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15 comments block

[ - ] Paradoxical003 13 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 06:45:23 ago (+13/-0)

Not just everywhere, also universally preffered.

Its funny hearing the historical actions of white people being judged by a uniquely white (and modern) set of moral values.

Most people throughout history just did what was best for themselves and their in-group (which was almost always racially exclusionary).

Only in very recent times do we think giving a damn about how your actions affect anyone but your own tribe is intelligent and normal, rather than laughable insanity.

[ - ] KingLeopold2 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 14:28:16 ago (+0/-0)

Worse than that, whites are the only group that behaves that way. Nonwhites still only care about whats best for them. They just demand whites ALSO act in the interest of their nonwhite group instead of whites caring about themselves.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 7 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 08:21:45 ago (+7/-0)

Every time they use a sink or a toilet, it is cultural appropriation.

[ - ] CoronaHoax 7 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 08:14:30 ago (+7/-0)

Wanna know why minorities don’t have a good slur for whites? Because they’re literally using English. Why would a slur for whites be in the English language, it’s a whites’ language.

[ - ] TheViciousMrPim 4 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 11:47:09 ago (+4/-0)

There is no slur because it must be internalized. The word nigger hurts blacks because inside they know who and what they are. If this isn't true, the black doesn't get upset. He himself does not believe he is a nigger, so the word is just a word. This is why 'racist' works on the leftist. He believes it.

So you come to us, what do you call us that actually hurts us inside? There just isn't one.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 20:03:23 ago (+0/-0)

Nigger is simply a more Southern pronunciation of negro.

Negro being Spanish for black, and used to describe the black people brought in as slaves by society American countries.

There's nothing inherently offensive about it.

[ - ] Jiggggg 4 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 12:34:02 ago (+4/-0)

Any slur for Whites just reminds us that we're White, which is great. I love for my Whiteness to be appreciated

[ - ] giantprick 6 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 05:27:39 ago (+6/-0)

They're culturally appropriating us and it needs to end

[ - ] GMarksTheSpot94 3 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 08:31:18 ago (+3/-0)

I love it when a nigger says Africa with passion and pride because it is a European word.

[ - ] AtomicForeskin 4 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 10:01:24 ago (+4/-0)

The continent formally known as Click Click Durka Durka

[ - ] Feelsgood 2 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 11:10:43 ago (+2/-0)

Zero concept of what a continent is for that matter.

[ - ] KingLeopold2 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 14:32:27 ago (+0/-0)

The best part is none of these african languages even have a name for africa. Because they never discovered their entire continent.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 11:30:34 ago (+2/-0)*


[ - ] boekanier 1 point 2.0 yearsJun 8, 2022 01:07:10 ago (+1/-0)

why is the evidence itself questioned and discussed? there must be jews and niggers behind this with bad intentions, otherwise this is inexplicable.

[ - ] NationalSocialism [op] 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 8, 2022 01:47:13 ago (+0/-0)

I bring it up daily to loved ones and friends.

there must be jews and niggers behind this with bad intentions, otherwise this is inexplicable.

jews are entirely responsible for suppressing the truth.

[ - ] Mestizospic86 1 point 2.0 yearsJun 7, 2022 11:56:11 ago (+2/-1)*

There are some vibrant European cultures but Europeans leave behind their original language, colorful clothing styles,and original music when they come to the United States. No one is stopping Europeans from having flags of the country they came from and enjoying whatever the original style of music was, or from speaking their original language. Jews don't do that, Europeans do it willingly.