and the supreme court blamed her, saying she is “single handedly responsible for [the riots]”

Notice how all native traditions are made the scapegoat by (((secular))) establishments.

10 comments block

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 2 points 2.0 yearsJul 3, 2022 19:02:29 ago (+3/-1)

Super busy sub, kek, a year old. No one cares about Islam. jews are the problem, Islam is but one symptom.

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 4 points 2.0 yearsJul 3, 2022 19:19:28 ago (+4/-0)

Jews are a bigger problem. But islam is still a problem. And its clear that international jews are using muzzies to accomplish their agenda the same way they use blacks.

I looked for a sub like mudslimes or towelheads but there isn’t one. There are like 20 subs about jews. Islam is a real problem. Anyway I think it’s good to keep tabs on these far off places because jews have their agenda in all of them. They have a clear dog in this fight.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 1 point 2.0 yearsJul 3, 2022 19:27:22 ago (+2/-1)

I lived in Pakistan in 1978-79 before the Islamic revolution. Once in awhile I peruse google maps of Islamabad, where I lived and if you click on the red pointers (whatever they’re called) for businesses and such, you go right to the web sights for these places and you find total westernization in what we are all told is the center of radical Islam. For instance, there is a bbq res with a Texas theme. Bull horns on the wall and everything. Photos of Pakis in normal human clothing, not man dresses, eating at tables with women not in hijabs. There is also a Hardee’s in Islamabad. I think we are being lied to.

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 3 points 2.0 yearsJul 3, 2022 20:17:24 ago (+3/-0)

before the Islamic revolution.

There was another revolution after 79? Its hard to keep track of all their wars.

I can do the same thing with nigger countries. In the cities you can find elite niggers all gussied up like a civilized human, but people with nice stuff still need to build a wall around their house with barbed wire on the top. Girls are literally raped walking down the street.

And then in the foothills you got the real polygamous crazy jihadi goatherder types. My friend was recently in Istanbul on a layover. With her girl toddler. She said their were looking at her like she was dinner. She wasn’t sure if they were checking out her or the baby. This is not a person given to hysteria so I take her at her word.

Polygyny breeds very negative agressive traits in male populations. That’s why they need to throw sheets over their women. All of the “Asian grooming gangs” investigated in Britain were Pakis and Bengalis.

The Buddhists in Burma say all the same things (see my earlier post today). Muslims are expansionist warlords because they need an infidel source to mitigate their chronic scarcity of females and they need infidel countries to loot from to support their polygyny. Chronic war with infidels (or each other) also alleviates the problem of “extra” males. Its inherently unsustainable and promotes violence and theft and rape.

All polygamous societies have these sorts of problems, though islam is more orderly about it than some. Islam does not promote hardwork and honesty and good dads. Its an agressive reproductive strategy supported on theft and slavery. It will take generation of enforced monogamy to select for less agressive traits in these groups. And polygynists specifically tend to go for the very young girls. This is even true in non-islamist polygynist groups like the comanchees and certain australian abo tribes.

Per this Nupur Sharma story, a hindu tailor was supposedly decapitated by these to charmers who walked in to his store off the street https://files.catbox.moe/5hv5pv.jpeg
So sad. There is a real problem and its inherent to islam AND it’s genetic— a phenomenon similar to what we see in judaism

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.0 yearsJul 3, 2022 23:05:47 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] drhitler 1 point 2.0 yearsJul 4, 2022 06:56:21 ago (+1/-0)

well the hindus need to act so violent they are too scared to call them anything but peaceful.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 2.0 yearsJul 4, 2022 00:45:43 ago (+0/-0)

You may recall a row several weeks ago in which ...

No, we don’t recall any such thing. No one cares what pakis do to each other.

Are you a pajeet?

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 1 point 2.0 yearsJul 4, 2022 01:00:42 ago (+1/-0)

No, we don’t recall any such thing. No one cares what pakis do to each other.

Somebody posted about this drama when it started about a month ago. So many may recall it.

Are you a pajeet?

I am what you are. Ive seen you say what you are. I am those same things.

I mean, you know, I’m not a cunt. I’m just talking about ethnicity.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 2.0 yearsJul 4, 2022 11:20:51 ago (+0/-0)

You have a cunt (ostensibly) and you are a cunt. You wish you were what I am but you can’t even get close, you darkie. You are at best a medi, but you might be a pajeet. I have noticed you have a lot of “knowledge” about that part of the world. Hmmmmm