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22 comments block

[ - ] zongongo 2 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 18:35:43 ago (+2/-0)

Flat earth is a great topic to bring out the stench of gefiltefish.
I don't suspect they're too lazy to do a deep dive on the subject. I suspect they're glow shabbos or actual JDL agents.
Right Adolphmitschnurrbart ?

[ - ] Splooge 2 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 18:29:04 ago (+2/-0)

inb4 satellites and GPS tech

[ - ] VicariousJambi [op] -1 points 2.0 yearsJun 2, 2022 09:15:16 ago (+0/-1)

balloons and balloons

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 17:54:36 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Khash1488 2 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 17:30:07 ago (+3/-1)

Anyone who is passionately against even hearing out these arguments is a jew. Jews are running a global masonic psy-op. They are liars, flat earth can’t be all that ridiculous, because for the majority of human history this is how our ancestors believed, based on numerous evidences and experiments. Only a jew would be so against the discussing of these ideas, jews even assassinate those who disprove them. They silence the truth at all costs, controlling the narrative on science and history is far too important for their agenda.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 1 point 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 18:02:54 ago (+2/-1)

Thank you for that reply and comment. You are 100% right

The vitriol and emotional and personal attacks against flat earth people is one of the biggest signs to me that something is fucked up... if you believe the scientist and believe nasa and the science religion then thry should be able to easily and systematically destroy flat earth peoples reasoning... guess what it never happens I've seen debates and the fucking supposed scientist and globtards almost always go down the name calling emotional path it is embarrassing for them because the number one fucking thing a real scientist is about is questions and questioning the theories and hypothesis... this globetard religion is the very thing scientist should be against not emotionally attacking people brining up questions

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 19:08:23 ago (+0/-0)

Good job brother you have succeeded in defeating their programming. I’m glad that you can think for yourself. It is just common sense. Mainstream academia’s lack of composure and reason are very telling. Science is supposed to be open for debate. So many people have minds that have been molded to defend the interests of the programmers.

[ - ] Love240 -1 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 18:16:51 ago (+0/-1)

Precisely. The lines between science and scientism are quite blurred, and I think to most people, they don't even make a distinction, it's all gospel to them. "the T.V. scientist said so." Or "well I have a degree in..." or some other what-aboutism.

[ - ] deleted -1 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 17:56:09 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 19:01:18 ago (+0/-0)

Read about the lives and happenings of Tycho Brahe and Copernicus for one. I am not going to do the research for you retard. But the evidence is abundant throughout history since ancient Greece, any rational person will learn about both sides before making vitriolic judgement.

[ - ] TheSimulacra 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 16:59:02 ago (+3/-3)

You are a faggot.
This post is stupid as fuck.

Why is this flat earth shit making its way back here? Can you do us all a favor and leave with it.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 17:34:15 ago (+2/-2)

Speak for yourself buddy, there is nothing wrong with questioning. The video is informative, at the very least you must admit that the debate is open, that we have age old arguments. Science is never final, only a lying kike would be so eager to squash and disallow debating the topic. The jews on youtube are very concerned with hiding and ridiculing alternate scientific viewpoints. If it were so ridiculous why are powerful media jews worried about average goys learning about this?

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 17:57:38 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 18:57:00 ago (+0/-0)

Ok member for one month jew piece of shit. I am honestly a National Socialist who believes in God, and I do not believe in textbook/media “science”. Real science hasn’t been conducted in a long time. If you are as aware of the depth of jewish manipulation and control as I am, then you will know just how evil and lying the jews are. You trust the same scientists who say we all evolved from monkeys in Africa, and that covid is very, very deadly, oh and that there are no biological differences between races or genders, lol so on and so on.

[ - ] ThisGuy 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 23:25:12 ago (+0/-0)

If you truly believe the Earth is flat you are legitimately retarded and probably shouldn't be walking around without a helmet.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 2, 2022 17:21:52 ago (+0/-0)

I do not have a definitive answer, only speculative with historical and scientific evidence. I believe that the celestial objects are much closer than we are told. I don’t have the answer to existence. However, I certainly don’t believe in a 1000 mph spinning rotating axis globe surrounded by infinite empty space, aliens and other such nonsense. And why is Antartica completely off limits again? Guarded by top world militaries?

[ - ] ThisGuy 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 2, 2022 18:22:56 ago (+0/-0)*

"And why is Antartica completely off limits again? Guarded by top world militaries?"


I know you conservitards think that oil is infinite but you know. In the beginning we drilled for oil on land. That ran out. So We started to drill in the ocean.. That's running out. So we moved on to tar sands. That's too resource intensive so we're moving on to desolate places. This isn't that hard to understand. I mean. Come on. You can't be this stupid.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 2, 2022 19:11:00 ago (+0/-0)

Oh yeah, there are no existing oil extracting facilities in Antartica. We do not export any oil from there. If you had said for scientific purposes or to not spread deadly ancient pathogens/bacteria than that would make more sense. But even the mainstream media doesn’t say it is for oil. You really are uninformed and rude. I feel bad for mid-wits like you, so easily controlled. Lol and also where is this proof of oil scarcity? If it were so scarce than why do we continue business as usual with transportation/industry. If anything our oil reliance is increasing, and our industries are increasing, our pollution (plastics, chemical too, not just co2) increasing. The only steps taken to combat “climate change” are always just thinly veiled attempts to take away freedoms and resources from the common man.

[ - ] ThisGuy 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 2, 2022 19:15:37 ago (+0/-0)

LMFAO!!! OMG you're so fucking dumb! HOLY SHIT! I didn't say any of that! Yeah. I'm the midwit. Do you have any reading comprehension skills at all? Holy fuck you're dumb.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 2, 2022 23:35:45 ago (+0/-0)

My impression of you is spot on, no reading comprehension difficulties whatsoever. You are a dipshit weak lying dirty juden. To Hell with you.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 2, 2022 21:23:03 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Doglegwarrior 2 points 2.0 yearsJun 1, 2022 18:04:12 ago (+2/-0)

Look at this faggot can't make one logical argument like a jew accuses you of what they are doing these fucking glowing kikes disgust me.

Keep up the good work science is not a religion