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2 comments block

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 2.0 yearsJun 22, 2022 06:15:58 ago (+1/-0)

That writer sucks.

It says Brazil allows abortion for rape.

And, it says she's 22 weeks pregnant.

If the writer didn't suck so bad, we might understand wtf.

[ - ] breh 2 points 2.0 yearsJun 22, 2022 10:32:19 ago (+2/-0)

She's 5 1/2 months along, so would have to legally have an induced birth no matter what. Even with the rape loophole, they won't just kill the kid and vacuum it out since it is already a kid and not "a clump of cells". Tbey induce birth and throw the kid into NICU and cross their fingers it survives being 3 months preemie. The judge just told her to wait another month so the kid might not die right away.