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The Mercenaries Surrendered

submitted by deleted to politics 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 09:56:40 ago (+19/-1)     (politics)


49 comments block

[ - ] mikenigger 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 18:18:14 ago (+0/-0)

when i want to see retards feed on propaganda i come right to tlol

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 18:26:49 ago (+2/-0)

Yeah but look you have a friend now. @glorybeckons loves Zelensky too. You guys could get married and have a baby and name it Zelensky.

[ - ] dassar 0 points 2 yearsJun 19, 2022 03:19:58 ago (+0/-0)

Oh fck them. Hope they both get shanked and strung up like pigs ...

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:43:33 ago (+1/-0)

Great video. Our military leadership has lost all credibility with this war. These faggots are lucky they are alive.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:56:57 ago (+2/-0)*


[ - ] Trumpman1488 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 18:10:28 ago (+0/-0)

So how about that date?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 18:24:05 ago (+0/-0)

What are you talking about? Stop wasting my time.

[ - ] Trumpman1488 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 19:00:31 ago (+0/-0)

I want to take you out on a date. I'm paying for dinner.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 19:48:21 ago (+1/-0)

No fuck off

[ - ] Trumpman1488 -1 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 19:50:21 ago (+0/-1)

Stupid fucking bitch. Enjoy being alone with your Franzia and cats.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 22:05:41 ago (+0/-0)

I don’t drink and I have a dog. But thanks I will.

[ - ] Trumpman1488 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 23:43:12 ago (+0/-0)

How many times have you fucked the dog you sick whore?

[ - ] watts2db 2 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 11:32:46 ago (+2/-0)

fucking retards especially that “american” fool. to bad he survived that moron probably was a blm/antifa rioter just prior to doing this shit too

[ - ] Belrick 1 point 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:20:44 ago (+1/-0)

Only one American was captured. The other is an invasive colonizer

[ - ] Hadza 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:43:32 ago (+0/-0)

You can’t colonise something that’s already inhabited

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 5 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 11:49:46 ago (+5/-0)

Morons who are trying to relive the greatest time in their lives. When someone else paid for everything they wanted, told them they were "good boys" and an Army of One! Oh and all the backpatting when they are at home, "thank you for you're service" and can I get a veteran discount fer dat? I fawt fer yer fureedum!

Screw these guys, let them rot in russian prisons til they die.

[ - ] yesiknow 6 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 10:03:41 ago (+6/-0)

Because some manipulative born psychopaths told them they could walk into someone else's country and just start shooting people. At no time did that become legal anywhere on earth.

The public schools omitted to tell them all that the rules of war are legalities. The belief that education is a passive consumer thing is their own fuck up.

[ - ] GloryBeckons -4 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 11:05:48 ago (+2/-6)*

Well, if some manipulative, born psychopaths hadn't told the Russian idiots that they can walk into someone else's country and just start shooting people, then these idiots wouldn't have any reason to be there doing the same either.

I suppose it should be no surprise. If Russian education was any better it wouldn't be such a forsaken shithole.

Maybe you can reach out and let them know what they're doing is illegal, and how bad their schools are for not teaching them better.

Edit: Really hit a nerve with this one, huh? The density of blind hypocrisy and complete lack of self-awareness in these replies would make any leftist globofaggot blush and the slimiest of kikes go green with envy.

[ - ] watts2db 14 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 11:38:44 ago (+14/-0)

does “not one more inch”, Minsk agreement, and the fact that the residents in Donbas are ethnic Russian speakers that have been brutally oppressed by Kiev since 2014 mean anything to you fool? The Russians where forced into this mess by the (((faggot west))) and (((nato)))

[ - ] GloryBeckons -4 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 15:53:47 ago (+0/-4)

They made us do it! They made us invade, and murder, and pillage, and rape, and loot! We just had to carpet bomb cities full of civilians until nothing but rubble was left! I mean, they said some mean things about us. And some of their politicians didn't keep their promises that one time. And, and... when we sent some mercenaries into their territories to start a civil war, and pretended like we totally didn't, and shot down a passenger plane with 300 people on board (oops!), they actually dared to defend themselves and tried to make us leave their land! Can you believe it? What else were we supposed to do? They forced us into it!

Actual shameless subhuman orc mindset. I've met niggers with more dignity than you "people".

[ - ] Belrick 3 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:18:20 ago (+4/-1)

You read a report by the same people who made and released covid. Russ Raping muh russ.

And you believed them.

You're a fucking piece of shit. Go get your booster until it makes you a good gentile finally

[ - ] GloryBeckons -2 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:32:40 ago (+0/-2)

I don't know what report you're talking about, but if you think any invasion happens without rape, you're both delusional and retarded. Or just lying to yourself and the world. It seems to come naturally to you people.

[ - ] Belrick 1 point 2 yearsJun 19, 2022 02:21:53 ago (+1/-0)

Dear cunt.

Russ people are liberating Russ people

To make this work Russ people have to and are winning hearts and minds.
No rape.

No go fuck yourself glowie

[ - ] dassar 0 points 2 yearsJun 19, 2022 03:13:46 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, You're right azov militias were raping and killing Donbas /lugansk civilians for 8 yrs after they attacked them and invaded their homes.
What a putz.

[ - ] deleted 11 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 11:43:31 ago (+11/-0)


[ - ] Belrick 4 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:19:27 ago (+4/-0)

They are definitely winning hearts and minds.

No insurgency within the liberated zones. Which in itself is telling.

[ - ] GloryBeckons -2 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:26:56 ago (+0/-2)

Are you actually serious? You're going to bring up arms and troops amassing at borders, after the shit Russia pulled? You know, when they surrounded the whole country with 200k troops, from all sides, repeatedly claiming it was just a training exercise, when it obviously wasn't? When they lied through their teeth, over and over again, insisting everyone was just being hysterical, and it's totally not a threat... and then attacked, in the middle of the night, without provocation, attempting to go straight for the capital (and failing miserably)?

After that... you're going to bring up Ukraine "amassing" arms and troops, within its own borders? Gee, I wonder why they felt the need to arm themselves, when they have such friendly and civilized neighbors, who never lie or invade surrounding countries or bomb cities until nothing is left.

How many biolabs in Russia? How many nukes in Russia? Who is the threat here, and who the threatened?

Here's an even better one: Which countries keep explicitly threatening to use nukes to end civilization if they don't get their way? I'll make it easy for you, you can count them on one hand:

North Korea, Iran, Israel, and Russia.

What an exclusive club to belong to. Great people, all of them. Really something to be proud of.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:53:21 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] GloryBeckons -1 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 17:16:49 ago (+0/-1)

Grade A projection. I described the reality of the situation. At least part of it. You're the one ignoring it, and bringing up random bullshit to distract yourself from having to deal with the points I made.

[ - ] qwop 10 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 12:04:10 ago (+11/-1)

Ukraine had around 100.000 troops getting ready to invade Donbass. Their army was and is basically a Nato army. Nato trained and Nato armed. Of course those parts are conveniently left out of the narrative you hear from the west.

It's the same old "cry out in pain while they strike you trick". You see Ukraine, and by extension Nato, was ready to strike, and they got caught with their pants down by the Russians pre-empting this move.

Then when they are caught they say "ooh we're so innocent, look at the evil Russians coming into our lands".

That's how it works, and that's how you get taken for a ride to "stand with Ukraine", which really means "stand with the psychopaths in Washington that are running the show."

Ukraine is nothing but a proxy warrior for Washington, and Ukranians are there right now dying for nothing. Nothing. This war could have been averted long ago by diplomatic means, but it wasn't because Washington didn't want it to.


[ - ] yesiknow 4 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 14:58:53 ago (+4/-0)

Hahah Like as if you don't know the Ukrainian partie s have been murdering Russian famies in the Donbass for years. Or that the politicians and scumbags involved in the Iraq oil for food scam back in the 90's financed them for weapons from that oil.

It's over idiot. You can't control everyone's reality or peddle bullshit forever without the world turning on you.

[ - ] Belrick 4 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:16:51 ago (+4/-0)

The war is eight years old fuckwit and the invasion of Ukraine began by nato and usa on behalf of your pedo cult masters.

Go fuck yourself redditcunt

[ - ] PostWallHelena 4 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:48:28 ago (+4/-0)

The US captured Ukraine politically a decade ago and has been using it as a stick to poke the bear. WHY DID HUNTER BIDEN HAVE A SEAT ON THE BOARD OF THE UKRAINIAN STATE OIL COMPANY???????

Russia did not start this war. The Obama state dept did.

[ - ] GloryBeckons -3 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 17:11:57 ago (+0/-3)*

Basic cognition and human decency test (only a subhuman could fail edition):

Side A uses political maneuvering, sleazy scheming and corrupt deals to establish diplomatic relations and political connections with Country X, leading to both national and personal benefits on both sides.

Side B surrounds and invades Country X, fires cruise missiles at both military and civilian targets, shells entire cities into dust, leaves behind mountains of corpses, and is repeatedly caught on camera using tanks and large caliber weapons to murder obvious civilians. Oh, and also threatens nuclear strikes if anyone intervenes or they don't get their way. All because Country X wanted to be friends with Side A and would no longer take orders from Side B.

Which side is the greater evil?

Show your work. No partial credit.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 4 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 17:36:56 ago (+4/-0)*

Because Country X wanted to be friends with Side A

Oh are they gonna play some hop scotch together ? Make friendship bracelets? I’m sure they’re not cooking up an existential threat to the stability and sovereignty of B. Just some Americans with tiny hats making friends with some Ukrainians with tiny hats. Absolutely nothing suspicious.

That is why NATO is systematically surrounding Russia by peeling off country after country to join a military alliance who’s mission has been to weaken and eliminate Russia as a “threat”. Friendship. Hop scotch.

Why did we intentionally destabilize Syria by basically creating ISIS by arming and training it and pointing it at Assad? Because that was a Russian ally. That caused untold bloodshed in a relatively stabilzed country. Face it the US military a protection racket. Its run by criminals and they’ve conned Americans with propaganda. You think we are interested in protecting Ukrainians from big bad Russia? You think that’s why we go to war? To protect democracy? Total joke.

[ - ] GloryBeckons -2 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 17:54:02 ago (+0/-2)

You didn't answer the question (which means, so far, you're failing). With the parameters as given, which side is the greater evil?

If you want me to entertain additional parameters, you first need to prove you're a cognizant and decent human being. Otherwise there's no point. As a show of good faith, the answer to all of your questions is "no, and I never claimed anything of the sort".

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 18:10:07 ago (+0/-0)

Oh sorry I didn’t realize that you were making all the rules of this exchange and that my answers don’t count because I didn’t answer the way you wanted me to.

Now where was I


Huh? This question you conveniently skipped. I think it was asked first. Or am I the only one that has to answer your questions?

Answer the question or you aren’t a decent human being! XD

[ - ] GloryBeckons 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 18:31:36 ago (+0/-0)

I thought it was obvious that "corrupt deals" was a reference to that question. Maybe I was expecting too much. Here: It was a corrupt deal. Is that simple enough?

It's not about making rules. It's just that I have no reason to entertain someone who doesn't have the basic decency or intellectual integrity to answer a simple question... not because they don't know the answer, but because they do, and it doesn't fit with the narrative they've bought into. Such people are just a waste of space, time and energy.

[ - ] qwop 3 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 20:20:16 ago (+3/-0)

You fail at basic cognition yourself, right from the get go. Your hypothetical scenario is a fairy tale, with no connections to the real thing.

1) Is the sky blue?
2) Yes!
3) Ok, therefore Putin is evil.

That's basically where you are going with your "cognition test".

It shows your brain is running an NPC-level simpleton program in your head. You are completely and utterly lost, unable to comprehend that things might exist outside the pre-programmed and pre-installed software that has been inserted into your skull.

N P C. Lost and lost, a hopeless cause. Picture perfect example of what Yuri Bezmenov describes in his lectures.

[ - ] GloryBeckons -1 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 20:59:10 ago (+0/-1)

Not where I was going. But you'll never know. Because you're too much of a coward to answer a hypothetical question. Or maybe it is your programming that just doesn't allow you to consider such things.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 14:37:03 ago (+5/-2)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:50:28 ago (+2/-0)

Its not Ukraine, just like the US government is not US. You know who is in the wrong.

[ - ] Trumpman1488 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 18:10:03 ago (+0/-0)

I would kill, rape and die for Tsar Putin.

[ - ] knightwarrior41 6 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 12:00:42 ago (+7/-1)

our news media are guilty of propagandizing people in to thinking that the russians are evil for the sake of it and we are the good guys that are going to fight for freedum fries and some other shit.

there are others that get in for the thrill and the pay. all of them are morons of the first magnitude

this is not our war and our founders told us agaisnt foreign alliances and entanglements.

i will say this though russia has no business going past the ukr. doing so will ratch up the danger for the whole world.

aside from that, fuck zelensky and his entourage. they have blood in their hands for 8 long years, committing genocide in the donbass region

[ - ] deleted 5 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 12:06:28 ago (+5/-0)


[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 15:48:28 ago (+0/-0)

IDK. I don't think that Western Ukraine wants to be part of Russia. You could just have more insurgency if Russia occupies it. NATO isn't fighting. Sending weapons to your frenemies enemy is a long tradition. Russia would do it to the US.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 16:51:02 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] the_noticer 8 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 11:07:13 ago (+8/-0)

average redditards

[ - ] ModernGuilt 12 points 2 yearsJun 18, 2022 10:11:18 ago (+13/-1)

Stupid fucking fools. Was there not one single task they could think of to improve their own community before they sent op-larp mode on the other side of the world?