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12 comments block

[ - ] HughBriss 2 points 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 11:31:58 ago (+2/-0)

Lincoln was the worst president this country ever had. He caused untold damage, yet is hailed as a saint for "ending slavery".

[ - ] Hobama 2 points 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 12:05:39 ago (+2/-0)

Warmongering fuck is what he was. Total piece of Shit that left the job half done.

[ - ] HughBriss 1 point 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 13:44:42 ago (+1/-0)

Not sure what you mean by "half done". I agree, though. He never should have attacked the South.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 13:52:15 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] HughBriss 0 points 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 13:53:34 ago (+0/-0)

Got it. I agree with that. He was actually quite serious about that.

[ - ] Hobama 1 point 2.2 yearsJun 30, 2022 00:44:33 ago (+1/-0)

He was planning to ship all the niggers back to africa but got taken out before he could get it done. Supposedly.

[ - ] Spaceman84 [op] 1 point 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 17:25:23 ago (+1/-0)

Also a jew loving Zionist closet homo.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 09:50:07 ago (+1/-0)

Justice is sweet.

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 1 point 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 09:42:31 ago (+1/-0)

Even niggalovin’ Abe?

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 0 points 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 11:19:37 ago (+0/-0)

You somehow triple posted.

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum -1 points 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 09:42:08 ago (+0/-1)

Even niggalovin’ Abe?

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum -1 points 2.2 yearsJun 29, 2022 09:35:49 ago (+0/-1)

Even niggalovin’ Abe?