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Pfizer Trial Fraud: The House of Cards Shakes

submitted by obvious to DeathVax19 2 yearsMay 25, 2022 17:46:08 ago (+5/-1)     (roundingtheearth.substack.com)


"Well run clinical trial" "safe and effective" or cooked trial and Zero Efficacy?

2 comments block

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 2 yearsMay 27, 2022 00:15:14 ago (+0/-0)

Doesn't matter. All the owners and stuff have gotten rich off it. If they shut the company down those people don't have to give the money back. It's just like the Sackler family and the opioid crisis. Jews have been pushing fake medical cures since the days they were gypsies running around and wagons. They literally started the medical industry pushing fake medical cures.

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 2 yearsMay 25, 2022 18:53:49 ago (+1/-0)*

Merck Pharmaceutical’s Vioxx killed 55,000 people. They took it off the market and heart and stroke deaths went down by 100,000 when it was taken off the market.

The Australian class action law suit showed email from from Merck executives planning to publicly ridicule doctors who criticized their death pills. They also threatened to cut funding for researchers who didn't like Vioxx.

Nobody went to jail. In 2005 and in 2015 the FDA issued memos saying Vioxx good, take Vioxx.

A 2.2 billion dollar fine paid by Johnson & Johnson and for illegally marketing anti psychotic drugs to anyone at all, was paid with a stipulation that Invega and Natrector investigations would stop.

Nobody went to jail.

Eli Lilly’s Zyprexa is a last resort drug for intractable schizophrenia, but they made four billion bucks marketing it for children and seniors in the year 2006 alone. They forgot to mention the severe side effects.

Nobody went to jail.


Nobody went to jai.

Valium killed millions over time. It was supposed to be used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with close medical supervision. Purdue family again. They used it to sell feminism by marketing moms and wives as miserable and in need of drugs.

Nobody went to jail.

The American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC was set up in 1973. Government representatives and pharmaceutical corporations meet to come up with legislative bills <<< that's one of many avenues of corruption.

Around 1000 of their bills are introduced every year, and 20% passed and enacted.

The Drug Liability act passed in 1995 limiting damages paid to individuals by pharmaceutical corporations. Lawsuits have to be filed within two years after a pharmaceutical caused illness is discovered or within one year after death because of the Statute of Limitations Reduction Act.

There's no Superman. It's kill or be killed.