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[ - ] anon 2299193 11 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 20:30:13 ago (+13/-2)

Einstein r'soles ..

Albert Einstein 1879 -1955, was a Judaist worshiped and glorified by the Zionist owned American media which covered up for his frauds and errors.

How Einstein Helped Hitler.

Albert Einstein a Thief, Liar & Plagiarist.

The Manufacture & Sale of Saint Einstein.

Einstein plagiarized the work of several notable scientists in his 1905 papers on special relativity, and E = mc2, his proponents have acted in a way that appears to corrupt the historical record.

Time Magazine's "Person of the Century" wrote a long treatise on special relativity theory, it was actually called "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies without listing any references.

Many of the key ideas it presented came from Lorentz' work on Transformation and from Poincaré's famous 1905 paper, which was typical of Einstein he did not discover theories he commandeered them.

By taking an existing body of knowledge then picking and chosing the ideas he liked, then weaving them into a tale about his contribution to special relativity, his activities had the full knowledge and consent of many of his peers such as the editors at Annalen der Physik.

The equation E = mc2 re the conversion of matter into energy and energy into matter attributed by convention to Albert Einstein, was pioneered by Sir Isaac Newton in his 1704 work that found "gross bodies and light are convertible into one another."

S. Tolver Preston in1875, Jules Henri Poincaré in 1900 and Olinto De Pretto in 1904 all published the equation before Einstein, while Einstein's doctoral dissertation was also a fraud, his twelve page calculation "A New Determination of the Molecular Size" was "a comedy of errors" based on "zany" physical assumptions, while his thesis advisers overlooked his glaring mistakes."

Ohanian writes, "they were quite ordinary dull professors at what was then a dull second rate university, even the dullest of dull physics professors should not have been this blind, Einstein's dissertation should have been rejected."

Albert Einstein was a racist Zionist who believed that anti-Semitism was good for the Jewish "race," because it promoted segregation and separated Jews from the in his words "Goyim".

Using the technique known as "The Often Repeated Lie = Truth," Einstein is held up as "a rare genius" who drastically changed the field of theoretical physics, he has been made an idol to young people and his very name has become synonymous with genius.

The truth however is very different, Einstein was an inept and moronic person who could not even tie his own shoelaces, he contributed nothing original to the field of quantum mechanics nor any other science.

On the contrary he stole the ideas of others and the Jew controlled media made him a hero, his only "brilliance" was in his ability to plagiarize and steal other people's ideas and to pass them off as his own, Einstein's education or lack thereof is an important part of this story. Secrets of Zion, The Einstein Myth.

[ - ] anon 2828753 6 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 22:16:50 ago (+6/-0)

All very true! And even today his picture is used whenever somebody wants to invoke an image of genius. And every chance I get I try to post instead a picture of tesla. Tesla was the true inventive genius who really understood the underpinnings of the world and the universe.

[ - ] anon 3220071 1 point 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 01:15:53 ago (+1/-0)

E=mc2 is another form of F=ma.

[ - ] anon 4166320 1 point 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 04:24:58 ago (+1/-0)

Acceleration is just speed times speed so for slower speeds it's a useful equation but when you get closer to light speed is where the equation breaks down.

A problem with overusing E=mc2 is assuming that c has always been a constant.

[ - ] anon 3897221 1 point 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 03:16:30 ago (+1/-0)

His first wife from voyvodina was the physicist when Einstein was a clerk

[ - ] anon 2401146 0 points 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 04:19:31 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] anon 2074337 [op] -2 points 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 01:26:50 ago (+1/-3)

This is all gibberish to detract from the fact that Tesla was a Flat Earther. He quite clearly states in this quote that the theory of relativity is complete garbage and now you, some sort of gatekeeping control op has swooped in with world salad to distract everyone from the fact that Tesla completely disregarded this nonsense theory and all globe theory.

This is some serious damage control being done by kikes here. Makes sense why people are starting to claim Tesla never existed. That's the next damage control op.

[ - ] anon 1851852 5 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 23:20:29 ago (+5/-0)

Tesla was R1a Y-chromosome Aryan. That's why he wasn't seen as one of the greatest minds until the internet age.

[ - ] FreeinTX 3 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 19:41:30 ago (+3/-0)

"You'd have to be one dumb muther fucker to come up with "theory of relativity" in a discussion about relative speed between two objects" - FreeinTX

[ - ] anon 2074337 [op] -4 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 19:43:59 ago (+2/-6)

Literally the foundation of "relative speed"

Maybe you globies are more tarded then I gave you credit for.

[ - ] anon 1607148 -2 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 19:49:14 ago (+0/-2)

No, nigger. The theory of relativity is not "literally the foundation of relative speed". That's literally fuckimg stupid.

If you are flying in a strait line at Mach 2, and fire a gun straight ahead. If the bullet has a barrel exist Velocity of Mach 1, will the bullet travel backwards at Mach 1? Obviously not. It will leave the barrel at Mach 1 relative to you, as you're doing Mach 2.

And if you pass by a spectator as the bullet leaves the barrel, he will see you doing Mach 2 and the bullet doing Mach 3.

This doesn't have shit to do with Einstein and is a thing that has been demonstrated countless times. You fucking douche of a human.

[ - ] anon 1558767 2 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 21:35:12 ago (+2/-0)

I'd wager that the bullet wouldn't have been engineered to handle the drag force applied at that speed and would result in a type of misfire with the bullet doing major damage to the barrel in the process. You'd likely see a frightened individual moving at Mach 2 looking in bewilderment at his now broken gun.

[ - ] anon 1607148 -1 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 22:12:39 ago (+0/-1)

See? You're a fucking moron. Jets fire super sonic rounds at Mach 2 all the fucking time. You're the dumbest nigger on this site. No wonder aou kicked you off his site.

You tried to dodge the issue and look fuckin' dumb trying.

[ - ] anon 1558767 3 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 23:28:08 ago (+3/-0)

Nice straw man fallacy. Please look up the commercial max speed for a bullet for handheld weapons and then look up max speed for engineered jet weaponry projectiles. Which bullet in particular from which gun are we describing here, then we can see if the forces applied go beyond its original design constraints. I can wait

[ - ] anon 1607148 0 points 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 06:27:53 ago (+0/-0)

Nigger, virtually every rifle with few exceptions is a round that is super sonic.

How fucking dumb are you?

[ - ] anon 2074337 [op] 1 point 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 23:22:34 ago (+1/-0)

That's not me lmao

[ - ] anon 2074337 [op] -4 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 19:54:57 ago (+2/-6)

You fucking retards don't even understand that the entire foundation of your retarded globe theory relies on the theory of relativity.

The relativity of speed of an orbiting projectile in a science-fiction narrative of space doesn't exist in the real Flat Plane Earth reality. Sorry that Star Trek lied to you growing up.

[ - ] anon 6125957 0 points 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 23:51:21 ago (+0/-0)

This is just seething at shape rotators, but dressed up in drag.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 19:39:58 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] anon 2828753 1 point 1.9 yearsJun 2, 2022 22:12:41 ago (+1/-0)

All of the Jews world is hypothetical in their own mind. And since so many of them have mental disorders that cause their mind to run in endless circles and delude each other about the realities of the world they're fascinated by mistakes, the obscure, the obscene, and the grotesque.
But in the end none of it actually works. Jews can't build a society on it so they must be parasitic to an existing successful society. They've never been able to build a successful independent society ever in their whole history. Their DNA is full of genetic defects many of which center around the brain.

[ - ] anon 1879663 1 point 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 00:54:09 ago (+1/-0)

In 'a new model of the universe' part 2, Ouspensky isn't really impressed by Einstein's 'theory of relativity'. Interesting to read the criticism.

[ - ] anon 3436292 0 points 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 01:09:57 ago (+0/-0)

I like how he worded that. He is basically saying Albert Kikestein is a nigger that dresses up in bling and name brand cloths but is still a ghetto ass nigger.

[ - ] anon 2074337 [op] -1 points 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 01:25:07 ago (+0/-1)

Top comment is gatekeeping the fact that Einstein's theory of relativity is complete gibberish. The kikes did damage control by coming up with some bullshit about Einstein stealing the theory to protect their globe model. Tesla was a flat earther.

[ - ] anon 2066252 0 points 1.9 yearsJun 3, 2022 02:19:11 ago (+0/-0)

I bet none of the people talking in here even know what Lorentz transformations are