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The World Children Lived in Rome

submitted by TrannyHunter to killallpedophiles 2 yearsJun 11, 2022 19:21:57 ago (+1/-0)     (earlychurchhistory.org)


The Christian idea that each individual person has worth because they were created by God was foreign to the lies of pagan society where the State, the tribe, the collective was the only value they knew. There are numerous tombs of small dimensions in the catacombs. Out of a total of 111 burials in one gallery of the Catacomb of Panfilo, 83 are of children and only 5 have inscriptions.

2 comments block

[ - ] taoV 1 point 2 yearsJun 11, 2022 21:41:21 ago (+1/-0)

In my local cemetery there's an overgrowns spot waaaay in the back corner, with shitty little unreadable headstones, where they would bury the children that had died before they could be baptised, becuase it mean God din't love them.

[ - ] diggernicks 1 point 2 yearsJun 11, 2022 19:33:01 ago (+1/-0)

Why is there a pic of jesus as a nigger at the bottom of that page?