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All of them are traitors

submitted by Trumpman1488 to JewMedia 2 yearsJun 13, 2022 18:44:39 ago (+50/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


Fuck fox news

9 comments block

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 0 points 2 yearsJun 14, 2022 05:49:58 ago (+0/-0)

Talk about inverted, upside down world. The election was, blatantly, stolen...we KNOW that. To not do something to fix that is what's clinically insane, to not talk about it is morally repugnant, to not do either of those things in light of the immense suffering we're all going through as a direct result of the stolen election...that's something else entirely.

Not that we have time to wait for the next election, but texts like this are why it's plain that waiting for the next election is not the answer to the previous one being stolen. We have an illegitimate government...we need to sober up to that fact and begin acting like it.

[ - ] Scruffy_Nerfherder 0 points 2 yearsJun 14, 2022 10:24:03 ago (+0/-0)

Is Hannity pushing that the election wasn't stolen? Not that I would ever listen to him.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 2 yearsJun 15, 2022 07:25:19 ago (+0/-0)

And that's why McEnany is now on fox News.

[ - ] ModernGuilt 4 points 2 yearsJun 13, 2022 22:03:43 ago (+4/-0)

Mcenany was a never Trumper in college and explicitly switched teams for her career.
Trump is probably the worst judge of character ever

[ - ] observation1 4 points 2 yearsJun 13, 2022 23:17:40 ago (+4/-0)

Sad. She was smart and pretty.

I also noticed Kellyanne Conway lost her integrity on the matter.

Integrity is all you have in this world that belongs to you.

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 2 yearsJun 14, 2022 00:40:58 ago (+1/-0)

In the final days when the utopian facade of equality is shattered, they will all reap what they sew.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 0 points 2 yearsJun 14, 2022 01:22:21 ago (+0/-0)

These entities never had any integrity. That is why politics was so appealing to them.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 1 point 2 yearsJun 14, 2022 05:51:38 ago (+1/-0)

Trump is probably the worst judge of character ever

How can you be THIS bad though? As in, this bad consistently...at what point is it more likely that he was playing a part intended to fail? I've suspected from the beginning that he was meant for us to say "Oh man, if Trump can't even fix things, then no one can." The ultimately demoralization campaign.