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11 comments block

[ - ] veggy 0 points 2 yearsJun 3, 2022 19:05:21 ago (+0/-0)

wonder if it will "find" aliens, like the russian probes did....

[ - ] Spaceman84 [op] 0 points 2 yearsJun 3, 2022 19:15:24 ago (+0/-0)

Any good links on that? I'd only heard that about Russian moon missions.

[ - ] zongongo 0 points 2 yearsJun 4, 2022 13:18:37 ago (+0/-0)

Space is fake and gay just like you fakegayman84

[ - ] RoxannaHardbutt 0 points 2 yearsJun 3, 2022 21:11:23 ago (+0/-0)*

Yeah, I would not expect too much going by the totality of bs NASA has presented re the Mars Rover Missions in particular, censoring and removing proof of human existence on that planet.


A carved bust photographed in Gusev Crater on Mars by NASA's Spirit Rover in 2008, shows a robed figure wearing a crown, that he could pass for a modern man turns Charles Darwin's Descent of Man pdf on its head, as well it refutes Adam and Eve and the notion men evolved from Ethiopian ape brutes.

Human Skulls on Planet Venus 1, Space.com.

Human Skulls on Planet Venus 2 - ML.com.

Data returned by the Soviet Venera Program that went from 1961 to 1984 proves there were humans on planet Venus, information that has similarly been kept under wraps.

I will advance the notion the DaVinci lander has a super secret rover on board..

Previous Venus missions have found that as well as hellish ground level temperatures in the wider equatorial belt, the planet actually has very cold polar regions, so there must be a temperate region somewhere in between.

Check the cluster of volcanoes on the Tharsis Shield on Mars and the ones that formed the Hawaiian Chain of Islands, and be aware of the vast flat volcano that exists on planet Venus which we say extends into the core of the planet.

And postulate they were all caused by the same swarm of high speed projectiles in galactic orbit that are virtually unstoppable, indeed some say the Olgas / Ayers Rock formations in Central Australia - Kata Tjuta / Uluru - are exit wounds, that an impactor went right thru the Earth and came out there.

On Venus when the exhaust from the super volcano rises high and reacts with the vast amount of water vapor that originated in the Sun, sped outward on the solar wind and condensed in the planet's atmosphere, it produces a protein a la sea foam that forms when sea water mixes with rain.


Radar images returned by successive Russian probes showed ant nests - this information is suppressed however they absolutely did, the single source was a television news report sometime around 1983 / 84, that spoke of the vast flat volcano and showed radar images of it and a perfectly formed conical ant's nest.

Postulate the Venusian ants various tribes of which rule the planet gather the protein fallout and take it to their Queen, that she alone can digest the substance only after it has been in honeycomb structures the worker ants build for a certain period, that the Queen then produces food from her person that sustains the ants.

So NASA has sent DaVinci to find out more .. they do not share, the theory is there are secret universities located on the Johns Hopkins campus fr instance, where "trusted" students who will be made into NASA big wigs collate all of this stuff, make decisions and build spacecraft.

[ - ] Spaceman84 [op] -1 points 2 yearsJun 3, 2022 21:58:54 ago (+0/-1)

Holy fucking shit. Show me some higher resolution photos. This is garbage. Thanks for the laugh.

[ - ] RoxannaHardbutt 0 points 2 yearsJun 3, 2022 22:11:01 ago (+0/-0)

Laughter when there is nothing inherently funny is according to the experts the most reliable indicator of insanity, the more strident the laughter the deeper the psychosis .. makes you stone fuggin' mad.

[ - ] Spaceman84 [op] 0 points 2 yearsJun 3, 2022 22:22:49 ago (+0/-0)

Your evidence is laughably bad. More pixels please.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 2 yearsJun 3, 2022 22:09:01 ago (+1/-0)

Venus is flat, globetards.

[ - ] Spaceman84 [op] 1 point 2 yearsJun 3, 2022 22:20:45 ago (+1/-0)

Your mom's flat

[ - ] heroinwinsagain -1 points 2 yearsJun 4, 2022 03:15:38 ago (+0/-1)

Ok that's still funny.

[ - ] ruck_feddit 0 points 2 yearsJun 4, 2022 00:28:49 ago (+0/-0)

I recently listened to an interview with an astronomer (physicist maybe?) about Venus and the potential for life. The idea is what if the atmosphere is stratified enough microbes could exist at the right altitudes.